
Franchise Gazpromneft: features, conditions, price

Gazpromneft seeks to sell the entire volume of products that it produces, mainly through its own distribution channels. In this vein, companies are also interested in developing a franchise network. For the enterprise, this is a very effective mechanism that makes it possible to have a gas station on all federal highways. Gazpromneft connects the interest in franchising with the desire to bring the entire volume of oil products to the market.

gaspromneft franchise

Gazpromneft - gas station

Work on a franchise agreement has many advantages. The advantages of the franchise of Gazpromneft gas stations are several:

  • high quality products;
  • a range of additional services at gas stations, including washing, oil changes, cafes, etc .;
  • manufacturability of gas stations - the company opens automated gas stations that the driver can find through a special mobile application on an interactive map;
  • steady brand.

In Russia, the need for highways and refueling roads remains, unlike Europe. In Germany alone, there are about fourteen and a half thousand gas stations. In Russia - about twenty thousand gas stations. For comparison: in Canada - more than fourteen thousand stations, in the UK - about ten thousand, in China - more than thirty thousand gas stations, in Switzerland - almost three and a half thousand gas stations.

gaspromneft gas station franchise

Franchise Attraction

In addition to the filling up of the retail fuel market, another business advantage of the Gazpromneft gas station franchise is a quality product presented under a franchise agreement at an affordable price.

Gazpromneft gas stations usually generate revenue of 20%. Fuel supplies are carried out without delay and the impact of demand, guaranteed on time. The promoted brand of the company also plays an invaluable role in the selection of the product, namely Gazpromneft. Gasoline, diesel fuel and oil are supplied by the best domestic fuel producers - oil refineries in the Moscow, Yaroslavl and Omsk regions.

Due to the quality of fuel, customer demand for motorists is growing. Improving the conditions of refueling and additional service affects the increase in revenue.

gaspromneft franchise price

Gazpromneft franchise value

How much does the Gazprom franchise cost? The Gazpromneft gas station franchise (price, conditions) does not have a single cost for all partners, so the issue is resolved individually. Features of the transaction, the amount of investment and the payback period will be discussed strictly on an individual basis at personal meetings with a specialist franchisor. The company's proposals, the list of conditions that must be met by a future partner, are best evaluated in advance.

The price of the Gazpromneft franchise, like any other franchise, depends on the popularity and level of development of the brand. The cost is influenced by the features of the outlet. For the franchise of Gazpromneft filling stations, the price is calculated individually. Much depends on the entrepreneur himself. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in any case it is necessary to have a starting capital - from 5,850,000 rubles and more.

Gazpromneft gas station franchise: conditions

Franchising companies are monitoring the reputation of network entities. Gazpromneft enters into an agreement only if the partners fully comply with the conditions and comply with the requirements for the construction of a gas station:

  1. Important place for the construction of gas stations.
  2. Compliance with safety regulations.
  3. The station facade should be constructed with recognizable company symbols.

The refueling territory should be suitable for a number of criteria, if the site is not suitable for construction, then another, more suitable, proposed by Gazpromneft should be chosen.

gaspromneft refueling franchise

When the gas stations are built, and all construction work is curtailed, the company conducts an examination of the constructed facility. If it fully meets the requirements and does not cause complaints from experts, the company buys out gas stations. The purchase takes place at a fixed cost, determining refueling in the direct ownership of the franchised network.

Franchisee Requirements

These features are not the only ones. An indispensable requirement: the ability to invest heavily in the development of the franchise project, respect for the brand policy of the company, the desire to follow the wishes of the network, to ensure quality and decent service. As a rule, businessmen with experience in the service sector have great chances to get a franchise.

You can become a Gazpromneft partner only by making a cooperation offer more advantageous than other interested parties.

gaspromneft gas station franchise Price

Great chances for a franchise are companies with their facilities (ready-to-use gas stations), which subsequently require only reduction to the set conditions and branding.

Gazpromneft integrates such gas stations in its network, buying them for the conditions of the retail market.

Benefits for Franchisees

Cooperation with Gazpromneft provides an opportunity for franchising partners to use the Gazpromneft brand, advertising gas stations, and in general the opportunity to work under the company’s brand.

The retail sale of fuel has long gained the appearance of a clear scheme and tested in practice - this is an advantage for the formation of business processes of a partner. Especially regarding the uninterrupted distribution of fuel volumes of all grades by objects.

The network provides an opportunity to develop cooperation of all points included in it, as well as participate in social and promotions from Gazpromneft.

Gazpromneft franchise value

If necessary, the company can assist in the selection of personnel and their training for work at gas stations under the Gazpromneft brand. Provided agency fees.

The company gives a guarantee of compliance with all the clauses and conditions contained in the concession agreement, and may provide an opportunity to develop the business together with Gazpromneft.

Demand for gas stations

The fuel business is profitable today. The demand for gasoline and other types of fuel is constant, and if it changes, it will grow exclusively. This is due to an increase in the number of cars and the development of a business that uses delivery services. Despite the fact that the market for gas station services is not saturated with objects, it is a mistake to assume that anyone who knows how to take profits can occupy this niche. The fuel business protects its reputation and “protects” the market. Therefore, there is no place for poorly located gas stations or low-quality product. In addition, the owner of the gas station will have complex organizational work, which not every businessman can handle.


To prevent all kinds of miscalculations in the creation of gas stations, you can become a franchisee one of the largest fuel companies in the world. Presenting his company as a suitable partner for franchisees, Gazpromneft offers brand opportunities and stability in the supply of fuel with proven quality and different brands. Given the company's direction in terms of production and processing, strict control is organized at all stages of production.

The company’s gas station network is developing abroad, not all of them work within the framework and under the terms of the franchise, but this experience is enough to expand the network.

Gazpromneft offers the franchisee "insurance" against difficulties in the creation or further operation of gas stations.

gaspromneft gas station franchise price terms

The Gazpromneft franchise is a suitable option for a startup. The company's experts advise on reinvestment and tax laws.Gazpromneft provides its partners with quality certificates and promotional products, booklets and signs.

Franchise policy

The Gazpromneft company monitors the justification of fuel prices and pursues an extremely balanced policy in this direction. But, taking into account the interests of consumers, retail sales through a franchise does not disregard entrepreneurs. The company’s efforts are aimed at balancing the interests of business and drivers, without raising the price of fuel unreasonably and without reducing it to the detriment of the activities of the network.

In total, all directions of the company's policy give an unchanging positive result for the franchisee - an increase in the flow of consumers. In addition, Gazpromneft promises support in improving this indicator and creating new conditions for customer growth.

Franchisee Liabilities

Gazpromneft is a big-name company, a large enterprise with a strategic development plan. Franchisees cannot ignore these features. Brand value and reputation justify the requirements for partners. The quality of service and products, technological processes and performance should remain unchanged. Subject to these conditions, cooperation with Gazpromneft will be fruitful, and profit will be greatest.

The Gazpromneft franchise price has not been set; the partner decides how much of his money he can invest in investing in order to have an income. Schemes of all processes worked out and effective will make gas stations a profitable project.

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Reason for complaint
Ivan Ivanov
Gazprom Neft gas stations do not have franchises, for 2019 and Gazprom gas stations in the same way, the only attempt to franchise OPTI gas stations but this is a different story, another TM


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