
How to open a bookmaker

The bookmaker is the most attractive place for people who want easy money. Having opened your own business in this segment, you don’t have to spend your days painfully searching for customers, as lovers of excitement and thrills themselves find the most attractive places to meet their needs. If we take into account the fact that successful bookmakers advertise the profitability of their companies at the level of 9-11%, then we can assume the effectiveness of investments in this business. Experts note that this figure is underestimated at times in order to hide real profitability from the public betting business.

How to open a betting shop - the essence of business

So, consider the activities of a standard bookmaker. Every day, the betting company sets a quote line for various sporting events, where for each of the events the coefficients used to get the result are received by the clients. The main task of bookmakers is to correctly arrange the odds so that, by mathematical expectation, the company remains in profit. Naturally, there is no fraud, since the gain depends only on the actions of customers.

Clients have the opportunity to put forward their bets, both for future events, and for sports events taking place in real time, where the coefficient can change during the course of the event. As a rule, bookmakers do not set minimum bets on events without limiting their customers to anything.

How to open a betting shop - where to start?

The most profit companies receive during world sporting events, such as world championships in various sports, European cups and other competitions. On the one hand, this business is considered seasonal, but if there is a large base of regular totalizators, companies do not expect the onset of certain events.

Despite the innovations in the legislation, bookmakers are not a prohibited business, but, nevertheless, require a license. The difficulty in obtaining a license by a company can be caused by many factors, therefore, when opening a bookmaker office, the directorate of the company must have extensive experience in gambling business.

To avoid the difficulties of starting a business, it is advisable to purchase a franchise from a well-known bookmaker. Thus, you can protect yourself from possible difficulties, failures and financial losses.

As in other business areas, before becoming part of a market segment, you need to evaluate the characteristics of each company, identify the strengths and weaknesses that you would like to get in your business. Working on a franchise, you do not have to develop your own line of bets and quotes, which allows you to save on the maintenance of the analytical department or to pay for this service of other, larger bookmakers.

How to open your bookmaker - personnel, equipment, first launch

                So, to create a business, you will need to register with a local tax authority and register you and your employees with a pension fund. It is optimal to choose LLC as a legal form, that is a limited liability company. In the process of creating a legal entity, it is necessary to solve issues with the rental of premises, repairs and decoration, personnel search, equipment purchase, debugging of the work process, obtaining a license and acquiring a franchise.

Any room with an area of ​​20 or more square meters is suitable for a bookmaker, where everything depends on your imagination.Most bookmakers equip their premises with televisions, where customers can watch the event live. In addition, the availability of televisions allows, without difficulty for customers, to carry out bets in real time. Since the opening of a business through a franchise is considered, then, most likely, the design of the room will have to correspond to the conceptual features of the company. It is important to know some basic requirements of companies: the entrance to your future office should be separated from the entrances to other institutions, the area is from 20 to 300 sq.m., as well as the location on the main street lines How to open a bookmakercities.

Recruitment can be carried out by you or by the company from which you acquired the franchise. As a rule, in the betting business there are no strict requirements for staff, since they are not characterized by active advertising, as is required in electronic, construction and other fields. The optimal number of employees is 2-5 people.

As equipment, you will need several televisions, computers and office equipment. For the quality of functioning, it is important to connect to the Internet and cable TV. To increase the number of sports channels, it is possible to connect TV to computers and conduct broadcasts via the Internet.

Naturally, do not forget about furniture, lighting, and decorations, which play an important role in business efficiency. It is worth noting that when starting a business through franchising, your company’s members are subject to strict limits on the restrictions associated with obtaining a license.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker

The average cost of opening a betting office using franchising is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum cost can reach 2,000,000 rubles. The minimum amount of investment already includes premises, equipment, personnel and advertising. Consider the financial plan in more detail:

  • LLC registration, collection and preparation of documentation - up to 10,000 rubles;
  • rental of premises (25 sq.m.) - 15 000 rubles;
  • repair, decoration, decoration - from 50 000 rubles;
  • equipment - from 70 000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license - up to 180,000 rubles;
  • advertising - from 15 000 rubles.

Total, the cost of opening a betting office is 340 000 rubles, based on the average cost of all components of this business.

Experts assure that upon successful implementation of the project, the payback period is from 3 to 6 months.

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Good afternoon, we want to open a bookmaker. (On real events)

but also interested (on virtual events) and lotto machines if they are 100% legal.


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