
Application of the person who provided the citizen with dwelling: features of preparation and sample

The application of the person who provided the citizen with a dwelling is a document that everyone may encounter. But not everyone understands how to compose it. And when it is needed - too. All these facts will be covered by us further. In fact, registration of citizens does not cause much trouble. In particular, given all the nuances of the current legislation of the country. What rules and tips will help create a statement of the established form? There are not so many of them to remember exactly all the information presented to your attention.statement of the person who provided the living quarters to the citizen

Short description

First of all, we’ll try to understand what we are talking about in principle. What is this - the statement of the person who provided the citizen with the living quarters?

This is called a residence permit. In fact, one person agrees to register himself in the apartment or in the house of another. And this decision is fixed.

The form

The application form of the person who provided the citizen with a dwelling has a certain form of presentation. She is written. That is, the consent of the landlord is necessarily recorded on paper.

Modern technologies allow you to issue registration permits in electronic form. Only a similar alignment is rarely used in practice. Typically, homeowners prefer to write registration permissions on their own.


The studied process is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 31 of the LC RF indicates that the owner of the apartment can decide for himself whom to register on his territory.statement of the person who provided the citizen with the living quarters sample

Accordingly, without the permission of the landlord, becoming an occupant of the apartment will not work. This is only possible under certain circumstances.

When not needed

When the application of the person who provided the citizen with a dwelling is not required? According to the established rules, such paper is not required if a person is registered in his house or apartment. This is quite normal. Co-owners of the property are not involved in any way. Their consent to registration is not necessary.

In addition, paper is not required if we are talking about the registration of newborns or minor children under 14 years of age. All children must live with their parents or other legal representatives. In any case, before receiving a passport. Accordingly, you have to register a minor with mom or dad. This means that registered residents have the full right to register a child without the consent of the owner. All this must be remembered. It is almost impossible to write out unwanted inhabitants of an apartment if they have the status of minors. Only if you deregister their legal representatives.


A sample application of the person who provided the citizen with a dwelling will be presented later. First you have to learn the basics of its creation. Everything is extremely simple and clear.statement of the person who provided the citizen with the housing of the public service

There is no exact paper layout. This is both good and bad at the same time. Nevertheless, you will have to follow some generally accepted rules for submitting a request.

The document has the following structure:

  • "cap";
  • title;
  • main part;
  • attachment;
  • conclusion.

The application includes a list of documents attached to the request. It is necessarily numbered. Without it, proving your housing rights is usually problematic.


What information should be written in the registration application? The sample of filling in the relevant request by the homeowner provides for the indication of the following data:

  • F. I. O. of the owner;
  • data on all residents in the apartment;
  • full housing address;
  • F. I. O. of persons registered in the apartment;
  • expression of will of the owner.

In addition, the request must indicate that the co-owners and tenants are not against registration. This rule does not apply to the registration of close relatives.

Registration Type

Of course, when registering, it is mandatory to indicate the type of registration. In Russia, a temporary and permanent registration is provided.statement of the person who provided the citizen with a living form

In the first case, the owner must indicate how much he registers a person in his apartment. As soon as this period ends, the citizen will simply be discharged. This operation happens automatically. Early discharge also takes place, but it will have to enlist the support of the owner and registered person.

If we are talking about permanent registration, then it is enough to indicate in the application “on an ongoing basis” or “registration at the place of residence”. Such registration is issued indefinitely.

Where to give

And where to transfer the request of the established sample after its full readiness? It is not possible to find a single answer to such a question. The thing is that residents of the Russian Federation can apply to different state bodies for registration of people.

For example, the service being studied is provided:

  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • FMS;
  • MFC.

In addition, you can turn to the help of the State Services portal. The application of the person who provided the citizen with a dwelling, in this case, is executed electronically. To do this, you will have to fill out a request form that appears on the screen. This can be done easily with the help of tips.

Grounds and features

The interesting moments of the studied topic do not end there! The thing is that the owner’s permission to register, as a rule, is issued when it comes to the free use of housing.write a statement of the person who provided the residential

If a person is provided with an apartment for money, then, as a rule, a lease or rental agreement is concluded. And after that, a person has a reason for using housing. With free accommodation, such is the consent of the apartment owner to the procedure.

Documentation for registration

What is the statement of the person who provided the citizen with dwelling? This paper will be presented below.

A huge role in registration is the collection of documents. This issue will have to be taken responsibly. The lack of paper will result in registration in the housing being impossible.

The list of documents is usually distinguished as follows:

  • passports of the parties;
  • title documents for housing;
  • owners consent to registration;
  • sheets of arrival and departure.

If we are talking about the registration of a minor, then we will additionally have to submit a birth certificate and an insert with citizenship. A minimum of documents, but even problems can arise with them. In particular, with permission to register.application for registration sample filling


Today we are writing a statement from the person who provided the living quarters to this or that person. This paper, as has already been said, must necessarily indicate that all owners and tenants of the apartment are not against the procedure.

If there are dissenting owners, then registration will be impossible. The only thing a citizen can do to resolve the issue is to divide the apartment in court and register a new tenant on its territory. Or register it through the judiciary. But this alignment is almost never found.

It is recommended to resolve issues in advance related to the consent of all homeowners to register certain tenants. And then it will be possible to draw up a general statement from the owners of the apartment. This technique greatly simplifies life.


Below is the template for the consent of the owner of the premises for registration.During temporary registration, as a rule, form No. 1 is used. Otherwise, there are no serious requirements for the document.statement of the person who provided the living quarters to the citizen how to write

The main thing is that it reflects the consent of all owners of the apartment / house for registration, and also indicates accurate information about the participants in the procedure. The text should be written correctly, legibly. And at the end of the request, the signature of the landlord is mandatory.


We figured out how to write a statement from the person who provided the citizen with the dwelling. This is not the most difficult operation a person can ever face. After processing the request, the tenant will either put the stamp of the established form in the passport or issue a certificate of temporary registration.

Are there any other nuances? Yes. For example, foreigners can be registered in housing only temporarily. And they are additionally required to present a migration card. Otherwise, the registration will be refused.

Perhaps this is all. Can the request text be printed on the printer? Yes, but the owner should still put his signature at the end. Otherwise, the paper will not be endowed with the power of a legal type. It will turn out to be a simple leaflet on which some words are written. For migration services, they do not play a role. Despite this, consent to registration is better to write in full in legible handwriting.

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