
Travel agency advertising. How to promote a travel agency? Last minute packages. Travel agency tagline

Advertising travel agencies, as well as the promotion of its services has become especially relevant in the last decade. What caused this? The fact is that today a huge number of companies work in the leisure industry. And each of them, in order to make a profit, needs to stand out from the total mass of its competitors. How to do it? It is necessary to declare oneself brighter and louder.

last minute packages

Of course, for large players in the tourism market, such actions will not be difficult. Indeed, having the necessary budget for that, they are able to deploy a large-scale advertising project. As for newcomers to this business, they have to look for effective, but at the same time budgetary ways of promotion. And therefore, the most frequently asked question of owners of companies operating in the entertainment industry is as follows: “How to promote a travel agency?”

Classic method

Advertising travel agencies, however, like any other organization, is, as you know, the engine of trade. And do not forget about it. For the promotion of the company, you can use different methods. The most popular of them is the placement of information:

  • in print media;
  • on TV;
  • in the Internet.

There is an opinion that advertising travel agencies in print media has already lost its popularity. That is why many business owners are trying to use other types of "promotion". But, nevertheless, in promoting a travel agency it is necessary to use all available methods, without exception. And do not divide them into effective and ineffective.

Advertising travel agencies in the media - these are free newspapers and glossy magazines, a video on the radio and a running line on TV. A similar method is the simplest in terms of time spent. Indeed, professionals are engaged in such advertising. So, designers create slide shows and develop a layout. Copywriters compose text. Announcers voice the advertisement. But a similar method is also the most expensive. After all, the services of highly qualified professionals, airtime and newspaper space are far from cheap.

slogan for travel agencyIn order to save money on advertising in magazines, it is worthwhile to first choose the thematic publications that cover leisure and travel issues, as well as city news. Information about a travel agency in all other similar media will not produce the desired effect.

Advertising travel agencies in the newspaper should also be aimed at the target audience. And it is considered more effective than that which is placed in magazines. Indeed, more people read newspapers.

It is worthwhile to understand that such a travel agency advertisement covers a maximum audience. However, the real effect in this case is received only by the businessman who will invest a considerable amount of money in his event. After all, only the constant flickering of the brand will attract a large number of customers.

Own site

Online advertising travel agencies are currently considered the most effective way to promote the company. It allows you to attract customers due to the fact that at the moment most people are eager to find the information they need on various sites of the World Wide Web. After all, here you can find out about everything at once - about prices and hotels, about flight options, about excursions and attractions, visa issues, as well as about the customs and traditions of the country chosen for vacation.

Before the travel agency advertising on the site will be organized, it needs to be prepared in a certain way.Indeed, visitors to this resource must certainly become clients of the agency.

 travel agency advertising example

For a good travel site you need:

  1. Clear navigation and clear structure.
  2. High quality informative content, which is designed to encourage a potential customer to buy. This will help some "clues" in the text.
  3. Easy-to-remember domain name.
  4. Special counters that will track site traffic. This will allow an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising.

After completing the preparation of the site on which the travel agency will be advertising, and determining its goals (for example, attracting traffic or selling tours), you must select one of the tools with which information will be transmitted. Let's consider them in more detail.

contextual advertising

Information about the travel agency can be found on the search page for Rambler, Google or Yandex. It is the contextual (text advertising) travel agency. Similar information can be posted on various partner sites of search engines.

travel agency advertising

Advertisements are placed to the right and top of the search results. What needs to be done for such an advertisement to appear, for example, in Yandex? To do this, you need keywords that are entered by users in the search bar when searching for a tour or trip.

Contextual advertising is recommended to be used to promote travel agencies and hotels, as well as tour operators. It is worth saying that this method allows you to get the fastest and most powerful effect.

In order to assess the potential of such advertising, you should look at the statistics of user requests. For example, entering into the search engine the phrase “tour to Egypt” for a month amounted to 99,000, “Moscow travel agencies” - 9,000. Contextual advertising is ideal in order to realize last-minute packages and interest potential customers with special offers.

Search promotion

This is one of the tools of online advertising, which helps to increase the attendance of travel agency sites by potential customers. Search promotion allows you to get into the TOP-10 results that Yandex or Google gives for the keywords entered in the search string. However, in order to achieve such results, significant time costs will be required. And this, in turn, will not allow giving instant information to potential consumers.

Contextual banner advertising

It is a placement on Yandex partner sites or Google, as well as on the search results page for special blocks of graphic-animation type. Such a tourism product advertisement attracts attention with its brightness and dynamics.

Using social networks

This method of submitting information on the Internet is very effective and is currently widely used by many companies. It turns out to be effective and travel agency advertising. An example of this is already more than 5000 of the most diverse groups that promote similar products. Using this method allows you to replace even your own site. After all, social networks provide an opportunity to inform users about new offers, to inform that there are last minute packages, accept applications, etc. A popular group can even become a kind of advertising for a particular travel agency.

Using Forums

Advertising on such online resources is one of the most effective ways to promote travel tours. Today, there are a large number of sites where visitors can post their photos, share their impressions about travel, about the hotel and about leisure. Information about tour operators also sounds here. Similar sites have PR support. She is able to neutralize negative reviews about travel agencies and advertise certain destinations and hotels.Such information causes a high level of confidence in connection with its submission in the form of advice or a story of an experienced traveler.

outdoor advertising travel agency

There are other advertising tricks for a travel agency. Consider how, in addition to the Internet, you can present the necessary information to potential customers.

Personal promotion

In this case, it is not only about the implementation of tours using “cold calls” or when working with a client. Personal promotion refers to presentations, communication with the audience, webinars and offline lectures. The effect of such presentations will invariably attract potential customers, since the theme of travel is always relevant, and many people are interested in webinars of various kinds. One or two lectures within a month give tangible results.

Personal blogging by managers

It is worth mentioning that personal advice and impressions, as well as notes of company employees, can become one of the decisive factors that a client will come to be served in a particular travel company. People always prefer to deal with a living person. That is why you should not focus on the standard description of a tour. A significant sales effect will allow you to get the personal impressions of the agency managers.

Multi-step sales

If the travel agency will promote its product according to the standard scheme, then its results will also be standard. In order to promote the company, it is recommended to apply a system of step-by-step sales. It involves the implementation of the client something budgetary and at the same time aims to prove to the consumer their own competence in the field of service. After that, it will be much easier to offer more expensive products.

 travel agency tricks

You can start attracting customers, for example, with the implementation of excursion programs. After that, it will be easier to switch to selling the same consumers tours in their own country. And only then, customers are offered budget vouchers to the resort, etc. Sales expansion in this case occurs due to a gradual increase in trust. At the same time, the travel agency begins to form its own customer base loyally related to the company.

Advertising Printing

A travel agency should have colorful booklets and leaflets with tours, which also reflect interesting offers for potential customers. Such a printing is distributed among city residents by scattering mailboxes or distributing in crowded places. For these purposes, special booklets can be purchased in which vivid offers await interested persons. Such equipment can be placed in stores or in cinemas.

travel agency advertising

An additional number of customers are able to attract posters. These large posters are placed on bulletin boards at city stops.
A sufficiently effective way of disseminating information is the outdoor advertising of a travel agency. It covers a wide population and allows the company to attract a large number of customers. Outdoor advertising includes various banners with information about tours, screens and electronic displays, banners, light signs, pillars, panels, etc. Such information is found in squares and exhibitions, sports arenas, near pedestrian highways and in other places of the largest moving people.

The implementation of last minute packages

Sometimes in already sold tours there are empty seats. In such cases, travel agencies sell them at significant discounts. For the client, this is a usual ticket, but only with a quick departure time. The company puts forward such special offers, as a rule, a few days before the start of the holiday. Less often they happen in a week.

Last minute packages are beneficial for travel companies. Firstly, many clients are attracted with their help, and secondly, the company simply resells such tours.After all, last-minute vouchers are those that customers who bought them refused because of life circumstances, and no one is obliged to return money to them in full, according to the terms of the contract. So it turns out that such tours allow people to relax cheaper, and travel agencies - to earn more.


Those who have studied all of the above methods of promoting a travel agency should keep in mind that the motto of the company will attract the attention of customers. The slogan for a travel agency is the key to its popularity. Examples of the most successful of them:

  • "So the gods rested."
  • "Only by your rules."
  • "The world begins here."

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