
Work can be obtained without a diploma: career life hack, which will help in this

Here it is necessary to make a reservation and say that Western experience can not always be painless, and most importantly, effectively transplanted onto our soil. Therefore, it is impossible to interpret the advice given here literally. But maybe something and someone will come in handy with a certain arrangement of stars.

The difference between a higher education diploma in Russia and America

The difference in reality is how important it is that you need to at least explain a little why exactly these or other tips may not work on our soil. According to not-so-old statistics, we have the most educated country, if we mean the presence of higher education. Quality is a moot point, and it often depends on the individual efforts of a person, and not on the prestige of an educational institution. Therefore, our labor market assumes that a person, as a rule, has a higher education if he does not want to perform unskilled work. At the same time, we generally leave aside the link of secondary special education, because we are not talking about it.

In America, the situation is somewhat different: higher education there is not as widespread as ours, and the labor market there is somewhat different: it does not imply such a fanatical devotion to the “crust”. It follows that our labor market has fewer voids through which you can climb to your desired position, and in America - more. So, the following information should be taken critically. But, again, it’s still useful to someone.

Three questions that a jobseeker may ask himself when applying for a job

  • “What skills do I have to take this particular position”
  • “Why do I want to work in this company?”
  • “Why am I applying for this position?”

If the applicant can correctly answer these questions to himself, and then to the employer, then the place will be his. But there is one subtlety: the requirement for higher education must be relaxed. It can be seen with the naked eye that in these matters the advantage of practical experience is revealed over theoretical knowledge.

When a candidate has certain practical skills, but does not have a diploma, then most likely they will take him if the employer does not persist and insist on compulsory higher education.

Why does practice beat theory?

The answer is pretty obvious. As noted, big people in Western business: practice is ahead of theory. Even in Russia one can observe this. Often a person, having received a basic higher education, then further narrows his specialty with the help of various courses that additionally build up the muscles of certain skills. Therefore, one should not be surprised here.

In addition, the theory taught at universities is already out of date for graduation, and the person then independently updates the knowledge base, however, relying nevertheless on the base obtained a little earlier.

A letter of recommendation and a competent resume as an alternative to a university diploma

And for the third time we’ll say that in most cases this will not work for us, but sometimes miracles happen. In the end, if a person wants to work, our realities allow him to receive an education in his profile already in the process of work. In America, by the way, people, as a rule, also study on the job, but there is a slightly different system.

Therefore, Western experts believe that the lack of a diploma is not a hindrance to a career, because everything can be circumvented if desired. Three things are needed:

  • Letters of recommendation from past workplaces, if a person held similar to the desired position.
  • A well-written resume that puts all the best in the candidate on the favorable side.
  • Comprehensive answers to the three questions above.

If you have the necessary practical experience, skills and letters of recommendation, then there is a chance of success, even in our country, where a lot of attention is paid to formalities (in America, in fact, too).

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