
Business idea: Production of timber houses

To have your own home is the dream of every person, regardless of religion and race, age and status. Having a roof over your head is natural, as is the desire to warm yourself in cold weather or drink water when thirsty. Production of houses from timberBut what kind of roof it will be is another question.

Recently, houses made of wooden beams, such a well-tested and convenient building material, have become popular. Urbanization was accompanied by the fact that megalopolises gradually swallowed up small villages, people moved to live in houses of concrete, iron and glass, and the production of houses from timber gradually began to decline. But, nature takes its toll and people are increasingly trying to move from stuffy cities to a quiet suburb. As a result, the demand of the house is growing every day.

Each business idea, as a rule, is the result of observations, calculations and conclusions. And the production of houses from timber is a vivid confirmation of this. The grandfather method of construction was replaced by an ax and a brace with more modern methods of processing and laying wood. The old method is very time-consuming and expensive, requiring great professionalism and experience. Therefore, the wild, chipped timber was replaced by a rounded and glued beam.

The main difference between old and new methods of construction: in the first case, it was necessary to work with a freshly sawn tree and to adjust and adjust the log connection during the construction process. In addition, a fresh tree has a very large percentage of moisture, and a log house made of such material will shrink for several more years - and this must be taken into account in construction. Therefore, the modern production of timber houses mainly works with already prepared material.

The use of a rounded beam allows for a sufficient density of joints, and the special treatment of each log significantly increases its durability.

Dissolve the log on the board (lamellas), and then glue them into a beam - it would seem, this is a stupid idea for business. But, it was this business idea that became revolutionary in the construction of timber houses all over the world. Glued timber is much lighter, does not shrink - before gluing, each lamella is dried in the oven - you can enter and live in such a house immediately after construction. Glued beams are made specifically for each construction of the house - this minimizes waste, this affects the cost of the house itself.

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Reason for complaint
The production of houses from timber is a very good option, profitable, beautiful and comfortable.
Make a construction boom a good idea
Houses made of timber are undoubtedly the best solution in construction. Building a house from sawn trees is more complicated. A long fit, then shrinkage, are all headaches. The final price of these options is interesting.


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