
If the intercom in the apartment does not work, where to go?

Today, almost all entrances are equipped with intercoms and durable metal doors. So the residents protect the common building from the penetration of different antisocial personalities. But sometimes the installed device stops working.

What to do if the intercom in the apartment does not work? Where to go in case of breakdown? And what will be repaired for free, and what will you have to pay for?

the intercom in the apartment does not work where to go Moscow

Access doorphones: design features

The access doorphone is not a separate device, but a complex system consisting of several components. Its main parts are:

  • External unit - designed for outdoor use. It is also called a call block.
  • Subscriber unit. Handset located in the apartment.
  • CPU.
  • Control unit.
  • Two power supplies - primary and backup.
  • Lines of communication.
  • Electronic lock.
  • Door leaf (usually installed in conjunction with the intercom).
  • Door closers (so that the door closes smoothly and silently).

On the external unit there are: a keyboard for dialing, a call button, a microphone, an electronic indicator, a speaker and a key reader.

Any part of this system may fail. And if the intercom in the apartment does not work - where to go? In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other cities of the country, if any part of the intercom system breaks down, you should call the service company.

The organization will fix some malfunctions for free, at the expense of the guarantee. You will have to pay for others. We will analyze the most common situations.

the intercom in the apartment does not work where to go

Malfunctions in the power supply

There are situations when the whole system completely fails. At the same time, the electronic display does not light up, the locking device does not work, there is no audio connection, the door is actually open. This set of malfunctions indicates that there are problems with the power supply.

Most often this is due to the fuses being blown. Changing them yourself is not worth it. You need to contact your service company, and it under warranty will restore the power supply to working condition.

the intercom in the apartment does not work where to go Kazan

Keyboard Failure

The access doorphones have a keyboard located outside. And although it is protected by a small visor, it is not enough to completely protect the panel from adverse weather conditions. Most of all, the keyboard suffers from high humidity and precipitation - an oxide film appears on the buttons, moisture penetrates and oxidizes the contacts, which makes them stop working. And from this the intercom in the apartment does not work. Where to turn in such a situation?

As a rule, such a malfunction appears after prolonged use of the device. And quite often the keyboard is changed for free - as part of warranty service. However, if the entire external unit is broken, then for its installation, as a rule, a fee is charged.

The warranty service conditions can be found in the contract concluded with the service company. All warranty and non-warranty cases should be registered there.

The intercom in the apartment works where to turn Moscow for free

Key does not work

A fairly common case of failure is a key failure. The reader simply does not respond to the "pill", and it becomes impossible to get home.

This can happen for two reasons. The first is if one key is faulty. And therefore, the defect is in this device. It should either be cleaned from the oxide film (fine-grained sanding paper), or order a new one - at your own expense.

If all the devices do not work, then you need to call the wizard, since the matter is in the reader. Such a malfunction, as a rule, falls under the guarantee and is eliminated free of charge.

Audio communication

Quite often, a situation arises when the audio connection is faulty and the intercom in the apartment does not work. Where to turn in this case?

There are several types of audio system malfunctions:

  • the speaker and receiver do not work;
  • the guest is not heard in the apartment;
  • the guest does not hear the answer from the landlords;
  • There is a two-way sound, but the signal is weak and noisy.

If communication with all the tubes in the staircase does not work through the speaker, then the defect is in it or in the connecting wires (disconnection). If the problem is sporadic, then the problem is in the subscriber's handset.

In any case, a wizard call is required. But if the repair of the speaker or wires is carried out most often for free, then the replacement of the handset is at the expense of the subscriber.

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Electronic Lock Failure

The electronic lock may not work when a button is pressed on the external unit or when a button is pressed on the subscriber's handset. In both cases, you must contact the service company. Most often, both devices can be repaired - connect the separated contacts. In some cases, replacement will be required: buttons on the external unit or subscriber handset.

Handset issues

If the intercom in the apartment does not work, then you can either fix it yourself or call the master. Do I have to pay for troubleshooting?

The subscription service agreement must specify the warranty period for the device. Within this time interval, replacement or repair is free of charge.

If the warranty period is not specified, then you should still contact your service company or the manufacturer. As a rule, for such devices, the warranty period is from 3 to 5 years.

The intercom in the apartment does not work - where to go?

First of all, you should call the company that services the intercoms. They collect a monthly fee from homeowners and must fix most problems for free. As a rule, only those services that require the complete replacement of a large system unit, such as a pipe or door, will be paid.

How to find phone numbers and addresses

Often residents ask the question: “The intercom in the apartment does not work - where to go?” In Moscow, you can repair the device for free if you call specialists from the service company. It is also worth doing in other cities, and you won’t have to pay if the breakdown falls under the warranty case.

But how to find the phone number or address of your service company? After all, often apartments are purchased in houses where there are already intercoms.

And if the intercom in the apartment does not work, where to go? In Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities it is worth calling the Housing Office or the chairman of the HOA. Often it is the Criminal Code that concludes an agreement with a company servicing doorphones, and they will act as intermediaries to call specialists or say a contact phone number.

The second option is to see the information on the device itself. A sign with the name of the organization and contact number often hangs near the electronic board. If only the name is indicated, then the phone can be searched on the net.

There is a third option to find information about the service company when the intercom in the apartment does not work. Where to go (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk or any other locality) can be found in the payment for the device. The intercom bill is not included in the total payments for the apartment. When paying for subscription services, a receipt is issued and all contact information is indicated on it.

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