
Secondhand bookstore business plan

Bookinistics is not the most expensive type of business, and it is quite profitable. The most important thing at the initial stage is not even a business plan, but a search for a good location. A second-hand book store should ideally be where the largest concentration of potential readers, and therefore buyers. This may be the area where educational institutions, libraries or the city center are concentrated. In these places, the percentage of sales will be high.

Business investment

First of all, it is worth legitimizing your activities. The easiest way to register, as practice shows, is registration of IP. It is inexpensive and fast. On average, a full package of documents is obtained about 15 thousand rubles.

After you need to find a room. The size of the store depends on your desires. But so that the range could accommodate the whole, it is better to purchase or rent a larger place. Given the fact that you will also need a warehouse for products. By the way, it is desirable that your store was quite spacious. Pay special attention to the interior.

A second-hand bookstore is not just a bookstore. It could very well be an antique store! Perhaps you decide to bet on this? Then you will need a special interior - solid, but at the same time soft and pleasant. No hi-tech, just a classic. It is important to create a comfortable atmosphere for your visitors. Your store is not only a place for shopping, but a place for communication, meetings. To create an interior, you can invite a designer, or you can do it yourself. In any case, you will have to invest at least 50 thousand rubles (without the services of an interior master).

[caption id = "attachment_4688" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]second-hand bookstore Own business: second-hand bookstore [/ caption]

And of course, it is necessary to purchase equipment - shop windows, counters, cash registers (ideally - antique-finished). Everything should be sustained in one color scale, to harmoniously harmonize. Pay special attention to the sign - no modern luminous panels. The most successful option is a large wooden board with an engraving of the store. And in the main window your best products should be located to attract buyers. By the way, the most active buyers are those who just went to watch or chat, to “kill” time. Surround your visitors with maximum attention and care.

The equipment will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles. The main signboard is about 5-10 thousand, depending on the design and quality of execution.

If you conceived an antique store as a project, then you will need an appraiser, as well as regular customers and suppliers. Both those and others can be found on the network (on special thematic forums, in announcements, on sites of antiques and auctions). It is advisable that customers who visit your store tell their friends about it. For this, it is necessary that the service is at its best, maximum comfort and attention.

You will also have to spend on advertising your store - about 10 thousand rubles. It can be like flyers, ads in the newspaper, on the local television and radio channel, on the network. In the mailboxes of nearby houses, you can omit flyers with the announcement. There can be two of them - about buying book editions and selling at your store.

Total costs for the launch phase:

  1. documents;
  2. the room;
  3. interior;
  4. advertising;
  5. products.

Income, profitability, profit

A second-hand book store pays off sometimes swiftly, and sometimes throughout the year. Everything is quite individual. If your advertising attracts, interests and calls for a visit, there will be no end to the buyers. It is also worth betting on working hours.Ideally, if you work during the "dead" hours, that is, when other stores in the area are closed. It is not necessary to work at a loss, you can increase the working day by just a couple of hours (an hour before the opening of all stores and an hour after their closure). So, all visitors to other stores that missed the opening hours will certainly be your guests, and therefore potential buyers.

Stable annual profits can reach more than a million rubles. The amazing thing is that this will be just net profit, minus all monthly expenses. Profitability of the project can reach 40, 50, and 60 percent.

When your brainchild will bring stable profits, gaining regular customers, you can think about opening a store on the Web (with delivery in the city, for example). This will bring you additional profit, without excessive investments. In addition, this is a chance to attract additional customers to your store. Many book lovers still prefer to see the publications with their own eyes than in the picture on the Web. So, your online project will attract buyers to a real store.

Second-hand online stores are also quite popular. Moreover, you will have your own real store, from which at first you can sell products for sale on the Web. Ideally, at a good pace of development of your business on the Internet, you can create a separate working project. So, you can hire an employee to your store, and devote yourself to working on the Web without leaving your home. The costs of an online store are not large, and the profit will be stable. Especially if you will be selling not only in the city, but also in the country.

Features of the purchase of goods

All store owners at the initial stage are looking for their suppliers. Bookinistics is no exception. The only difference is that in your store not just books will be sold, but books already used by someone. At what price to buy them and from whom? You can advertise in the city and on the web that there is a purchase of books in good condition. The price is individual, taking into account the state of the publication, year of printing, relevance and relevance. It is possible that you will also get on sale special unique and antique books.

Your second-hand antiquarian bookstore should also work with restoration companies. It is better to take this into account in advance and study the market of such firms, the quality of their work and cost.

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