
How to open your curling club. Curling Club Business Plan

Curling is a team game on the ice platform. Two teams take turns launching special heavy shells on the ice, which are called stones, into the house is a target. Teams (two of them) consist of four players. In the event that the number of people exceeds the norm, you should play alternately.

how to open your curling club

Curling is a cross between billiards and bowling. Compared to bowling, curling is much more intelligent, because an important role in this sport is played by strategy and the ability to unravel the plans of another team. Comparing curling with billiards, we can say that the latter is too selfish, and curling is a completely team game.

Curling Origin

The birthplace of curling is Scotland. So popular today, the game became widespread in the 16th century. In the 15th century, the Scottish Parliament issued a decree that prohibited golf. The reason for the appearance of this ban, according to historians, was the excessive enthusiasm of people for the game, which was often accompanied by unrest. Then curling did not get on the list of games that were banned. This is what gave impetus to an increase in its popularity.

Curling rules were officially approved in the 19th century and have not changed. And the stone acquired that form, size and weight, which have survived to this day. The term "curling" began to be used to refer to a game in the 17th century. The game got its name from the sound made by a stone sliding on an icy surface.

Nowadays, curling is very common in the USA, Canada, Germany, Finland, Sweden and some other countries. And interest in him is constantly growing.

Rules of the game

Two teams take part in curling, which consist of four players each. In professional curling, players are divided into male and female teams, but in amateur sports, gender does not play a role, as well as the number of people in teams. The game includes ten ends. In each of them, 16 stones are played. The objective of the game is to put the maximum number of stones in the house and knock out the stones of the enemy.

 curling club business plan

Curling Equipment

The main curling shell is stone, which is made of granite and weighs 20 kg. How much does a curling stone cost? Actually, this is a very expensive thing, especially since it is a rarity in our area. It is worth noting that the stones can break from strong blows, their handle may fall off, they may roll over. The outcome of the game depends on the ability to calculate the strength of the blow, spin and accurately direct the stone.

But the most exotic thing can be called a mop-like synthetic brush, which is rubbed with ice. After sweeping, a small layer of water forms on the ice, which enhances the sliding of the stone. The peculiarity of this brush is that it rotates in all planes. Not only the players of their team, but also the stranger are brushing the stone with brushes.

Curling shoes

Shoes are another important fixture. In curling, ice is treated with extreme caution, so players wear special shoes. Special boot pads are also used: the slider is put on one leg, the antislider on the other. The slider greatly facilitates the slide to make it, most often use Teflon. To slow down, slow down the slip, use the antislider.

curling shoes

How to open your curling club?

So, you decided to open your curling club. To start a new business, be sure to draw up a curling club business plan.

Start-up capital

To bring a business idea to life, that is, open a curling club, you will need a fairly large initial capital, namely from 600 thousand to 1 million dollars. Although launching this business is a very difficult as well as a lengthy process, it will pay off in a year and a half.

how much does a curling stone cost


Before you open your curling club, study the main financial and time costs, which include:

  • search, purchase or long-term rental of suitable premises;
  • installation works and filling of the arena;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment to maintain the playing field in working condition, subsequent maintenance of the coverage;
  • purchase of specialized game equipment;
  • promotion of a new club, its advertising.

The curling field is specially marked and has a size of 44 m by 4.7 m. You can use natural or artificial ice to cover the floor in the curling club. Installation of pipes, screed, pouring and marking are carried out by special companies.

When using natural ice, the owner will have to deal with bills for large amounts of electricity for refrigeration systems that maintain the required temperature. The owner will also have to solve the problem of maintaining such a coating, leveling it and removing ice crumbs.

It is much more logical to use artificial ice. It is no different from natural in appearance. To care for him, an ice picking machine is not required. Synthetic ice is easy to assemble and lay, this material will cost much less in the purchase and subsequent operation.

The cost of artificial ice: $ 20 per square meter from our manufacturers and about $ 40 from imported ones. Synthetic coating can be easily applied in open and closed arenas. The synthetic ice platform can be operated up to 25 years.

Upon completion of the arena filling, stands for spectators, shower rooms and changing rooms for players should be organized.

A very important cost item is the purchase of inventory. It is extremely clear that you need to understand what you need for curling. The main projectile in the game is a stone, which is made of a granite block, a handle is attached to it. The price of one stone is 600-900 dollars. The goal of the players is to place their stones in the house, to knock out shells of rivals from the center.

what you need for curling

Players set the direction of movement and speed of the stone using brushes. Their cost is from $ 70, but the active use of the brushes will lead to their wear, and replacement will cost about 25-30 dollars. Correct gliding on the ice provides players with special shoes. Depending on the manufacturer, shoes will cost $ 150-400. And sliders and antisliders will cost $ 25. Professional players usually have their own brush and shoes.

Curling Club Prospects

Starting a new business, you need to not only ask how to open your own curling club, but also think about its prospects.

curling equipment

The approximate cost of renting a curling arena for one hour of play is $ 150. Given that this is a relatively new sport for our population, you can attract customers by having a professional trainer at the club who has been accredited by the Curling Federation, flexible prices, various bonuses, promotions, for example, a free first training session.

It is necessary to take into account the interests of all age categories. After all, this will help attract more customers. Also, after successful active advertising on the basis of the curling club, you can create a school for children and hold competitions. And also to organize competitions among adults, children, amateurs and professionals. Experienced players say that curling is a very gamble game, if you try once, then you can’t tear yourself away from it.

Now you know how to open your own curling club, where to start and how to get profit from it. Good luck

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