
How to open a pizzeria: a business plan.

Pizzeria is the most popular place to visit not only young people, but also the adult population. Since foreign cuisine became in demand in our country, pizza and sushi have become a favorite delicacy for lovers of a pleasant stay in their company. Among the whole variety of pizzerias, it is difficult to find one where the products will be truly delicious. This trend leads to the market more and more entrepreneurs who differently place their positions. As a rule, a standard pizzeria offers its customers a much larger assortment, not limited only to Italian products. Such an institution is quite comparable to a cafe where pizza is the main focus.

How to open a pizzeria - the essence of business

It is always difficult to start something, but as soon as you plunge into the process itself, you will immediately find new ways to achieve your goals. Prioritization is the foundation of any business, so before investing in any business, you should evaluate the pros and cons.

Opening your pizzeria, you need to decide on the future concept of the establishment. Today, the most popular are four formats, namely:

- trattoria is a kind of Italian restaurant or cafe. The cost of pizza and other products is slightly higher than in other similar establishments. The trattoria kitchen has a pizza oven. Such an institution is distinguished by its interior, taste features of the kitchen. As a rule, pizza is offered exclusively classic.

- Sushi bar is a modern institution that appeared relatively recently and has conquered most of the market. The main emphasis of such establishments is placed on sushi, rolls and pizza. The most popular sushi bars were among young people, used by consumers as a place to relax with friends.

- Pizzeria is a standard format of a classic pizzeria. It is designed for mid-range customers. The classic pizzeria has a large assortment of pizzas, ranging from Italian to American.

- Pizza delivery is the least expensive business associated with the implementation of pizza. Typically, delivery is included in the activities and sushi bars and classic pizzerias. This option is relevant for those who are wondering how to open a pizzeria without a room and with minimal investment.

Search for a pizza place

Like any other business, a pizzeria has its own peculiarities of location, which must be followed when searching for a room. The most optimal location How to open a pizzeriapizzerias are the middle line of the city, convenient for visitors with and without vehicles. In order not to guess about the location, conditionally divide the city into red, yellow and green zones, based on convenience, competition and attractiveness. Having done this procedure, work only with green areas, try to find the premises for the pizzeria in them. The leased premises must comply with all standards for public catering. In extreme cases, with a positive attitude of the tenant, it is possible to carry out reconstruction and repair. The area of ​​the leased premises should correspond to your capabilities and should not exceed 25-30 tables.

Pizza Equipment

Consider the standard format of a classic pizzeria. So, in order for your institution to be able to serve customers efficiently, the following equipment is required:

  • flour sifter - used to sift flour. It is necessary in cases where Russian flour is used to make pizza, and not Italian special flour.
  • mixer operator - used for kneading dough.When choosing a dough mixer, attention should be paid only with S-shaped kneading machines. Other models are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Dough rounder and dough divider - used exclusively for high volumes of pizza sales. The average volume should exceed 250 pizzas.
  • Pizza press - used in the formation of the dough for the base of pizza. It is usually used to automate production. It is relevant for a shortage of kitchen workers, as well as for large volumes of sales.
  • A pizza oven is the main component of any kitchen in a pizzeria. Most often, hearth ovens are used to make pizza. In them, the base is laid on a stone under and prepared at a temperature of 400-500 degrees. The advantages of such furnaces include low cost.
  • pizza table - a professional worktop equipped with cooling gastronome containers, where it is convenient to store all the ingredients for making pizza.
  • refrigerators, sinks, countertops, etc.

The average cost of equipment varies from 140,000 - 170,000 rubles.

If everything is clear with the question of how to open your pizzeria, then another logically correct question arises, namely, how much does it cost to open a pizzeria? Thus, we consider the financial part of the business project of the pizzeria.

Financial plan for opening a pizzeria

So, we will analyze the cost of selling pizza for clarity. For example, Margarita pizza, its prime cost rarely exceeds 50 rubles, and the selling price varies from 300 to 500 rubles, which fully corresponds to a markup of 500-800%.

The standard pizzeria offers its customers from 20 to 50 names of various types of pizzas, where the cost price ranges from 50 to 80 rubles with a minimum trade margin of 400%. Through this, we can say that the average selling price will be 325 rubles. When selling 200 pizzas every day, the following income is obtained: 325 * 200 = 65000 65 * 200 = 13000 13000 * 30 * 65000 = 1560000 rubles per month.

Naturally, this calculation is rather crude and does not include taxes, deductions to the pension fund, rent, wages, repair and maintenance of equipment, advertising. But, nevertheless, the future entrepreneur will be able to correlate all future expenses and incomes of this business, as well as make an appropriate decision on its opening and service concept.

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