
Dog breeding as a business: necessary equipment and documents. How to open a dog kennel?

dog breeding as a businessSome decide to make dog breeding.

They paint a beautiful picture for themselves: they will have several dogs - bitches and dogs - and after the animals begin to breed, the dog kennel will quickly become profitable.

But, perhaps, no one has ever thought about why such a business has not yet been formed in the market and has not become its separate industry.

Who is destined to become a breeder?

Dog breeding as a business is not just about breeding and selling them. Animals need care, they need to be fed, washed, combed, transported to a veterinary clinic so that they receive one or another injection. And such care for the dogs should be constant. That is why only those people who love dogs should understand this business, understand what they need, can play with them and enjoy the hours spent together.

Where to begin? First steps as a breeder

how to get a dog kennelDog breeding as a business involves a gradual increase in buyers and demand. And do not forget about competition.

For those who love a man’s four-legged friends, wants to take care of them and earn money for them, we advise you to buy thoroughbred dogs, and also to know in advance what approximately amount you can ask for during the sale.

In addition, it is important to consider the paper side of the issue. Here is a list of documents that will need to be issued if you decide to start this business:

  1. For a pedigree female or male: pedigree and certificate of admission to breeding issued by RKF;
  2. For the breeder: a document confirming profile education; confirmation of the lease of the prefix, which allows you to open a nursery; registration of breeding in the register of the RKF.

But do not forget to start to study some literature about dogs, find out what they eat, how to grow them properly, how to raise them, what vaccinations animals need to do, how to teach them basic commands.

Next you will need to choose a breed of dog. Of course, you can purchase several bitches and several males, but their breed must be the same - this is the key to clean lines. The most important thing is to know how to properly care for a particular breed of dog.

Do not stop your choice at first on the animal that is more expensive. It’s best to choose the species that you are knowledgeable about. Each of them has its pros and cons. Carefully and very well study them all so that later there are no incidents. Choose a puppy that will be a leader among other dogs.

The choice of territory and premises

Before you start the first pair of dogs, you must decide where they will live and what their living conditions will be. Also decide in advance what kind of breed you will breed: you can be individuals of the same species or, conversely, animals of different breeds.

The most ideal solution for keeping dogs is a house that is located outside the city. There, it will be most convenient for you to walk your pets. And if something is missing, then you can easily finish building the area and expand dog breeding as a big business.

If the apartment is one-bedroom, then only two or three dogs can live there with all amenities. Of course, you can do more, but provided that no one else lives in the apartment. Also, before starting your business, read the specialized literature on this type of activity so that you do not go broke later.

Who will help?

The breeder from whom you will get the first pair can be found even among the neighbors. He will also be able to help you during the purchase or sale of puppies. Best of all, of course, if this person is a professional dog handler or expert, one who can answer all questions and advise on any topic related to four-legged pets.

You must understand for what purpose you are acquiring a particular breed of dog and why you need it. And also find out if the breeder helps in making a profit. This is a very important point. If you choose the right breeder, you can save on feed and vaccinations.

Such services will cost you much less than in a veterinary clinic. Also, the owner of the parents of the puppies will be able to suggest how to properly care for the dog’s hair, and will help with advice during mating, pregnancy and childbirth.

Dog breeding as a business: calculate the first profit

Bitch brings offspring once a year. And if you choose the right female dog, then she can bring you four or five healthy puppies.

If you bind it with a thoroughbred male, then puppies can end up costing from twenty to thirty thousand rubles (the average cost of a puppy with a pedigree, regardless of breed). Now we will calculate the annual sales revenue if you have not one, but at least five female producers.

To do this, multiply the cost of one puppy (20 thousand rubles) by the size of the litter (for example, your dog gave birth to five cubs), in the end it turns out that in a year you can get about a hundred thousand rubles! Of course, this is not much, but for an extra income it’s a decent amount.

The needs of our smaller brothers

And now let's calculate what exactly your dog needs in order to be happy, healthy and able to whelp regularly, that is, be child-bearing. To begin with, she needs to purchase quality food.

You will need to take your dog from time to time for various procedures and vaccinations, she also needs to be given x-rays, vaccinations, and preventive measures against worms and other parasites. When a dog begins to molt, we recommend purchasing good vitamins. Seasonal change of coat occurs in animals twice a year.

Pet Career

If your dog takes part in exhibitions or competitions, then the price for her and her puppy will naturally increase. But in order to participate in all activities, the dog must be trained in the main commands and undergo a training course. Participation in various exhibitions can also bring you additional income.

But for this, your dog must receive a special veterinary certificate, undergo medical control, and you will also need to pay a fee for participation. For a year you can visit a dozen and a half exhibitions. And in order for the dog to be taken to the event, the animal must demonstrate its positive qualities. Perhaps at first you need the help of a specialist handler. He will be able to prepare the dog for participation in the exhibition or in any other event.

If you have one bitch ...

The first expenses of the breeder who chose to breed dogs as a business will be spent on raising the acquired individual to two years (or until the childbearing period), then you need to find a male, pay for services. After that, proceed to the preparation of the necessary documents. After successful mating, you have to go out and raise puppies. Therefore, it is important to think again, and whether it is worth starting such a business. Can you pull all the costs?

The other side of the coin

Good profits come from simple buyers who sell puppies in the market. Moreover, all documents about "pedigree" are, as a rule, fake. Also, those owners who have either rare or fashionable dog breeds get a good profit.Most importantly, you have to get into the exact period of time when this or that dog is in demand, and its puppy can be sold profitably.

If you are ready to perform all of the above, a dog kennel as a business is for you. If you enjoy what you do, it will help you gain experience, have additional profit and achieve success.

Dog business step by step

First, you must try to ensure that your pet is trained by a dog handler, and then you can register it. The next task for you is to create the most convenient nursery for future four-legged "guests". In order to organize a nursery, you need quite large rooms. City apartment, of course, is not suitable for this.

For dogs, the most important thing is to be warm, comfortable and bright. It is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature and sufficient moisture level. Do not forget another very important factor - the room (aviary) should be free enough so that four-legged friends move a lot. Otherwise, they may have some health problems.

Remember that your neighbors, no matter how well they treat you and your business, will not really want to listen day or night to either loud barking or howling dogs. That is why the best option is to build a nursery away from the residential sector. Be sure to get legal advice on the questions: "How to get a dog kennel formal?" and "What documentation to prepare?"

Space organization

nursery as a businessBefore you open a dog kennel, remember: in an ideal case, it should have spacious and comfortable enclosures and walks. And in order to keep dogs in the kennel, you can build several simple kennels for them, for example, from improvised materials: bricks, boards or blocks.

In addition, you should have a separate room in which food for animals will be stored. It can be a warehouse or a cellar. The area around the nursery is best protected by a high fence.

This is necessary so that dogs can not go beyond it and bite random passers-by. Best of all, make a fence with a stone base. Then the dogs will not be able to dig and run away.

When a visitor comes to you, be sure to provide him with all the information about the pedigree of the puppy and veterinary documents. A variety of photographs, awards and photographs of your pets (if, of course, you have them) hung on the walls can also serve as an attractive advertising move. Dog breeding is not an easy business, and excess PR will never hurt here. Moreover, such moves easily bribe the vain buyers of puppies.

So now you know how to open a kennel for dogs. Good luck!

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