
A joke with consequences: Mattie Roberts, who launched the "Zone 51", today regrets it very much

"Zone 51" the place is as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle, but much more accessible. Roswell has long been a tourist attraction due to the proximity of this secret U.S. Air Force base.

It seems that Roswell is really waiting for the invasion of those who want to storm the base.

Call for assault

On June 27, Matty Roberts created a Facebook page, "Assault on Zone 51," which posted a call to those wishing to participate in the assault on the military base on September 20. He appealed to subscribers with the argument that a large number of running people base officers can not stop. And it’s high time to find out what is happening there.

As the author now assures, this was a joke. The idea came about as a parody of a conspiracy theorist in the United States named Bob Lazar, who often calls for action. Matty wanted to ridicule in this way a supporter of the conspiracy theory of cooperation between the US government and the military-industrial complex with aliens.

Participants Willingness

But everything began to develop in a different scenario. The joke takes the shape of reality. The call has become extremely popular. To date, 1.6 million visitors to the page have announced their participation in the assault, and 1.2 million have replied that they are interested in this event. It seems that events are getting out of hand.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that among those noted on the page there are people with a sense of humor similar to Mattie Roberts's humor. Perhaps they are joking too. But the fact remains that in many hotels in the "Zone 51" area all rooms are already reserved for September 20. This means that many people take this quite seriously, and if they are not going to take part in the assault, they want to at least look at it. And to predict the behavior of the crowd in an extreme situation is impossible.

Matty Roberts is frankly scared. He was afraid the FBI would arrest him. Matty called the NPR radio via Facebook Messenger using a pseudonym and regretted the inappropriate joke.

What will be the consequences of this joke, we learn on September 20. The spokeswoman for the base made a statement that they did not advise anyone to approach the facility.

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