
Taxi business plan

Taxi business planFor some people with decent incomes, personal transportation is a burden. For such people it is easier to use a taxi. But taxis are used by many citizens of different walks of life. Sometimes you need to take a taxi because of the heavy bags with which you simply can’t travel through the city in public transport, sometimes taxis are called to transport the drunk home. The contingent is very different for everyone their own needs. But they all want one thing from a taxi, so that it would be fast, comfortable, not expensive.

An essential thing for you is a business taxi plan. Decide on the choice of form of organization in advance. Will it be a taxi service with its own fleet or connecting private traders with their own cars. The specifics of drawing up a business taxi plan will depend on this choice.

Taxi business plan

Introductory Section

First of all, describe your vision of your company. Indicate the scheme by which you plan to carry out the work. This business taxi plan is dedicated to a work scheme where taxi drivers with personal vehicles will be involved. You will provide them with information about customers, and receive 10-20% from each passenger served.

Description of the enterprise

Organization of communication between a taxi driver and an operator is one of the most important organizational tasks. The better communication is established, automated, the more customers you can manage to serve. Many taxi companies use the radio as their primary communications device. But this is not economically justified for large cities. It is necessary to use cost-effective and work-modernizing methods.

To organize communication between the dispatcher and the taxi driver, you can use GSM communication. It is only necessary to agree with the Cold Cent on the use of their resources. You will have your own control room and good technical equipment. Also, for work, you will need specially software.

In taxi services, very often accounts receivable is 20% of the earnings of one car. In fact, this is theft or concealment of income. The taxi driver doesn’t give all the money to the cashier, he conceals part of it. To avoid this, install special accounting and calculation programs. Which will calculate the mileage, the cost in fractions of a second. Thus, increasing work efficiency.

You can rent a small office if there is a need. Also, if you do not want to use the services of cold cents, you can spend a multichannel telephone in your office and install several computers with special software.

It will be necessary to hire several operators, depending on the number of machines. You will also need the services of a programmer / system administrator.

A very important section of the taxi business plan will be the purchase of an easy-to-remember number and an advertising company. For a taxi, the most important thing is to have a number that a person in any condition can remember. Telephone companies themselves will offer you the best options. Advertising will be the main engine of the business. You will need to print many business cards that need to be distributed in transport and at stops. Also order advertisements in newspapers and put up ads. It’s best if you first carry out various promotions, every 10 trip is 10% cheaper or each business card is a 5% discount.

You can also draw up your plan for further development. At first, work with drivers on personal vehicles. In six months or a year, you will be able to afford leasing or a loan to purchase your own personal fleet. These are good development prospects.

Financial section

Costs for the year:

office rental - $ 5 thousand

installation of equipment in the office, buying a telephone line, providing drivers with communications, buying a room - $ 12 thousand

furniture purchase - $ 1 thousand

salary to staff - $ 10 thousand (salary to drivers is negotiable).

advertising company - from $ 5 thousand

other expenses - $ 10 thousand

Total - $ 45 thousand.

When creating a business taxi plan, keep in mind that income will depend on popularity, the first time you need to have a certain amount to cover losses. The average payback of this business is from six months to a year.



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Reason for complaint
I often use such services. This week I took advantage of it twice a weekend, the taxi drivers who drove me a little told about this. I thought about this type of business, it is really in demand, but again we need a lot of money for this.
And on TV they constantly talk about the connection between taxi drivers and crime. This does not need to be taken into account?


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