
How to open a pharmacy

How to open a pharmacyIn previous articles, I wrote how to open a real estate agency, entry costs are minimal and you can get quick profit, you can fly into the pipe just as quickly. Unlike real estate, the pharmaceutical business is characterized by stability in income and a high threshold of entry. At first glance, it may seem seasonal, but it’s not so, people get sick for a whole year, even at sea I get a cold. Soon you will learn how to open a pharmacy and make money on it.

Pharmacies, by their functionality, can make prescription drugs, sell drugs, or do both. By manufacture is meant the preparation of mixtures for grinding and other non-complex preparations, which are not profitable, produced at the factory and are made only on order after the appointment.

There is also a division by size into pharmacies, kiosks, and drugstores, the latter very quickly pay off and give good income, since they can only sell popular drugs, and not the entire range, most of which has been on the shelves for months. You also need to consider that drugs have an expiration date and if they are not sold on time, then the cost is deducted from profit. There is one drawback with pharmacy points that they cannot be opened without a pharmacy.

How to open a pharmacy in as soon as possible.

A pharmacy opens within 3 months, will not work faster. To sell drugs, you need to obtain a license after purchasing equipment and making repairs in the premises according to standards. The term for obtaining a license takes about 60 days. Repair of the premises for a month.

Repair of premises for opening a pharmacy

The material with which the walls and ceiling are sheathed should reflect light well and should not be afraid of wet cleaning and be resistant to the use of disinfectants. Fortunately, there are no requirements for the design of the institution and you can do everything simply. You will have to work on the floor, it needs to be insulated and covered with linoleum or laid unglazed ceramic tiles. There are requirements for the size of the premises, so the trading floor is from 60 m, the administrative office 13 m, the sanitary room 2 m.


You can open an online store without staff, I don’t know how to open a pharmacy, recruiting employees is a big problem. In this business, with recruiting an employee, everything is very strict, only a diploma of higher or secondary pharmaceutical education can be admitted to work. This rule does not apply to the cleaner and accounting, the latter can be outsourced at first. Requirement for the head. pharmacy: the experience of more than 3 years is precisely from this person that the assortment formation and your profit will depend.

One of the main factors of business success is the placement of points of sale. It is necessary to try to rent or buy a room at checkpoints with a lot of traffic and preferably without competitors around. When a person goes home from work tired, he will not bypass the price difference due to a couple of rubles.

You will learn how to open a pharmacy and not burn out by reading a business plan. Profitability of 10% at margins of 20-40% such figures gives this business. As professionals say, keeping one pharmacy is not very profitable, you need to open a network, at least 3-4 depends on the city. The network’s turnover can range from 450-550 million rubles a year, initial investments of $ 30-60 thousand.

Watch a video with market analysis from professionals:

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Reason for complaint
The pharmacy business is very highly competitive. If you are a beginner, it is better without the help of friends or a specialized organization, do not meddle there. It will take you a lot of time, money, and the result will be negligible.
By the way, you can go the simpler way and open an online pharmacy - it is much easier and also very profitable.
Olga Kannunikova
Creating a pharmacy business, in my opinion, is a reliable and stable business. But still I think that we need to have a pharmaceutical education. At least it is right to provide yourself with a professional staff of workers. It is very important.



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