
Fir Oil Production: Business Plan

The production of medical products is a sought-after business. If you correctly choose the field, as well as carefully approach the organization of the case, then it can become very profitable. The production of fir oil will be in demand. His business plan shows how to organize your business correctly.

Fir oil is considered to be in demand in our country. It is known for its healing properties. It is used to treat colds, gastrointestinal problems, joints, and nervous disorders. The product is used for cosmetics.

fir oil production

The advantages of business include little competition and widespread demand for goods. Fir oil is used in medicine, cosmetology and in everyday life. There are many options for the sale of goods. This type of business will be in demand if it is properly implemented.

Raw material purchase

The production of fir oil involves the acquisition of high-quality raw materials. This will require fir branches. Various varieties of fir were bred - trees grow in Russia and in Europe. As can be seen from practice, Siberian fir will be the best choice. Therefore, you should ask the supplier when and where he collects the raw materials. The best collection period is May-September.

fir oil production technology

To ensure the uninterrupted production of fir oil, it is advisable to agree with several suppliers on the purchase of raw materials. You can organize this using several options:

  • Arrange with the owners of sawmills, where they are engaged in the harvesting of conifers. Such cooperation is beneficial for both parties.
  • Rent a plot of forestry. Only then will you have to hire workers, purchase equipment.

Which method to use, each businessman can choose independently. The main thing is to produce high-quality products, because only then will it be in demand among buyers.


To organize the production of fir oil, you need a small room. Some businessmen, if there is the possibility of supplying electricity, heat and water, create an open-air production. It is advisable to choose a place near logging, from where raw materials will be supplied. Then you will save on paying for transport.

equipment for the production of fir oil

Although the workshop can be placed on the street, an enclosed space is needed to store raw materials and finished oil. It is necessary to provide ventilation, heating. This will allow you to maintain the desired microclimate - fir properties are lost at high temperature and humidity. But the manufacture of oil is possible at home, for example, in the kitchen or in the garage.

Work execution technology

The technology for the production of fir oil will be simple if an automatic line is installed in the workshop. For the whole process to be controlled, a technologist is needed. For the laying of raw materials and packaging will require 2-3 workers per shift.

How to make a plant for the production of fir oil? This is based on the instructions for the equipment. Then, using technology, it will be possible to create products:

  • Preparation of raw materials.
  • Fir paws are distilled with water vapor, which takes 16 hours.
  • The oil composition is defended.
  • During concentration, separation of turpentine and other impurities from the oily liquid is performed.
  • Oil filtration.

The production of fir oil ends here. Products can be used for medical, cosmetic purposes.

Home cooking

The product can be prepared at home. Complicated work is that everything will have to be done manually. The process involves many stages, which takes a considerable amount of time.The technology for the production of fir oil at home is not very complicated, the main thing is that there is high-quality raw materials.

how to make a plant for the production of fir oil

It will take fir, which must be cut with branches without shoots of 1.5 cm. Then they fill a jar of 2 liters, leaving 5 cm above. Pour vegetable or olive oil into the container. Then the container is closed with a metal lid and put in an enamel pan. At its bottom should be thin twigs.

The pan is half filled with water, then it is covered with a lid and set to boil. After boiling, reduce the heat, cook for about 5 hours. Since the water will boil, you need to add boiling water. Then the pan should be removed from the stove, remove the jar, drain the oil in a clean container, squeeze the fir, and discard it.

After this, the jar must be filled with new branches, pour oil, which was drained. Then the procedure is repeated. The jar in the pan should be boiled for 5 hours. The product is bottled or bottle. On this his preparation ends.


It is necessary to purchase high-quality equipment for the production of fir oil. The scale of work depends on this. You need to buy a special device - a fir cooker. Not many such devices are sold, it is advisable to order it at manufacturing firms. Then take into account the characteristics of the business - productivity and technology.

technology for the production of fir oil at home

The cost of equipment is in the range of 50,000-1,500,000 rubles. To ensure the entire production cycle, additional devices are needed. They cost at least 200,000 rubles. If there is everything necessary, the production process will occur faster.


Products must be sold. Sales can be carried out using dealer networks, SPA centers, shops, and pharmacological companies. To establish prices and calculate production volumes, you should familiarize yourself with demand.

Since the product is specific, it must be advertised in the media, at exhibitions, forums. The company website is great. First, you will have to spend 10-20% of profit on advertising, but when the customer base is formed, spending is reduced.

Income and expenses

From 100 kg of raw materials you can get 1 liter of fir oil. The price of the finished product is 450 rubles. The price of raw materials starts from 300 rubles per 100 kg. Productivity is 25 liters.

fir oil production business plan

The costs will be as follows:

  • Raw materials - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Depreciation of devices - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Salaries to employees - 135 thousand rubles.
  • Rental of premises - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

The average income is about 850,000 rubles. Net profit will be approximately 275,000 rubles. The return on business is carried out within 6 months. In the future, you can hire a driver with a machine for transporting raw materials, finished products. Oil production is considered a profitable business, since it requires small investments. If everything is organized correctly, a high-quality product will be produced, and it is always in demand.

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