
The most reliable bank in Russia. List of the most reliable banks in Russia

At the moment, the financial market, as well as economic stability, are in a rather precarious position. Most financial institutions cease to be liquid, turning into bankrupt. Therefore, many begin to become interested in what is the most reliable bank in Russia. To the questions of stability that arise banking system and about which organization to give their accumulated savings without losing them, various economic publications will help.

Rating Research Forbes Magazine

In a difficult situation, existing ratings can help determine. One of the most respected foreign financial publications is the Forbes magazine, well-known to many. This source divided Russian financial institutions into several categories:

  • foreign;
  • state.

what are the most reliable banks in Russia

The first category includes various sales representatives who are subsidiaries of other foreign companies. Then they are followed state banks which are limited both by the borders of the country and by the security within it. The American publication included sixteen representatives of the financial structure in its list of the most reliable banks in Russia.

This list was formed according to special criteria:

  • by the amount of equity;
  • on the stability of the loan portfolio;
  • on the amounts of funds attracted to the organization;
  • positive feedback from customers;
  • general estimates of specialists.

Five leaders according to Forbes magazine observations

The Forbes magazine named the top five banking organizations in Russia:

  1. Citibank is the most reliable bank in Russia, which is rated for stability and has received the status of "broken in stone" - stable.
  2. In second place, according to the publication, is Nordea Bank, which belongs to the Scandinavian group of banking organizations. The main criterion for its stability was recognized as the constant financial support of the central company.
  3. Third place went to the bank representative of the most powerful financial institution in the world - HSBC.
  4. In the penultimate place among the best was a representative with very small assets - Credit Agricole Kib. But lending opportunities favorably emphasized his abilities in this area, which, of course, allowed experts to give high marks.
  5. The five leaders included the only representative of domestic banking institutions - Sberbank. To gain a leading position he was allowed to have the largest assets in the country. In addition, he has a good ability to lend, but has high risks of loan defaults.

The most stable banks in Russia

In addition to the rating of foreign publications, there is its own rating, which determines the most reliable bank in Russia. According to Russian experts, three of the largest and most stable banking institutions can be distinguished. It:

  • Sberbank
  • Gazprombank;
  • "VTB 24".

The most reliable bank in Russia

Many people, despite foreign ratings, do not trust the banking organizations included in this list. Because such publications mainly focus on non-state capital, which can leave the country at any time. Therefore, in the question of which are the most reliable banks in Russia, you can turn to domestic experts.

How is the list of the most reliable financial structures formed?

Russia has its own list of the best banking representatives, which is made up of the most reliable experts in the field of economics. Their assessments and criteria are significantly different from foreign ones, since completely different requirements are put forward to the conditions of stability of institutions.

The rating of the most reliable banks in Russia is formed taking into account the following criteria:

  • who is the main shareholder of a financial institution;
  • reliability rating in foreign sources;
  • how long does a commercial organization work in the domestic market;
  • Is there a license authorizing extended financial activity?
  • is the bank a member of funds deposit insurance whether his state supports;
  • What programs with state support do financial institutions have?
  • representative of state structure.

The best banks of Russia

According to analytics and expert estimates for 2014, a list of 10 was formed the most reliable banks in Russia:

  1. Sberbank
  2. Russian Agricultural Bank.
  3. VTB.
  4. "VTB 24".
  5. Transcreditbank.
  6. VTB North-West.
  7. Gazprombank.
  8. "Bank of Moscow".
  9. Surgutneftegazbank.
  10. "Absolut Bank".

Category of the most stable financial institutions

The top most reliable banks in Russia include the category of institutions that have the status of the most stable financial organizations:

  1. Sberbank
  2. VTB.
  3. Russian Agricultural Bank.
  4. "Bank of Moscow".
  5. "VTB 24".
  6. "UniCredit Bank".
  7. Raiffeisenbank
  8. "VTB Bank North-West".
  9. "Societe Generale Vostok."
  10. "Absolut Bank".

Where can I profitably invest my money?

According to some experts, there is a category of banks that give the most beneficial interest on deposits in comparison with others. These financial organizations include:

  1. Russian Agricultural Bank.
  2. Rosbank.
  3. Promsvyazbank.
  4. "Alfa Bank".
  5. Nomos Bank.
  6. "VTB 24".
  7. "Bank of Moscow".
  8. UniCredit.
  9. Gazprombank.
  10. Sberbank

Which banks are reliable for private entrepreneurs?

The central bank exposes its ratings and criteria. It has its own scale, which distributes all commercial structures, assigning them a certain status or rating. This list includes the largest and most reliable financial institutions: Sberbank, VTB and its divisions in other countries, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyaz.

Top most reliable banks in Russia

Among these five, you can choose the most reliable Russian bank for private entrepreneurs. Each of them has its own advantages and advantages. Everyone has a very developed network of branches. They have been working in Russia for several years. For business, everyone has certain development programs that are supported by government programs.

These banking institutions have good statutory capital and are able to attract additional working capital at favorable rates on deposits. In addition, at the expense of both of these funds, it is these organizations that allow you to take a more profitable loan with a low interest rate. For example: VTB has an excellent customer base, which has more than four thousand reputable customers, including borrowers.

The most reliable Russian bank for private entrepreneurs

All banks that are in this list did not leave the rating of the best. Many of them only enlarged and absorbed others, as VTB did with Transcredit Bank. Each of them was on the list of the best in the opinion of a fairly reputable foreign magazine, Forbes. In addition, they all fell into the top ten or five leaders of Russian ratings.

For a private entrepreneur, the choice of a bank is very important, as it not only takes loans, but also stores its accumulated funds, settles accounts with customers and suppliers. Therefore, the work of the bank, its responsibility to the client, speed in conducting money transactions and reliability are the primary factors that any entrepreneur pays attention to. A well-chosen bank with which the entrepreneur will work closely is the first step on the path to success and prosperity, especially in unstable times.

Many people choose a bank precisely by its rating score, as this gives a great chance for a stable future and security from various external factors and problems. Some businessmen prefer to deal with banking institutions that have start-up foreign capital or investments.

Ordinary people prefer to trust domestic representatives, since foreign capital can leave the country at any time, and state-owned banks give, albeit a small, but nevertheless guarantee of protection against bankruptcy or force majeure.

Thanks to the existing grading scheme banking activities any person, both a simple citizen and a wealthier entrepreneur, will be able to determine for himself the most reliable bank in Russia. A versatile approach to determining the rating allows different categories of the population to find exactly the structure that they are most interested in.

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Reason for complaint
Sberbank unilaterally deducts money from the card at the request of government agencies, and you are only presented with the fact that the money has been deducted. It is extremely rare to find the ends for what reason the cancellation occurred, no one explains anything. So the question arises, is it possible to trust Sberbank?
Sberbank is the only bank that will go into your pocket more than once.
Resident of
S6erBank discloses the data of its clients to tenants who take pensioners and children’s $ under net retirement without notifying the client about the withdrawal, in fact you will find out that the debt was paid off
Sberbank. The most unreliable bank. withdraw money and make it as if a person took it himself
Nikolay Natalie
but what right now is the bank reliable? Sberbank for blocking cards and freezes accounts for the fact that you put or transferred money to you and you need to prove where they come from !!!


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