
Own business: cheese production. Equipment and technology for the production of cheese. Necessary documents and requirements of SES

cheese productionIn our country, the production of cheese is considered a fairly popular business.

Like many other dairy products that are present in the diet of people, this product, presumably, will always be in great demand.

The cheese factory is a profitable enterprise. Someone begins to open production from scratch, while someone already has some kind of food business.

Where to start a business?

Regardless of whether or not you have experience in this field, the business should begin with the preparation of a business plan. It will provide an opportunity to evaluate the costs of opening a cheese factory, the difficulties associated with this, make a forecast on production and sales volumes, conduct an analysis of demand, and also decide what the range will be.

It should be remembered that for the opening of a production company engaged in the production of food products, a large number of documents will be required to permit this business. You will also need to issue various certificates.

When you begin to draw up a cheese production business plan, you should decide on a pricing policy and market for products. To do this, you need to evaluate customer demand in all parts of the market. At first, you will be able to sell products in your region, and as production volumes increase, you can increase sales at the expense of neighboring districts and regions.

The nutritional value of a dairy product

Cheese production is a pretty cost-effective business. Its organization needs a large start-up capital.

Cheese is a high-calorie protein product with great nutritional value due to the content of all substances required for the human body in a form easily digestible. This includes proteins, peptides, fats, calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as amino acids.

Varieties of cheese

Natural cheeses are divided into rennet and fermented milk products by technological characteristics. Rennet cheese is produced by coagulation of milk with rennet. Sour-milk product is made by fermenting raw materials with special starter cultures.

Cheeses are also divided into classes:

• solid (rennet, having a solid consistency);
• semi-solid (rennet, having a dense consistency);
• soft (rennet or sour milk, having a soft consistency);
• brine (ripens in brine, contains a mass fraction of common salt).

Each such class can be divided into subgroups.

Production technology

Hard cheeses are made from cottage cheese, separated from whey, washed and squeezed. Such cottage cheese in the right amount is placed under the press and is there for a long time until the taste appears. On average, it takes a month. The longer the aging, the better the taste and the sharper the taste. The density of the finished cheese depends on the severity of the cargo.

The highest quality product is obtained from whole milk. Almost the same technology as hard cheeses is also produced. But such a product is aged much less in time. The duration of this process is a maximum of a week, or it is not done at all. Such cheese is not stored for a long time and is consumed in the near future.

The production technology of hard and soft cheese has other differences. The first species are more popular than the second.

Cheese making equipment


mini cheese production

In order to establish at least a mini-production of cheese and conducting a high-quality production process, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment.

You will need:
- a long pasteurization bath having a volume of 100 liters;

- paraffiner with a volume of 75 liters;

- IPKS bathtub having a volume of 200 liters;

- necessarily a cheese press;

- two forms;

- two refrigeration units;

- Desktop.

Product quality

The quality of the finished product depends on how good the components that go into making cheese are. Therefore, the following conditions must be observed:
• buy milk only from healthy cows;
• on the pH meter, the level of active acidity should be at least 6.8;
• the composition should not contain antibiotics;
• basic fat content within 3.5;
• the presence of proteins is not less than 3.0%;
• temperature at acceptance no more than 12 ° С.

It is required to conclude agreements with milk suppliers and write down the above requirements for the quality of raw materials, their quantity, payment terms, delivery method, and also a delay in payment if necessary.

Making a dairy product. Stage one

As an example, consider the manufacture of solid products. Cheese production technology is a very complex biochemical process that is carried out under the influence of microorganisms and enzymes. It requires adherence to a clear algorithm during the manufacture of the product.

The production of hard cheese includes the following steps:
• milk preparation;
• coagulation of raw materials, obtaining a homogeneous mass;
• ripening;
• salting of cheese.

So, the first stage is the preparation of milk. What does it consist of? The milk used must contain the required amount of protein. The product yield and raw material consumption depend on it. First of all, milk is purified and cooled in order to prevent the development of such microflora, which will lead to spoilage of raw materials. Here milk filters or separators will be needed.

It is required to cool the milk to a temperature of 7 degrees on a plate cooler with the desired performance.

Second phase. Getting a homogeneous mass

The next step in the production of cheese is the ripening of milk. It is held from 12 to 24 hours. During this time, milk is gaining acidity.

For both raw cheese and pasteurized milk, aging is required. Fermentation from lactic acid bacteria, and possibly rennet, is introduced into the pasteurized product. Next, the milk must be cooled to the clotting temperature.

It is normalized on cream separators, pasteurized - on pasteurization-cooling plants at a temperature of 74-76 degrees. The process takes about 20 seconds. During heat treatment, all vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated, and milk is prepared for clotting (up to 32 degrees). Before this, the acidity of the feed should be at least 20 degrees Turner.

The third stage. Cheese ripening

To rennet coagulation, the product is prepared in a cheese-making bath, bacteria are added, a solution of calcium chloride. If necessary, make rennet. For hard cheese, fermentation from aromatic and lactic streptococci (1.0%) is mainly used.

In the production process, mature milk is often used - 1/5 of the total mass - to increase the Ca content and improve the quality of the clot. Rennet provides a guarantee of the formation of a strong clot in a short time.

Coagulation of milk is carried out at a temperature of 32 degrees for an hour. The clot that has turned out is cut and dried for 45 minutes, 1/3 of the serum is removed. To accelerate dehydration, the cheese grain is reheated for 30 minutes, while the temperature must be maintained (40 degrees).

Then the cheese mass is dried for 50 minutes.The processing time is thus obtained in approximately 2-3 hours. The grain size should be 5-6 mm.

Final stage. Salting

Salting is the next step in the production of cheese. This process is carried out at the end of the drying stage of cheese grains. Before this, 70% of the serum is removed. Salty concentrated brine is introduced into the grain for 30 minutes with constant stirring. Next go to molding.


cheese production technology

With a pump, the cheese is sent to the whey separator. From there it pours into forms.

Self-pressing occurs within an hour, with a single turning over. Then the cheese mass is sent under the press for 4 hours, there its active acidity is very increased.

Then the cheese is dried for 10 days. At the end of this time, the heads are coated with a paraffin-polymer alloy.

Technochemical control of cheese production is required to determine whether the process complies with the standards. Now you know how to produce cheese. But there are still nuances associated with the organization of production.

Preparation of documentation for a cheese production company

Before you open your cheese production workshop, start production activities and purchase equipment, you must obtain the necessary permissions and draw up the required documentation.

The estimated cost should include:
• Obtaining rights to purchase or rent land and building permits.
• Registration of your company.
• Conclusion of necessary contracts.
• Obtaining licenses and certificates for products.

You need to worry about this in advance, otherwise you may have various force majeure circumstances during the manufacture of the product.

If you choose the legal form, it is better to give preference to a limited liability company or individual entrepreneurship. These options will help to significantly reduce the tax.

Cheese Certification

Due to the fact that cheese is a product of the dairy industry, its certification is mandatory. For example, a declaration of conformity OKP 92 2511 is issued for Russian cheese. It is issued either for a contract or for a manufacturer with an exact indication of the volume of the batch.

To receive the papers listed below: application, contract, constituent documentation of the applicant, layouts of labels, phytosanitary registration veterinary certificate certificate.

Necessary documents and requirements of SES

When opening your cheese production, as well as choosing any other type of economic activity, you certainly need to have a permit from the state sanitary and epidemiological service (SES), because the requirements of the legislation on sanitary and epidemiological surveillance are applicable to almost all types of activity.

There are a large number of regulatory documents governing the scope of permits SES. That is why it is quite difficult to fulfill the requirements of this service at the enterprise, go through the examination and issuance of the procedure yourself, and also clearly learn about your rights and obligations without legal support from specialists.

List of documents

To successfully start and conduct business, an enterprise must receive:

1. Coordination of the land management project for the allocation of land.

2. The conclusion about the selection (allotment) of the land for construction.

3. Conclusion on the construction project.

4. Approval of the commissioning of reconstruction facilities or buildings or permission to operate (food manufacturers).

5. Conclusion on the compliance of the facility with the provisions of the sanitary legislation.

6. Conclusion of the SES expertise on regulatory documentation for imported and domestic products, for the facility itself.

7. Coordination of the assortment of food products produced by the enterprise and (or) sold.

Documents that are required to obtain permission in the SES

1. Certificate of State Registration enterprises (copy).

2. Taxpayer certificate (copy).

3. An agreement with the owner on the rental of premises or territory.

4. A production flow chart, a list of equipment used at the facility, as well as facility capacity.

5. The number of employees, data on medical examinations.

6. Plan of the leased premises, which indicates the installed equipment.

7. The project for the reconstruction of the premises (when changing the functions of the premises) and the conclusion of the SES on the coordination of this project.

8. Passport for the ventilation system.

9. The contract for garbage collection.

10. Agreement with the “Professional disinfection”.

11. Help statistics with print.

And finally

It may be necessary to provide other documents that regulate the activities of the enterprise or are mandatory for obtaining permission.

cheese production business plan

Knowing the manufacturing technology of this product and having a sufficient idea of ​​the necessary equipment, as well as the documentation required to start your business, you will be ready to open your own mini cheese factory.

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