
The study showed that women consider themselves to be in the profession only by the age of 40

Not every woman is completely self-confident when it comes to implementation in the professional field. More often than not, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who took place on this issue consider themselves closer to 40 years. Oddly enough, but despite the presence of a large number of reasons for such insecurity, it is most often provoked by women themselves.

Another gender dilemma

Jack Senger and Joseph Folkman recently conducted some exciting corporate research. According to their results, only 30% of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity under the age of 25 consider themselves wealthy employees. At the same time, their male colleagues feel confident more often - in 50% of cases.

The studies can be confidently called fairly objective, because the survey covered about 3,000 men and 4,000 women. At the same time, no intelligible reasons for such a scatter of opinions were found among representatives of different sexes.

Everything changes over time

A study by Jack Senger and Joseph Folkman covered people of all ages. As a result, they managed to get quite interesting data. According to the results of the study, it turned out that women, starting from 25 years old, are gradually growing confidence in their own professional qualities.

As for the male representatives, their self-esteem at the age of 25-40 years practically does not change. In the future, a rather interesting situation is observed. At the age of 40-60 years, women remain confident in their good professional skills, as well as in the fact that they bring benefits in the process of work. At the same time, among their male colleagues, self-esteem gradually decreases and reaches relatively low values ​​by the age of 60.

Reason for female insecurity of young years

In fact, there are quite a few factors. The stereotypes that exist in the female society itself play the largest role here. More senior representatives of the fair half of humanity often note that young girls are not professional enough. Coming from educational institutions, they possess only a small set of purely theoretical knowledge. We are not talking about any opportunities to quickly and efficiently solve a practical question.

Most of these conjectures have no objective soil. The fact is that many methods for solving professional problems are far from the only ones. At the same time, female colleagues themselves as faithful note only certain methods. Initiative and innovative approach to business is not welcome here. Representatives of a strong half of humanity have a completely different situation. In the men's team, the main criterion for professionalism is the ability to achieve the desired result.

Additional uncertainties

A sufficiently serious reason that can instill self-confidence in young girls is the fact that they are often presented with slightly higher demands than boys. To some extent this is due to the fact that a young woman with a high degree of probability will sooner or later go on maternity leave.

The organization’s management understands this very well and often prefers men or women who are not going to increase the size of their families by giving birth to senior positions.

In addition, girls are mostly more emotional than representatives of the strong half of humanity. As a result, they react much more sharply to certain failures and criticism from the side of the leadership. Men most often perceive this as an integral part of the formation of a new employee and therefore slightly reflect on minor shortcomings in the professional field.

Why does everything change by the age of 40?

This is largely due to the fact that by this age a woman gains stability in other areas of life - family and financial. By the age of 40, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in most cases already have children, stable earnings, and a home. In addition, they already manage to accumulate some experience in solving a variety of working issues. As a result, at this age they have their first real career successes.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, approaching the Balzac age, cause more trust among leaders. Here, the fact that they have a higher ability to work, when it comes to solving routine issues, plays into the hands of women. Men, for the most part, get tired of uniformity much faster and simply pay less attention to work.

As a result, women at this age are more often appointed to those senior positions that require constant routine monitoring of the activities of subordinates, the preparation of uniform reports, and the preparation of a large number of documents. Men, starting from the age of 40, gradually lose confidence in their own abilities, which is why they often experience serious stress.

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