
Appearance and other errors that can ruin the interview

Before we get a job, we have to go through an interview. Given that there is huge competition even in the simplest jobs, you need to be able to attract attention. There are several common mistakes that only reduce our chances. We will consider them in this publication.


It is important to dress properly. After all, at first we are evaluated in appearance, only then - in how and what we say. Ideally, you need to wear stylish office clothes, as this is a business meeting. Then the first impression of you will definitely be good.

Don't talk too much

When you answer questions, try to answer clearly and to the point. Sometimes, due to excessive excitement, we can start to say a lot of unnecessary things. This will take time and tire the employee who is talking with you. If they need any additional information about you, they will ask you. Answer the question extensively, but feel when you should finish your story.


Do not think that at the interview you are definitely lucky. Be sure to get ready. Examine the information about the company, about the position that you would like to occupy. Remember that the history of the company is important, so you should also familiarize yourself with it. No need to know thoroughly, it will be enough key events that the company is proud of. It is also important to know the names of the leaders, the year the company was founded, its slogan.

Language of the body

An interview is a business meeting, so you do not need to actively gesticulate. Behave calmly, moderately relaxed, but not too modestly. Do not try to be too friendly. This will only negatively affect the results of the interview.

Comments about a former job

Even if you had a terrible experience in another company, you don’t need to say bad things about employees or the head of the previous job. This will show you the wrong side and leave an unforgettable impression. Always speak well of a former company.


At the interview, try not to be nervous and be natural. Do not worry. Even if they don’t take you, you can find another job.

Try not to say things that can put you at a disadvantage, but don't lie. Focus on your benefits. Communicate with employees only respectfully, without any slang words. If you like to actively gesticulate, then practice at home in front of the mirror - try to reduce hand movements to a minimum.

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