
Changing a job to a higher paying one is easier than pursuing a career in one company: the girl told how she increased her salary more than twice

As a child, a young girl wanted to become an actress or a professional tennis player.

But when she entered high school, her attention shifted to the media industry. She made sure this place was for her. She was brought up in the spirit of Swedish romanticism as a creator: an apartment in the city center, a large list of friends, a designer wardrobe - and all this should come immediately and simultaneously. But this is impossible, even if you do not spend money on branded things.

short biography

After studying journalism at the university, her life turned into an eight-hour job in a teen magazine with a pay of $ 90. At work, she implemented knowledge in her diploma, which was spent $ 20,000. And for what? To write about pop quizzes and Hannah Montana.

After a couple of years, she transferred to another publishing house, where her salary was $ 60,000. She also had a wide social package: trips to exotic places, three-course dinners, expensive champagne, glamorous events. She liked this life, but in the end, she realized that she could not afford an apartment and expensive gifts.

While her friends climbed the top of the career ladder, she was still at her beginning, trying to earn income on part-time jobs. Only in this way could she achieve a more or less acceptable income for her of $ 80,000.

Career ladder

After two years as deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, she talked to one of her friends, who collaborated with a well-known healthcare company. The young man met her when this company was in a serious boom. The company was looking for new employees who could provide them with public relations. They wanted to know if she could introduce them to someone from Melbourne. They mentioned a six-figure salary. The girl was amazed at this level of salary.

“I could move to Melbourne,” she answered the company representative over the phone, keen on the prospect of getting twice as much salary as now. She did not even consult with her partner, as she understood that the moment would come when she would leave journalism in the world of highly paid communications and public relations, and now this moment has come.

In a new position

When the young girl began negotiations, she explored the company as an employer, found out the range of possible wages. It was important for her to find out the maximum possible salary. She never did what she was offered, and knew that she had nothing to lose.

Negotiations lasted a couple of weeks. Her agent in the negotiations played the role of a "good cop", and their team played the role of a "bad cop." The young girl set the minimum to which she agreed - $ 135,000.

Fate has its plans

After the talks, they said that the CEO wants to meet with her for a final interview. She bought plane tickets to and from Melbourne for $ 200. She considered this a solid investment in the future. But the problem was that their general could not meet her. The agent of the young girl escorted her back to the airport, apologized to her. However, the next day she still got what she wanted: a full-time job with a salary of $ 135,000.

For such work, by agreement with a partner, they had to move together to Melbourne within one month.However, suddenly, the guy’s father was diagnosed with kidney cancer, which put their move into question. She did not want to separate him from his family while they needed him so badly. The young girl had to give up work.

However, the healthcare company was interested in her, so she offered her a job in an office in Sydney for the same salary. The only condition was to come to Melbourne every three weeks. This was one of the first cases when she realized the true value of her personality and rich experience. She also thought it was pretty prestigious to be a white collar.

Do I need to change my life?

Looking back at the girl, she says that she should have thought about her situation, how her work will be arranged, what difficulties she promises, and whether she will be deceived in tax matters. As it turned out, the flight between the cities is not romance, but a large number of alarms at 5 am and lonely evenings in a hotel room with a laptop in hand.

Despite everything, the best advice she gave was to discuss all the details of the work before you start working, and not when you are already fulfilling your duties in the service. From the very first interview you need to be confident in your desires, ultimate goals, about the development prospects in the company and the company as a whole. Instead of accepting a low salary in the journalism industry, pay attention to third-party companies, do not be afraid of change.

Do not be afraid of what people will say. This is your life and only you have the right to dispose of it. Do not listen to anyone and live as you wish. And only then will you feel like a happy person and no problem.

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