
How much does it cost to open a gas station? How to open a gas station (gas station)? Business plan with calculations and necessary equipment

How to open a gas station

Given that the cost of fossil fuels tends to increase, many businessmen are thinking about whether it is profitable to open a gas station, because every year there are more and more cars that use gas equipment. However, traditional fuels are now in no less demand. Therefore, a completely logical question may arise: "How to open a gas station?"

Urgency of the problem

At the moment, in the world (and Russia is no exception), large and small businesses are developing at a fairly rapid pace. For the entrepreneur, the most demanded and popular areas are the following: agriculture, trade and services.

The most relevant is the latter. If we talk about how to open a gas station, it is worth noting that this can become a particularly profitable enterprise. This type of business is becoming increasingly popular, since almost everyone has their own vehicle: motorcycles, cars or trucks and more.

Fuel is a fairly valuable energy source and an indispensable component for the functioning of transport, because all cars run on gasoline and diesel fuel. The first is a valuable oil product, which is why it is constantly in demand. Therefore, if you are considering how to open a gas station, then you should know that this business can become very profitable. It is worth considering how to do it from scratch.

Location selection and required documents

The first thing you need to organize a business in this area, as in any other, is to register with the IFTS as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the second case, you will need more time and money, but this will give you the opportunity to make transactions with individuals and legal entities.

In the first case, we can talk about the ability to make transactions exclusively with individuals. During the registration process, you will be required to pay state fees. After that, it will be necessary to collect certain documents, namely, to obtain a license from the Ministry of Fuel for the storage of oil and fuel, obtain permission to rent land from local authorities, and also conclude a lease agreement.

How much does it cost to open a gas station

If we talk about how to open a gas station, it should be noted the importance of properly placing it. The best way to organize gas stations is in an area where there is no competition. First for this it is worth taking a closer look at the area.

It is advisable to build a gas station on the outskirts of the city, or when leaving it, as usually there are not so many of them in such places. Speaking about how to open a gas station, it should be noted the importance of developing a list of services provided, namely: sales of gasoline of various brands, gas and diesel fuel.

The acquisition of the necessary equipment and the provision of additional services

In the event that you are interested in how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the price will include the purchase of the necessary equipment, namely: fuel columns, control systems, shop windows, fire stands, cash registers, bar counters, shelves, kitchen appliances and other things. All this equipment is quite expensive.

However, it is not enough just to buy it; it is important to place everything correctly and rationally. Speaking about how to build a gas station, it should be noted that you can not only sell fuel, but also organize a nearby store where spare parts and tools will be sold. The opening of a cafe can be very promising, as passing drivers will have the opportunity to eat and relax.


Understanding how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the business plan provides for the next step, which is to set up fuel supplies. To do this, you need to find a good supplier. This is not a problem for the big city, since there are many companies that supply gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Fuel from famous brands, for example, Lukoil, is most valued. And here you can offer to do franchising. And here the question arises, how much does it cost to open a Lukoil gas station? Franchising assumes that a future businessman enters into an agreement on the right to use the brand.

Usually it costs about 25-30 thousand rubles a year. However, this is a useful investment, because in this way you can attract many customers. Most drivers prefer to buy gasoline exclusively from well-known companies. So you can increase the demand for the products offered, and therefore your income.


If you are thinking about how to open a gas station, you should understand that this will require recruiting staff. You can recommend hiring people who have at least some experience in this area. How many people do you need to organize a full-fledged activity?

To work, you will need two tankers, sellers, security guards, as well as a manager. All of them must have certificates in this profession. The number of employees is directly dependent on the size of the gas station, as well as on the number of cars for which it is designed. Usually eight, but there may be other options.

When the staff will be recruited, you will need to set the price of fuel. It is worth noting that well-known brands like Lukoil will be most in demand. LUKOIL is a fairly large company whose activity is the sale of oil and oil products.

If you are interested in how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that in order to establish a business, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions: rationally place the gas station and equip it, not overcharge, and also provide a high level of quality of service. It is necessary to think about the fact that all personnel must comply with fire safety requirements, because gasoline is a liquid that is quite flammable.

Gas station: business plan

Not everyone can open a gas station. This business is quite expensive. On average, about 6 million rubles are required to organize Lukoil's refueling. To rent a land plot will require a very considerable amount of money. It will take 100-1500 thousand rubles.

The purchase of equipment for gas stations also involves quite substantial costs, and here we are talking about a million rubles or more. In addition to everything, the construction of a gas station will require about two million rubles. Approximately the same amount will be required to pay staff wages. These calculations are relevant for any city, regardless of size.

However, one should not immediately be afraid of such high costs, because the income from refueling activities will be considerable, approximately 20-30 thousand rubles a day. Cafe and auto parts store can be additional sources of income. For a month, revenue may well reach 600 thousand rubles.

It is easy enough to calculate the time it takes to pay off the construction of Lukoil gas stations. Less than a year will be required for payback, and then all the revenue will be sent to the owner in the hands.

How to organize a gas station

An important component of the fuel business is building relationships with suppliers. Most beneficial will be the development of relations with large oil companies, which have not only a tank farm, but also the rest of the infrastructure. This is the only way to guarantee high fuel quality.


Even if you are interested in how to open a gas station, then you should know that such a business requires special precautions. A modern fuel station should look more like a serious banking institution than a minimarket.

Windows and doors should be made armored, and the cashier and his equipment should not be visible at all. Under no circumstances does the cashier have the right to open doors during working hours and go beyond the limits of his seat. Mandatory equipment, which should be equipped with a gas station, is an alarm button.


An important component of a business plan before opening a gas station is the compliance of work standards with current legal requirements. A mass of auditing organizations will constantly monitor your activities. You must always be prepared and not be afraid of any checks.

Most often, gas stations are visited by representatives of the trade inspectorate, oil inspection, fire and tax services. The station must be built accordingly, as well as being interested in complying with all existing rules. This is very relevant if the business owner intends to stay in this market for a long time.

Sales rates

On average, a gas station sells approximately 3-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. If you constantly take care of the quality of the goods, then this figure may be slightly overestimated. If you are interested in how to organize electrical refueling, then it is worth noting that they are best combined with traditional gas stations.

Professional Tricks

In this business, there are a number of tricks that at first glance seem small, but they are very expensive. It is known that from a high temperature gasoline can increase in volume. Therefore, you must always monitor the temperature that the substance has when pouring into a fuel truck.

During the reception of gasoline, the receivers may stick the measuring unit excessively into the storage tank. From this, the liquid will splash, which will lead to the formation of a wave. The result of this will be the fact that the spilled liquid will refuse to be unaccounted for.

How to build a gas station

Conclusion, conclusions, recommendations

All of the above about how to open a gas station, can lead to the conclusion that this lesson is quite expensive and difficult. This business has a significant advantage - refueling can be completed in just a few weeks.

And the payback of such an enterprise is quite fast, while the profit is very high. In the business plan, the most important place is given to the correct location of the gas station. This should be a territory without competitors in the city center or at the exit from it. The construction of a gas station will require the purchase of expensive equipment.

For business success, the right choice of employees is essential. They must have a suitable education, as well as certificates. For the business to start working, you will need to collect a complete list of the necessary documentation.

Otherwise, we are talking about illegal business. If you have the initial capital, you have certain organizational abilities, as well as the desire to increase your own wealth, then the construction of a gas station will be an excellent direction, worth the investment.

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