
Business idea: Aquaponics

AquaponicsA successful business requires innovative thinking, new ideas working in today's realities. One of the ideas that are developing in our country is aquaponics. It represents a new business idea that brings money. Aquaponics is such a way to grow fish, and with it to grow plants. In nature, such a symbiosis has existed for a very long time. Considering that fish and plants feel very good with this interaction.

I use aquaponics as the main method of growing fish and plants you can earn on the sale of organic food. The level of nitrates in such products is much less than that grown on earth. Health food lovers will be the main buyers. As you know, they do not spare money on products.

The technology of working with aquaponics is quite simple, but requires knowledge and investment in some control technologies. The scheme of work is as follows: you need a tank of water in which the fish will live, and you also need a pump to pump water. You will also need pots with plants. Plant roots will be constantly under running water from the aquarium. Fish saturate water with various useful minerals that promote plant growth. So you can grow many different plants. Plants grow without using soil.

To organize this business will require a lot of effort and knowledge, as well as investment. Such a business is very developed in Denmark, where many farmers work with this technology. But it requires constant monitoring from the outside. Many factors need to be taken into account, and greenhouses, in which everything will be placed, will also be required.

This business is attractive for production costs, food products are twice as high as classic ones, and the price of finished products is three to five times higher.

When working in aquaponics, you will need to buy expensive measuring equipment for tracking minerals in water. Such devices will be millet needed to work. After all, a certain level of saturation promotes growth, but if it is exceeded, then there will be no sense.

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Reason for complaint
Veliki Oz
Andrey, where aren’t needed? Or do you want to eat a fish, etc.? Alas, it will not work. And there is such a thing as risk. Ready to take a chance? In the initial stages, the allin has to go. Or all or nothing. Or you will leave the forest in wolf skin, or the wolf will come out full.
Interesting idea, but again need investments
Without a doubt, there are many ideas for developing a business that are very interesting. But, we must carefully weigh everything and calculate, specialists are needed.


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