
Concrete Fence Business

Concrete fences have recently become increasingly popular. They are used by owners of private houses, townhouses, cottages to create different forms and textures, to give an individual style to the territory of their buildings.

Concrete fences make up a good alternative, for example, to roof gratings. The advantage of such fences is that they are cheaper, more durable and do not need to be painted.

Demand for this product is now good and constantly growing, as the construction of houses is proceeding at a high pace.

A small number of enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of decorative concrete fences. Basically, the production of concrete fences of this kind is carried out on individual orders, often as an addition to other reinforced concrete or concrete products (blocks, paving slabs, slabs).

Now it’s almost impossible to buy concrete decorative fences at an affordable price, since there are not a large number of manufacturers of this type of product. But their manufacture can become quite profitable if you competently approach the technical and marketing aspects of this business.

Equipment and production technology

For the manufacture of concrete fences, molds and molding equipment are required. It is also very important to process the cement mixture - the better the raw materials used, the better and more beautiful the finished product will be.

This business idea requires the following resources and materials:

  • the presence of river sand and cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • various additives to improve the quality of concrete;
  • fittings;
  • molds for concrete pouring;
  • vibrating table;
  • concrete mixer.

The technology for the production of fences begins with the screening of materials: cement and sand, which form the basis of concrete. This is done in special vibrating electric sieves. The price of one such sieve is about $ 500. How much you need to purchase them depends on the type and capacity of production. If volume flow production is planned, such sieves need at least 3-4. If the production will be carried out on order, it is enough to buy one or two sieves.

Kneading the concrete mixture is the next step. It is produced in so-called concrete mixers (concrete mixers). The price range of this equipment is wide, varies depending on capacity. The cheapest can have a price of 350 dollars, and the most expensive - 2200 dollars.

Stationary forced concrete mixers can improve productivity, although they are more expensive.

The third stage of production consists of the very process of forming panels - elements of the future concrete fence. Molds for the manufacture of decorative fences should be of high quality, have strength, so as not to deform in the future. Forms for openwork panels are somewhat more expensive than for deaf ones. Their acquisition is quite costly when opening such a business.

For any high-quality concrete products (for example, paving slabs) for shrinkage of concrete, you need a molding vibrating table - a special machine that forcibly settles concrete using vibrations (frequency vibrations), while removing air bubbles from the mixture so that the concrete has a good density.

Vibration tables last for two types - on springs and on belts. The first ones are more expensive (about $ 1,000), they last longer. The second ones are much cheaper (about $ 600), but their wear is faster due to stretching and abrasion of belts. But the choice of the type of table directly depends on the volume of production - if it is small, then rather you need to take a molding table on belts.

[caption id = "attachment_4684" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]concrete fences your business: production of concrete fences [/ caption]

In the manufacture of concrete decorative fences, special modifiers and plasticizers are used, which are added to the solution to give plasticity and prevent cracks, as well as to easily remove the solid product from the molds.

Often, a molding table is used to knock out finished concrete products from the molds, which is equipped with a special nozzle. But with large volumes or a continuous production process, the use of this method is not practical: the vibratory molding table has more powerful electric motors than the forming one, therefore every time using the molding table for forming, it is strongly advised to reconfigure or disable one of the motors (if the electrical circuit is paired).

Recommended composition of the working team: main workers (1 castor) and auxiliary workers (2 assistant casters). The main workers perform: weighing pigments, additives and plasticizer, prepare the batch, perform vibro-filling of the mixture into removable casting molds. Ancillary workers provide the main workers with raw materials, weigh cement and mineral fillers, load them into the mixer and remove the finished products from the molds.

Production of concrete decorative fences and business development prospects

Today the production and installation of decorative fences is already a small part of this business. The main direction of development, except, of course, finding sales markets is the development of design and decoration services. In addition to standard sketches with fences, the designer for a fee will select or make an individual drawing for the fence of your client, its type and color, suitable for design.

Such a direction becomes the most promising in this business, as it provides great opportunities to expand production. In addition to standard gray fence panels, it is possible to produce multi-colored ones by adding special dyes (pigments) to the initial solution.

If your designer also designs the lawns in front of the house or yard, you can also offer the client additional elements and strokes in the design that will be combined with the design of the fence: for example, flower girls, flowerpots, herbalists, ballot boxes, benches. In an extreme case, decorative figures are also suitable: garden gnomes or animals, balusters, fountains, barbecue, borders.


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