
What is cashback? Information for online store customers

In the world of online trading, there are many different options and ways to seriously save. These include any discounts and discounts, special offers, and also, of course, cashback. Customer reviews, which often take advantage of such opportunities, show that if you do not neglect them, then everyone can save great money, thereby lowering the final cost of the product for themselves.

In this article, we will not just talk about savings opportunities in general. We will analyze what a cashback service is: why it is profitable for us to work with it, and how to handle this resource correctly. We also give examples of sites where you can actually pay less.

what is cashback

General concept

To begin with, we characterize a little the psychology of the buyer, which sellers play like that on. The reception in question is very widespread, and is used in online trading quite often. In fact, all cashback categories are based on it. This is a feature of people who believes that the buyer likes the reward more than the reduction of its potential costs. This means that we do not feel better if we receive a simple discount (which all shops and services offer today), but when they give us some kind of specific reward.

As you know, trade often uses various psychological techniques in order to attract the buyer to him, make him want to buy goods. Different cashback cards belong to this category of motivators.


In general, the word that we characterize in this article came from a combination of English cash (money, cash) and back (return). Based on this, it is easy to guess what a cashback service is that returns money after you spend it in the store.

cashback cards

As already mentioned, online stores often operate on this model. The network is easier to charge money (more precisely, their small percentage) spent by the buyer. The whole process is carried out automatically.

The rates that offer services with such a service are quite different. It all depends on the agreements between the company offering customers a portion of their funds and the store itself. Another amount of return can be determined by how active the buyer himself.

What are they paying for?

Speaking about the cashback model, I would like to clarify once again what exactly the money spent is returned to you for. So, as an example, let's take a situation in which you buy a product in store A. At the very beginning, if you want to return part of the funds, you need to register in the service. Although cashback is what you already know. We will describe how to choose a service a little further (there are too many similar companies operating in the modern market).

cashback service

So, after you open your account on the site, you will be provided with a special personal account. In it you will see a personal link where you will need to make purchases. Attention! You will need to work with all online stores (if you want to receive a part of the spent amount) exclusively through the links provided by the cashback service. Without this, the goods simply won’t count.

So, after following the link you buy what you wanted, and wait a while. Unfortunately, there are no services making an instant return. All companies are partners of stores, so they pay their funds, which in the future receive from shops. If, say, you make a refund, any cashback site will be in the red.To prevent this, they wait about a month, starting from the moment when you made your last purchase.

What are they paying?

The method of receiving money from questions should not cause you. Many services involved in the return of a part of the funds offer a whole list of payment services and online currencies. You yourself can make a choice in favor of one of them, if that is more convenient. Also available is withdrawal to a bank card, mobile account and more.

cashback categories

On the Internet, this is done very simply, including through electronic currencies. This happens, as already noted above, immediately after order confirmation and after a special “protective” period, after which you will not be able to return the goods to the store.

Offline checks

You know what cashback is, focusing on online services that carry out such activities. However, of course, there are similar programs in real life. True, without the Internet, their activities are less effective, since they can work only at the local level and have a periodic nature. After all, it is possible to clearly track that a purchase has been made by a person who is registered in the part-money-back service can only be done using a cashback card with a unique identifying code. In the Internet industry, such a function is much easier to implement, and the buyer himself does not need to demand anything extra (besides registration), unlike real life.

How to choose?

So, we have decided what cashback is; noted how the model works in general, what the buyer should expect from it. Of course, another important point is the choice of the service that is able to provide you with a return on the highest percentage of the money spent. Indeed, as practice shows, it often happens that one company offers 1 percent, and its competitor - 3 or 5%. All this, as we noted above, is quite individual.

cashback reviews

How to choose the most reliable company that will really return your funds, and at the same time help to get the greatest cashback? We answer: be guided by monitoring rates and reviews.

The first - rates - means the ability to view all the offers from such sites yourself and choose where they pay more for working with the store that interests you. It is not difficult to do this - just flip through the offers of such resources as “Copycot”, LetyShops, Cash4Brands, Ebates, as well as “Discount.ru” and find out what their working conditions are. The largest selection of stores among them, for example, in Cash4Brands (at least at the time of writing). All these resources have different bets for certain shops, so you can be guided by simple logic based on personal gain.

The second thing that will help to get an increased cashback is bonuses. So, the described services offer their customers bonuses for performing various actions. For example, install their browser extension and they will give you a little more. The main thing is to monitor such trends, as these stocks are quite dynamic.

Another point that I would like to talk about is feedback on the quality of the services. It’s very easy to find them today, and you’ll already be able to find out which service is trustworthy and which is better to skip. After all, the level of service in the cashback industry is also changing.


Working according to the model that we characterize in the article, one should keep in mind the various limits and rules that limit your activity. For example, one of those is the minimum amount to withdraw funds. Some services can pay you any amount (including the smallest), because this is your money that has already been earned.

With other services, things are different - they set a certain threshold, overcoming which allows you to get your money ($ 10, $ 5, 500 rubles - in different ways).

increased cashback


Since this is about getting money, do not forget about security. The risk that this or that service will “throw” you is minimal, but it is.For example, the Best-CashBack service suspended payments for some internal reason. Consequently, her customers lost money for their purchases. Therefore, we do not recommend contacting those who offer too high a percentage (if this is not a stable company that has been operating in the market for a long time).


Now the cashback services market is only gaining popularity. Both buyers and shopkeepers (who, in fact, bring in new customers using the refund model) only evaluate the benefits of such a scheme, gradually understanding its features. But we are sure that in a couple of years these services will become very popular, and the procedure for returning part of the costs will become even more familiar to customers.

largest cashback

Therefore, if you are making any purchases, find out, suddenly there is an opportunity to get part of the cost of a product back. By making regular orders online, you could save on a regular basis by receiving payments from cashback services and thereby increasing your bid. Other users are already doing this, so if you are not familiar with this system, we recommend that you also try! Why not? Enjoy the shopping!

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