
“I have a right to it!”: A woman intends to charge a fee for using the Sun

Remember how it was in the cult Soviet cartoon "Cipollino" when the government introduced taxes on air and rainfall? It seems that very soon a similar situation will develop in the modern world. Her name is Maria Angeles Duran. She is a citizen of Spain, since 2012 having a legal document that recognizes her as the legal owner of the sun.

Many ancient cultures considered the sun to be God. And now its value is difficult to overestimate: it is extremely important for life on Earth. The sun is the main source of energy, because without it, plants could not be fed through photosynthesis.

To own the sun: truth or fiction

How can one claim to own this gigantic star? It turns out that a Spanish citizen named Maria Angeles Duran is the rightful owner of the star king. To do this, she even has certified and completely legal documentation.

No, this is not a joke! Interestingly, the woman is determined to charge a fee for using the Sun. Here is what she said in an interview with television: “The money I am applying for can be used by the government to pay pensions and to support weak people. Of course, part of the income should be appropriated to me. ”

The government, of course, ignored the attempt by Maria Angeles Duran. Then she tried to sell the star via the Internet, which led to the fact that the well-known EBay website deleted the page with unusual goods, considering the announcement inappropriate.

How did the people react to the statement

Someone even proposed to sue the Spanish woman, indicates the fact that ultraviolet rays are harmful to health. To this, Maria Angeles answered: “In that case, I would have to ask for huge compensation for the sunlight that was and continues to be used for growing plants.”

Interestingly, one man was actually going to sue her: his eyes and part of his skin were damaged as a result of ultraviolet sunlight. However, on the recommendation of his own lawyer, the case was not continued, since the sun's rays illuminated our planet for millions of years, and Maria Angeles Duran has owned the Sun since 2012.

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