
Hotel for women in childbirth

Hotel for women in childbirthAlmost every woman wants to have her own child and raise him as a worthy person. Some people are taking their first steps for the bright future of their child before his birth. Amendment number fourteen in America states that every person who was born in America automatically becomes her citizen (the citizenship of the parents does not affect this), the same law exists in the UK, as well as in Ireland and Australia.

This is an idea for business is not new, but it brings arrived, which pays off all this business with interest. In existing hotels of this type, the average monthly bill is approximately 15 thousand US dollars, and this is not in five-star hotels. Such a mid-level hotel provides only housing and care services, but not medical services. That is, customers themselves decide everything on the medical side. But you can also conclude an agreement with the hospital and recommend this clinic to your tenants and help in solving various issues.

Often, parents who decide on such a move want to either move to a permanent residence in this country, or give their child a chance to receive a prestigious education at the best universities, and citizenship helps a lot. In such hotels located in America, Russians are most often hosted, who thus solve the aforementioned issue with a prestigious education, Chinese who, after giving birth, get a chance to move with their whole family, as well as Mexicans.

The standard package of services that these hotels provide is: meeting at the airport, transportation to the hotel, cradle to the hotel room, of course, some kind of gift set or consultation with a specialist. Usually visiting ladies stay for about two months. On average, the cost of giving birth to those who want to have a baby in such comfortable conditions can start from 45 thousand US dollars, it all depends on the client and his concept of comfort.

I brought the idea to you, now it's up to you. Act! Find more information about this type of business and think about how to implement this idea of ​​creating a hotel for expectant mothers and newborns. But keep in mind that this business can only be developed if you have partners in countries such as the USA, England and Ireland.

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Interesting information. Especially for further study abroad.
Olga Kannunikova
If only in Russia such conditions were provided and so that no one would want to go abroad to have children.


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