
Own business: Production of disposable tableware

Whatever business you decide to start, you should always fully study the desired project. Not a single business has been done without a competent and accurate business plan. What is unique in the production of disposable tableware? The fact that these products are primarily in demand. Every day, thousands of people use it on travel, on vacation, in nature, on holidays. This business will never go out of fashion, which means it will always bring a steady income.

Business investment

Get ready for the fact that such a business will require very, very solid financial injections. On the other hand, when you get a plus, you will be pleasantly surprised by how much money you can earn.

Of course, you can not do without paperwork. The amount for the full package is difficult to voice, because each city has its own prices. On average, it is about 25-30 thousand. Get ready for the fact that, most likely, the city authorities oblige you to create your own business outside the city limits. This is logical - the workshop where disposable tableware will be made should be of very impressive size.

In addition to documents, of course, you will need a room. There are several options - either to buy a plant and convert it for yourself, or build a new one, or rent it out. In any case, the investments are quite serious. The room should be large (at least 500 squares) so that it contains all the necessary elements. Including the warehouse where the finished product will be stored until it is sold on the market.

[caption id = "attachment_4614" align = "alignright" width = "300"]Disposable tableware Own business: Production of disposable tableware [/ caption]

The largest expense item is equipment for the production of disposable products. There are options: either buy a new factory, or buy a used one. The second option is cheaper, but there is no guarantee that right during the process it will not “get up” tightly. Buying a new one is not a cheap pleasure. Starting price - 40 thousand dollars. The final amount is difficult to name. The best country producing this equipment is Germany. But the working "horses" of Korea have proven themselves well. The price question is different, it is necessary to check directly with the manufacturer.

The equipment includes:

  1. extruder (there they get the product from raw materials),
  2. shaping machines (one machine - one type of finished product).

That's why it is worth seriously spending money - you need several cars. After all, if you produce only 200 ml glasses, for example, then your business will pay off for quite some time.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth taking care of the purchase of raw materials for manufacturing. Plastic dishes are made of two types of material - polystyrene or polypropylene. In Russia, there are only 4 companies that sell this raw material. By the way, there is a raw material, so to speak, of the second grade - processed granulate. That is, recycled waste, from which they eventually received raw materials. Such material costs an order of magnitude cheaper, and during the production of dishes does not differ from first-class raw materials. The cost of consumables must be obtained from manufacturers.

So, the business plan will include, by item of expenditure:

  1. documents,
  2. room
  3. equipment,
  4. consumables.

The production of disposable tableware can “fly into” a substantial amount - from 300 thousand dollars. But this is only the starting stage, then, of course, it will be much easier.

Payback, income, profitability

With a good pace of work, your project can pay off within a couple of years.When calculating what specific production you will have (whether appliances, or cups, plates and other utensils), pay attention to the fact that 200 ml glasses are in constant demand, while half-liter glasses are mostly in demand only in the summer . Plates, too, are popular either in the spring-summer-fall, or throughout the year, if you find regular customers on them. Plastic cutlery is most often in demand year-round, because it is used almost everywhere.

Your company can generate substantial income - from 15 thousand US dollars per month. And this is net profit (excluding all taxes, monthly expenses, employee wages and other things). The amount is pretty good. In addition, if among your customers there will be regular and wholesale, then the income received may be more. Also, the possibility of entering the world market by supplying its products to different countries is not ruled out. Disposable tableware is in demand anywhere in the world. Why not take a chance?

Profitability of an enterprise can reach 60%. This is a very good result.

Technology Features

Consumables for the finished product look in the form of granules. It is them, under the influence of high temperature, that they turn into raw materials ready for production. Then the molten granules are passed under a press, having received a sheet at the exit, from which the dishes will be squeezed out at the next stage (cups, plates, as well as forks, spoons, knives). The final stage is cutting out the finished elements from the sheet. On the one hand, the process is not too complicated, on the other hand, it requires close attention. That is why only those whose competence is not in doubt should work at the enterprise.

In Europe, dishes made from environmentally friendly material (cardboard that is laminated) are in great demand. In Russia, there is no such production, because it is too costly and disadvantageous. Although on sale, of course, there are European models of utensils here too.

Pros and Cons of Production

Of course, the biggest minus is global investment in the business at the initial stage. Not everyone can pull such a business. That is why there are many companies where plastic dishes are made in one form only. Such firms are not so costly, but not so profitable in the end.

The pluses include: quick payback (a couple of years for such a scale is not a deadline at all), stable profit (products are always in demand), good profitability.

Whether to take up the matter or not is your choice. It is important to consider all aspects before you start investing.


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