
Internet resource for monitoring sports loads

Internet resource for monitoring sports loadsSport is slowly but surely coming into our lives. Previously, less attention was paid to this because the media influenced our stereotypes to a lesser extent. Now, everywhere we are imposed the opinion that we are fat or use harmful products and we need to play sports. Some people simply cannot live without sports. Each person has his own style of life.

One Danish resource called Endomondo (translated literally, you get the “world of endorphins”), created by three friends, offers a very interesting service. A special program for a mobile phone, which can be downloaded on the Endomondo website, offers such a type of service as measuring the duration of a workout, speed, distance, calorie consumption and much more. For all these measurements, it’s enough to take the phone for training and turn on the program, upon arrival home the data will need to be sent to the site and your data will be analyzed and entered into your profile. This is a very convenient program.

After processing the data, you can exchange it with your friends or like-minded people. Discuss routes, training, nutrition and more. This resource will help you find partners for training or camping. The program is focused on sports such as running, sports tourism, cycling, skiing. The information that will be provided by the site will help in further training and in drawing up their plan.

The creators of the site are friends and colleagues. Kristinau, Jacob, Mette created this Internet resource back in 2008, and for the first time, about a hundred thousand visitors from Denmark visited the site for the first time. It was a tremendous success. Three friends, managers who quit their job for their dreams. And they did not fail, now the Internet resource for controlling sports loads is very popular. An Internet resource for controlling sports loads through a mobile application that is available on all models by phone and can be downloaded on the website.

This business idea brought success to friends. They took up their favorite business, which was their combination and made it a profitable business.

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