
Business Idea: Cheese Production

In Russia, various types of cheeses are produced quite successfully. By doing this business, you can get consistently high profits. How to make cheese production brought not only waste, but also income? Firstly, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan. Secondly, correctly register their activities (collect all the documentation). This area is easiest given to those who have experience in the food industry.

Investments, payback period, profit

All cheeses are divided into several varieties: hard, semi-hard, soft, brine. Each of the varieties implies a certain technology in the production, and hence the use of special equipment. Therefore, the first thing you are going to do "cheese" business, it is worth determining what type you will produce specifically. Hard cheeses are the most popular because they are subject to fairly long storage. Demand for such cheese is high, and will increase over time.

Producing cheese is not so simple. Serious investment is required at the initial stage. So, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the room. Its dimensions are very large, because it is necessary to distribute both the workshop where cheese will be produced, and the platform where raw materials will be fermented, and the place where the ambassador will take place. In addition, it is necessary that refrigeration chambers are located in the room where finished products will be stored.

The workshop should have an area of ​​at least 350 squares. Cheese making equipment, which is necessary in the workshop:

  1. special boilers where the product will be cooked,
  2. buffer tank where thick will accumulate,
  3. press.

The fermentation platform also requires its own equipment:

  1. starter culture
  2. a special unit that will dose the leaven automatically,
  3. equipment that will supply milk,
  4. heat,
  5. steam sterilizer.

In the room where the ambassador will take place, the following elements are required:

  1. brine feed pumps
  2. pools where cheese will be salted,
  3. containers for finished products.

The cost of such equipment in total is very high - about 150 thousand dollars. On the other hand, when production pays off, you will receive a much higher income.

So, the investments will be:

  1. paperwork
  2. rent / purchase of premises,
  3. equipment,
  4. equipment installation,
  5. consumables.

In total, you will have to spend an average of 900 thousand dollars. Of course, such an expense is huge, but with the right approach, this project can bring many times more profit. The estimated payback period is 2.5-5 years. During this period, there is an opportunity not only to “recapture” your own, but also to get a good plus. For a year you can get up to 30 thousand dollars of net profit (excluding all taxes, wages and other expenses per month). Sometimes more, but it all depends on how accurately you stick to the technology, what type of cheese you will choose to sell, how quickly you will find buyers.

Features and Technology

The production of soft cheeses is somewhat different from other types. Firstly, it implies the manufacture only of that milk, which is whole or skimmed. Secondly, under the press, this type of cheese either does not stand at all or withstand a very short time. The main feature is that cheese is not subject to long storage. The product is perishable. Therefore, deciding to manufacture this type of cheese, it is worth immediately selling it.

Despite what type of cheese you choose to make, there are common steps for everyone. Namely:

  1. preparation of raw materials (milk) for the production of cheese,
  2. obtaining cheese grains (grain),
  3. shaping,
  4. press,
  5. ambassador,
  6. the process when the product "ripens"
  7. storage or sale.

Soft cheeses as well as brines (suluguni cheese, for example) are subject to immediate sale. The last category of cheeses has a feature - long aging in brine. It is because of this that the taste of the product is quite brackish, with a characteristic aftertaste of milk protein. The product itself turns out to be soft and homogeneous (the only thing allowed is the presence of cheese grains). Brine varieties also contain table salt, which is why they are so brackish, unlike other varieties.

[caption id = "attachment_4611" align = "alignright" width = "300"]Cheese production Own business: Cheese production [/ caption]

Cheese production requires only high-quality milk, which in the process "reaches" the desired condition. Usually this process occurs at a temperature of 10 degrees, within 14 hours. Set yourself right away that the finished product will be produced no earlier than in a month. All stages are long, requiring special conditions (temperatures, time, power costs). In addition, not a single cheese production has not done without special bacteria and additives.

The peculiarity of hard cheeses is that they are made from cottage cheese. Important: the longer the cheese "comes", the more unusual its taste (spicy, with a characteristic aftertaste). The greater the weight of the press, the better for this particular type of cheese. The transition of cottage cheese into cheese involves the removal of whey of their product, washing and squeezing. These processes cannot be skipped. Each stage should be controlled only by experts in the food industry.

In production, there is a special moment - shaping the product (the large "heads" of cheese known to everyone). There are two ways - apparatus for the mold (the mold for the cheese is horizontal or vertical) or a mound (when the whey is "squeezed" out of the product, and it takes on the form).

Pros and cons of the project

Of the obvious minuses - a large amount of start-up capital. Cheese production requires strict adherence to instructions and technology. If one of the stages of the work is performed poorly, then you can’t get a finished good product at the output, and, therefore, work at a loss.

And, nevertheless, a huge plus of production is that the business is very in demand. It pays off pretty quickly for such a large-scale process, and on the plus side it brings good dividends.

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