
Plumbing paid only half the money for the work, and he came up with a brilliant revenge plan

An unscrupulous customer decided to save money and refused to pay the order in full. Soon he had to pay several times more. It took the plumber more than two weeks to complete the complex order, and before the end of the work he was informed that the customer was unhappy and would not pay the full amount, but only half.

The master decided not to argue, but to teach a miser. As a result, they had to spend a lot more on insect repellents.

How was it

In his blog, one guy described the story of his father, who suffered from an unscrupulous customer. He worked for many years as a plumber and performs all the work alone. Usually he does not bother with the documentary side of the issue, as he is used to trusting people.

Before that, everything was in order, no complaints from customers. His responsibilities include various activities - installing a bathtub, toilet bowl, pipes, tiling the floor and walls.

According to the guy, his father is very responsible and conscientious, works efficiently, acts as if this is not a client’s apartment, but his own home. He seeks to make the customer satisfied.

Bad news

Reluctance to draw up a contract turned against him. It was necessary to fulfill the order in the house of a wealthy, but very demanding family. The customer had his own opinion on how to carry out all the procedures. In the course of the work, it was necessary to coordinate and measure out the location of the bathtub, toilet bowl, sink, cupboards and millimeters to a millimeter and carefully coordinate the installation procedure for the tile.

All the work took not one, but two weeks. Often, in their decisions, the client reached the point of absurdity, but the plumber did not argue and did exactly as requested.

However, it was not possible to please. On the very last day of work, when it was only necessary to process the seams between the tiles with special grout, the customer said that the tiles on the floor and on the walls were laid incorrectly, that he did not like, he was indignant and refused to pay. Then, having done a favor, he agreed only half the amount. And he didn’t even bother to explain why he considers the work that was done exactly with his wishes to be of poor quality. As a result, the client demanded to finish quickly and get out.

Sweet revenge

How did the plumber react? He is not used to scandals. He decided to repay with the same coin. He added sugar to the paste and slowly set to work. He carefully processed every seam, every click - just perfect, you can’t quarrel. Then he took the money and said goodbye.

There was not a trace of sadness on his face. He knew that a greedy customer would suffer from his tricks and spend a lot more on ant sprays.

This is a real story. For several years now, as a family can not get rid of insects throughout the house. I can’t even imagine how much they spent on disinfestation.

In addition, grout and grout harden from sugar much more slowly. So they most likely had to make repairs again, because the tile begins to crumble in a few months. Especially in the bathroom, where often temperature changes and high humidity.

And if water gets under the tile, mold will form over time.

I think they are unlikely to win. Their deception turned against them. Interestingly, but they guessed who "helped" them so?

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Reason for complaint
Vadim Druzhinin
Foam as a grout, funny ... The plumber puts the tile))). Sugar in the house is full, not a single ant. The sugar bar fell off, rzhaka. The entire article is the scribble of the delitant.
Damir Nurmatov
And you know, I believe in this story later, as I myself work in the field of construction and, unfortunately, such customers are not uncommon, put yourself in the shoes of a person) it can reach you) And beating such downloads in the face)) does not help) there were precedents and cars were burned) then the gram will say conclude an agreement) There is one caveat) this is a filkin letter)) just a piece of paper and if the customer wants to find the reason)) In the PERFECT performance of work, he will find that) therefore I prefer to work only with trusted people)
Olga Faraponova
the plumber is a pest, and the author has heard enough of the tales.
Victor Girda
Since when did plumbers lay the tiles? ...


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