
Pregnant girl taught a lesson to the cafe administration about refusing to interview

Each phenomenon or good undertaking has two sides, there is nothing good, but, incidentally, nothing bad. The popularization of family values ​​and the increased propaganda of motherhood that have taken place in the last decade have led to the fact that almost every pregnant representative of the fair sex behaves as if “the whole world owes her”.

For example, going to an interview, women do not think at all about how their condition will affect their future colleagues, the state of affairs at the enterprise, and much more. They simply need work in order to be able to go to the “official decree”, receive childcare allowance and secure access to other benefits. However, some are trying to get a job because they need it.

Of course, being denied employment, most women sincerely believe that they face discrimination and injustice. They immediately begin to assert their rights and, as a rule, achieve success. That is exactly what the heroine of this story did, trying to get a job in a cafe.

Where did this story take place?

The events in question happened on the other side of the world, in the United States. But this story could happen completely in any corner of the globe.

Oddly enough, the Americans, despite all their feminism, would also not refuse to raise their children without working anywhere. Probably every pregnant woman, regardless of mentality and place of residence, would like to see a man nearby, able to take care of her and her baby.

But, unfortunately, life does not always work out as we would like. And many women have to work “until the last day” to pay for housing and food. This is not about loners at all, not all future fathers earn enough or seek to find additional sources of income.

A familiar situation, right? And, paradoxically, in the USA this happens quite often too.

What girl are you talking about?

The heroine of this story is Lindsey Wilcox. She was born and raised in the small town of Lakeland, located in Florida.

The girl is no different from hundreds of thousands of other ordinary young American women. She graduated from high school and got a part-time job, hoping to find something suitable for herself or to collect money and go to a big city.

But, as it usually happens, a person only suggests and plans, and life sets priorities in a completely different way. Lindsey fell in love and started living with her boyfriend.

How did the events develop?

Young people met in 2017, and their relationship developed very rapidly. Felix Jimenez, Lindsay’s boyfriend, like her, didn’t have enough stars from the sky, was not the heir to big business and was not able to go to college. He was interrupted by casual earnings, however, the lovers had enough money.

But everything changed at the moment when Lindsay learned about the pregnancy. Her partner was happy as she herself was. But when the first joy passed, the young people began to overcome anxiety. After all, the appearance of the baby obliged them not only to show love and care, but also to large financial expenses.

However, they did not attend to thoughts about getting rid of the child; they shared their joy and anxieties on social networks and thought about how to be.

What did Lindsay want?

The girl decided that she should make a contribution to the family budget. Of course, there was no question of any work during the whole day. Lindsay never attended college, she did not have any profession. All her life experience and education consisted of a high school and several places of work that did not require qualifications.

Therefore, she wanted to find a job for herself where she could work only a few hours a day. That is, she was looking for a job that would fully comply with all laws regarding pregnant women, and that would not prevent her from preparing for motherhood.

How did she look for work?

Lindsay sent a resume to hundreds of places, looked at dozens of vacancies, phoned a lot of potential employers. But all her attempts to find a “decent place” did not lead to a result.

One evening, Lindsay was watching the news on Facebook. She looked into the vacancy section. It was there that she caught the eye of an ad that seemed interesting. The local Reececliff cafe was looking for workers, and all that was required of the candidates was to send their resume.

Of course, Lindsey did just that and began to look forward to the result. The family cafe, which required staff, was next to her house and would be an ideal place for part-time work.

What happened next?

Of course, working in a local small cafe was not the ultimate dream for Lindsay. But the institution was near the house, and the girl knew him very well, because she often visited there as a visitor. Therefore, having received a response to the resume with an invitation to come for an interview, she was very happy and began to prepare.

Despite the fact that Lindsay had no doubt that honesty in the matter of her situation was not the best tactic for talking, she did not want to deceive potential employers and hide her pregnancy from them.

However, her naivety did not lead to a result. Having learned about the pregnancy of the girl in preliminary correspondence, the cafe manager openly and bluntly told her that she simply should not waste other people's time and go to interviews. He also wrote to her that the company did not intend to pay for its insurance and put up with the need to introduce a special work schedule. The manager also said that she was no longer considered by him as a candidate for a vacancy, and she would not be allowed to interview the owner of the diner.

What did Lindsay do? What did her boyfriend do?

Lindsey was mentally prepared to refuse to get a job, but the manager’s behavior offended her to the core. She was especially outraged that she was not allowed to talk to the owner of the cafe. After all, who knows, maybe this man would have gone towards the future mother, whom he had met more than once in his institution, when she was still at school.

But what is most curious is that the manager of the institution expressed his position not in person, but in preliminary correspondence. Upset Lindsay sent screenshots of the conversation to her boyfriend. Felix became angry and stated that pregnancy should not affect work ethics. The guy was convinced that Lindsay was perfect for this job and began to act.

He posted screenshots of the conversation on social networks. The post attracted the attention of the public, and after this story, local media also became interested. Fox-13 has even aired an interview with Lindsay.

How did it end?

The outrage of the local public was great, many people even decided to boycott the cafe in which they had been eating for many years. This could not go unnoticed by the owner of the Reececliff diner, because he was also a local resident.

The cafe owner contacted Lindsay and tried to clarify the situation. He stated that the employee was not entitled to speak out in this way and deny Lindsay access to the interview on the grounds that she was pregnant.

The restaurateur also said that he strictly followed all legal procedures for 16 years of running his business and never had such problems. In addition to an apology, the owner of the cafe suggested that Lindsay still come for an interview.

But Lindsay was not happy. She rejected this offer because she did not want to have anything else to do with this place and did not consider it as a potential work.

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Reason for complaint
Lev shpitalnik
Nobody wants
to have problems. forgetting that his own mother could also go through IT!
Irina Krasnopolskaya Lev shpitalnik
People, let's be honest. Almost no one will take a pregnant girl for official work! Which employer needs an employee who is about to go on maternity leave? Meaning? Take kindly sincere kindness of a deeply pregnant lady, pay her sn, given the specifics of working in a diner - all day on her feet, it is possible that the girl will often be on sick leave, i.e. pay sick leave, then maternity. What is the reason for the diner to take such an employee? That she was well and she received all sorts of payments? And honestly, a lady without a head ... Education is a school, her earnings are casual, she lives the same with a guy ... And does anyone owe something to her? Rather, she was obliged to think with her head, and not with another place ...
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