
Flower shop business plan

Flower shop business planThe most optimal and neutral attribute on any holiday is flowers. Flowers are a good gift for any occasion, appropriate in any situation. The flower business is always on the rise. The Russian flower market is $ 1.5 billion.

Opening your flower business is quite simple. This type of business does not require licensing, it will be sufficient just to open an IP. Start making a business plan for a flower shop, because this is the foundation of any business.

A business plan for a flower shop will be like a compass for you. This compass will help you in difficult moments push you to make the right decision. It is necessary to take into account the many variables that will occur on the way to starting a business.

In the business plan of the flower shop you need to make statements about the state of the regional market. Also analyze pricing policy, the system of competitors. Such images can gather enough information to get started.

First of all, you need a storeroom. It is advisable to rent a room of 20 square meters. Buying a room is not worth it will be an extra waste. You will also need a small repair and arrangement of the premises with special shelves. The room must have a certain temperature. You will need to install air conditioning and heaters.

After completing the first paragraph, you need to do recruitment. It is advisable to hire an experienced administrator who has already worked in the flower business. There are many subtleties when buying flowers at wholesale bases and storing them until sold. Such a person will save you a lot of time and money. You will also need several sellers, you can also hire a cleaner or entrust the sellers with cleaning. If you have a courier, you can win new customers by providing flower delivery services to your home.

When composing a business plan for a flower shop, consider the specifics of the product. Some flowers are suitable for sale in just a few days, then you can simply throw them away or sell them for a penny. Typically, flowers are sold with a margin of 50%, holidays are special moments when the margin can be up to 300%, depending on the upcoming holidays.

This business can be called seasonal. On holidays, the flow of customers grows at times, despite the high prices, they will buy. The increase in the number of buyers will be noticeable on Friday and Saturday. But on other days, life goes on birthdays, weddings, funerals.

After hiring staff, renting a room, you need to start purchasing goods. Initially, flowers need to be purchased in small batches. An inexperienced entrepreneur can simply be deceived, but for such cases you need an experienced administrator.

The assortment of the store will be the most diverse. From bouquets to home plants and related products. Customers want to see diversity; the more choices there are, the better.

Financial plan

Start with expenses:

Room rental - from 1 thousand dollars (month)

Utility bills - 300 - 500 dollars (month)

Purchase of equipment, tools - 10 thousand dollars

Acquisition of goods - from 10 thousand dollars (month)

Conducting an advertising campaign - from 1 thousand dollars (in the future, 200-400 dollars per month)

Salary to staff - from 2 thousand dollars (month)

Additional costs - 2 thousand dollars

Total - 32 thousand dollars. Please note that the business plan of the flower shop needs to be drawn up for a year.

Profit - from 2 thousand dollars (seasonal dependence)

The average payback period is 8 to 11 months.

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For the correct accounting of all income and expenses, I can recommend partially free professional software for developing a business plan - Investment analysis.
Its free functionality is quite enough to calculate the economic efficiency, both taking into account the loan, and taking into account its own funds in any tax system.
Good profit. True, the interest on a bank loan is not included in this business plan.
Why am I talking about credit? I think that a person who has at his disposal 32,000 dollars doesn’t need a business bringing 2000 dollars a month. And how many worries with him! And who does not have this money, and the business you need can only rely on credit.


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