
Housing maintenance: what is included in the service

Each property owner is required to pay utility bills. For this, management companies send the appropriate receipts to the address of the apartment or house. They have several points, each of which has its own purpose. Often property owners think about what is included in the maintenance of housing. This column is available in absolutely any receipt. The size of the fee is considered really significant, so people should know why they are transferring their funds.

general information

Each house is assigned a specific management company. Her responsibilities include the maintenance of residential premises in optimal condition. Employees of the institution should regularly check the functioning of various equipment installed in an apartment building. For this, the funds represented by the housing maintenance fee are charged.

Employees of the institution must maintain the following equipment and elements available in an apartment building:

  • landings;
  • corridors;
  • entrance area;
  • elevator.

All residents of the house must conclude an agreement with the selected management company, which is engaged in maintenance and repair. Based on this document, the corresponding line is entered in the receipt.

housing maintenance tariff

What is included in the content of housing?

All owners of apartments in the house pay funds for the maintenance of an apartment building. The following works are included in it:

  • technical supervision of the common property of the house, which makes it possible to verify its optimal condition at any time, and not only partial but also comprehensive inspections are required;
  • technical inspection of various communications using appropriate instruments;
  • equipment diagnostics;
  • preparing property for the season change;
  • putting in order porches, fences or common areas;
  • regular cleaning of rooms, porches, basements or attics;
  • maintenance in optimal condition of the local area;
  • garbage collection on time;
  • care for all green spaces located on the territory of the house.

All of the above works relate to common property belonging to an apartment building. This also includes regular checking of communications, which should always be in optimal condition. Only because of this can various large accidents be prevented. Therefore, the column "Housing maintenance" is an important expense item for each apartment owner. These funds are required in order for the employees of the Criminal Code to keep all the property belonging to the house in good condition.


Is the intercom payment included?

Each owner of the apartment should know what is included in the maintenance of housing. The question of whether the intercom payment is included in this column is considered controversial. It is residents who are interested persons who are required to pay funds for installation and maintenance of the device, as well as for its repair if necessary.

But the fee for the intercom can be included in the current repair, and not in the maintenance of housing. The following points are taken into account:

  • if the intercom was installed by government organizations, then maintenance costs are included in the content;
  • if the owners of the apartments form a meeting at which a decision is made on the need to install this equipment, then a separate receipt is usually sent, and the recipient is the company that services the intercom.

Often, management companies do not participate in any way in the installation or maintenance of the intercom, but on their own initiative include maintenance costs in the maintenance of the house. This is an illegal decision on the part of the Criminal Code, so tenants may refuse to deposit funds.

Does solid waste include in the content?

This item may be included in the maintenance of the house, but sometimes such expenses go as a separate line in the receipt. Therefore, all residents of the building should know what is included in the maintenance of housing on receipts.

Different options can be used for the removal of solid waste:

  • waste is being collected, but apartment owners do not transfer any funds specifically for this service, since it is included in the contents of the building, therefore it is not allocated in a separate box on receipts;
  • tenants refuse to take out the garbage, but such a decision should be made only at the general meeting, therefore, citizens then enter into a contract with another company that provides these services for an optimal fee;
  • MSW is exported for a fee, so a separate column for such expenses is highlighted on the receipt, although such actions are considered a gross violation by the Criminal Code.

If residents notice that garbage collection is highlighted on their receipt on a separate line, then they can make a collective complaint from the HOA. Housing maintenance must include this service by law.

housing maintenance fee

What actions are performed in the offseason?

Each apartment owner must know for what services he pays a certain amount of funds. For this, all receipts sent by management companies for housing services are studied. What is included in the content of housing? This includes even actions carried out by UK employees during the offseason. These include the following services:

  • repair, ensuring the optimal condition of drains or roofs;
  • repair work related to improving the condition of windows or doors located in the entrance, but this does not include repairs carried out directly in the apartments of residents;
  • checking the condition of the facade;
  • correction of various violations and defects, if they are detected on the facade of the building;
  • repair of fences and fences, peaks and railings;
  • care for green spaces located directly next to the house;
  • staining of various structures belonging to the structure;
  • cleaning and removal of leaves;
  • snow removal;
  • removal of ice from roads;
  • split of trees, if these plantations can harm people or the building;
  • repair work at playgrounds;
  • checking the status of sites and parking lots;
  • porch washing;
  • cleaning of garbage containers;
  • technical work and study of the state of communication systems, which include water supply, electricity, sewage and heating;
  • repair of technical premises.

If there is a likelihood of any emergency, the residents of the house are notified in a timely manner. In addition, apartment owners can expect to receive up-to-date information on how the maintenance fee is calculated, what actions are carried out as part of the current repair, and what works are planned for the near future.

homeowners association housing maintenance

Features of the repair

Often, citizens find that there is a separate line in the receipt called the “current repair”. This means that specific work was carried out in the house related to:

  • repair of gas equipment installed in the building;
  • restoration of structural parts of the structure;
  • maintenance of engineering communications and other equipment.

The size of the fee of each tenant depends on what is the area of ​​a particular apartment. Tariffs are agreed upon at the general meeting, and representatives of the Criminal Code serving this building must certainly be present at it.

what is included in the contents of the housing on the receipt

What information may be included in receipts?

In any receipt coming from the management company, the following data must be available:

  • tariffs, on the basis of which the payment for certain services is calculated;
  • paragraphs containing actions that employees of the Criminal Code carry out as part of the maintenance of a residential building;
  • Provides information on utilities provided.

In practice, residents of apartment buildings often face a situation where tariffs are significantly overstated or actions are included in receipts for which citizens do not have to pay additional funds. Under such conditions, it is advisable to file a collective complaint with the prosecutor's office or other government agencies.

housing maintenance column

How is the fee calculated?

The tariff for the maintenance of housing is calculated directly by employees serving the management company. Its size must be agreed with the owners of apartments located in the house. Citizens must take into account not only the information contained in the contract at the time of its signing, but also keep track of increases, since often the Criminal Code changes the amount without prior notification of the owners of these changes.

When setting the housing maintenance tariff, the following points are taken into account:

  • work performed;
  • remuneration of workers involved in these processes;
  • maintenance of equipment and machinery used.

Major repairs are paid separately, consisting in a significant improvement in the condition of the building. These funds are transferred to the account of the regional operator, and a separate receipt is allocated for them. Residents of the house can use their own account to accumulate the amount for future major repairs.

Can I not pay?

Each owner of an apartment in an apartment building should know what is included in the maintenance of housing. Some people intentionally do not pay for the maintenance, but on the basis of Art. 153 LCD is the responsibility of any tenant of a multi-storey building.

Although it is not possible to completely refuse to pay for maintenance, tenants at a meeting can make a decision on the basis of which they refuse certain imposed services. For example, citizens can independently clean the porches or care for living plantings. This leads to lower fees, and often to its complete abolition.

utilities what is included in the housing


The maintenance of an apartment building is a significant process that is carried out by the employees of the Criminal Code. Companies charge a fee to residents of their buildings for their services. Citizens should understand what services are included in this content. If necessary, they can refuse certain services, which reduces the fee.

If citizens simply stop paying this line on receipts, then they will have a big debt. Management companies in such a situation can go to court to enforce the recovery of money.

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