
Best business ideas from America | top 10

business ideas from americaBusiness in Europe and the USA began to develop much earlier than the iron curtain fell in the USSR, so most business ideas came to us from abroad. I want to present the most successful business ideas from America, which helped their authors earn over $ 30 billion.

If you thought, now you will find out a new idea that will help you earn a million, then you are mistaken. But you will definitely know where this money can be earned.

Business Ideas from America

  1. Flower stickers - men often buy flowers for their women; flower petal stickers give a special charm to a gift.
  2. Selling chocolate - the idea is simple and profitable, selling chocolate in all its forms, for example, Nutella, a variety of chocolate paste brought millions to its owner.
  3. Luggage lockers on freeways - this topic is not so common in Russia now, but in the USA it brings big profits. There are points for saving any valuables on the freeway, you can pick up your things on the way back by paying only the cost of the cell.
  4. Stickers on clothes - I really like this type of earnings, at the beginning they took ordinary T-shirts for $ 10, glued special stickers for a few dollars and sold a T-shirt for 50 such a business and now it is not a small success, because everyone wants to stand out and not be like the others .
  5. Everyone knows the history of the Amazon online store selling through the Internet is the key to the success of many foreign entrepreneurs.
  6. Sale of power engineers - it was originally planned to sell energy drinks enriched with vitamin B for athletes and for people who have night work. But looking at the street now you can guess the fabulous profits from this venture.
  7. Shoes with holes that are closed with a special membrane, it turns out closed shoes and the foot breathes, such shoes solves the problem of excessive sweating from the feet.
  8. Coffee shops - now coffee is one of the most popular drinks and it is not surprising that sales outlets are located on almost every street.
  9. A car wash in the form as we see it now is a development of Western craftsmen.
  10. Vending machines selling food and drinks, the machine solves the problem of the human factor in maintenance, it can work 24 hours a day.

Business ideas from America have tightly integrated into our lives, and their implementation makes it simpler and more saturated. Many of the above niches are already filled, you can always see how competitors did and make them better. All in your hands! What business would you like to do?

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Reason for complaint
Shoes with holes closed by a membrane are not American, but Italian, and have long been patented !!
it’s practically impossible to calculate such data, since each city has its own prices and the nuances of building a business, my site only shows the possibility, and a business plan is the lot of a businessman
Thanks for the ideas. I would like to see ideas with a more detailed description (payback, monthly income ...)


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