
PJSC "Plus Bank": customer reviews, services

Keeping money under the pillow has long ceased to be profitable. Financial institutions offer the most interesting conditions for deposits. And those who do not have enough money to buy a home or car are offered convenient credit programs. He will find an approach to each client of Plus Bank PJSC. Reviews about the financial institution can be heard for the most part positive.

A bit of history

The bank was founded in 1990. Over more than 20 years, the financial portfolio of the institution has grown significantly. Today the bank offers a huge range of services for both individuals and legal entities. At the beginning of its activities, the institution provided services only in Omsk. In 2010, Plus Bank achieved federal scale. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg is a small list of cities in which economic services are provided today.

plus bank reviewsAll agreements concluded with the bank today meet international standards. In 2011, the institution became the winner of the "Company of the Year" award. Every day the number of positive reviews about the bank only increases. All thanks to quality service, pleasant conditions for cooperation and loyalty to existing customers.

In 2014, the company became the winner of another professional award in the framework of the Banking program. In a short period of time, management was able to achieve truly excellent results. The range of services has been expanded. Profitable loans are issued to individuals and legal entities, deposit programs work, contracts with corporate clients are concluded. Plus Bank (Omsk) is a member of the Association of Russian Banks, as well as the St. Petersburg International Currency Exchange. In addition, the financial institution collaborates with Deposit Guarantee Fund individuals. Thanks to this, the number of deposit agreements is increasing every year. Attracted finance is used for profitable loan programs.

Car loan from PJSC Plus Bank

A car today is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. What if the money to buy a car is not enough? Plus Bank (Omsk) will come to the rescue. Profitable credit programs are offered for individuals, allowing you to get a long-awaited vehicle on loyal terms. Loans are provided for the purchase of new and used cars. It can be both domestic models and foreign cars. It is possible to conclude a deal with a car dealership or an individual. Always goes to a meeting with Plus Bank. Customer reviews are proof of this.

plus bank omskWhat needs to be done to get a car on credit? Previously, you should seek the help of an economist who will advise you and tell you what documents you need to collect in order to apply. If the conditions are met, a decision is made within an hour. The most popular, according to reviews, is the AutoPlus program. Lending is carried out for a maximum amount of 3,500,000 rubles. The maximum transaction period is 7 years. Down payment is optional.

The DealerPlus program is also beneficial, allowing you to buy a new car on credit from an authorized dealer. The term of the contract under the program may not exceed 5 years. The maximum loan amount is 4,500,000 rubles. The contract can be drawn up for an officially employed citizen of the Russian Federation, whose age exceeds 21 years. A statement of income is not required, but desirable. PJSC Plus Bank (Omsk) provides loans to citizens registered in any region of the Russian Federation.

According to the MotoPlus program, it is possible to purchase a vehicle of category A on credit. The contract can be concluded for 7 years, provided that the down payment is at least 20% of the estimated value of the object.


PJSC Plus Bank (St. Petersburg, Omsk) offers a wide range of loan products on favorable terms. There is also the opportunity to purchase housing. Everyone has the opportunity to buy a new property or consider options in the secondary market. The most popular is the mortgage with state support. Thus, it is possible to profitably purchase an apartment in a house that is still under construction. Also, under this program, you can purchase a finished property from a legal entity that is the owner. The maximum loan amount under this program is 3,000,000 rubles. The annual rate is 11.5%. The maximum term is 30 years.

plus bank saint petersburgIf there is a need to obtain a loan for a longer period, you can choose the program "Acquisition of finished housing." Everyone gets the opportunity to conclude a deal in the amount of up to 7,000,000 rubles. The annual rate will be 12.65%. A down payment of at least 20% of the appraised value of the property is required.

Refinancing of Plus Bank PJSC can offer customers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Reviews show that conditions are negotiated individually. All that a client needs to do is contact the nearest branch of a financial institution and write a statement.

Mortgage lending from PJSC Plus Bank is an opportunity to conclude a legally clean transaction. All real estate objects are checked before signing contracts. The possibility of buying an apartment from scammers is excluded. You can get answers to all questions regarding the mortgage at the nearest office. The offices of Plus Bank today operate in six large cities of Russia.

Credits for small and medium business

PJSC “Plus Bank” provides entrepreneurial citizens with the opportunity to earn more. A financial institution offers to issue a loan to the owners of small and large companies under the SB + program. Money can be used to buy real estate for retail space, transport, replenishment of inventories. The contract can be executed at 15% per annum. At the same time, a smart entrepreneur will be able to earn 200% or more.

Plus Bank (Moscow) offers to issue a loan in rubles for small and medium-sized businesses. The maximum transaction amount may not exceed 1,000,000,000 rubles. The contract can be concluded for up to 10 years. It is worth considering that at the initial stage you will have to pay a commission in the amount of 1% of the total amount. Legal entities and private entrepreneurs (individuals) have the opportunity to repay the debt ahead of schedule without penalties. In some cases, a guarantee is required to complete the transaction.

The presented loan programs allow bringing the business to a whole new level. Those entrepreneurs who are confident in their own business should definitely take advantage of the offer from PJSC Plus Bank. Hotline phone: 8 (800) 200 23 72.

Bank cards

The benefits of debit plastic cards have long been known. This is an opportunity not to store a large amount of money in a home safe. The funds are in the bank account. A plastic card is a key to the account, which can be used at any convenient time. Visa cards of the international payment system are popular, which allow you to have access to money, no matter where in the world the client is. There is only one condition - balances on card accounts should not exceed 1,400,000 rubles. In order to issue a plastic card, it is not necessary to be a resident of the Russian Federation.

plus bank operating modeVisa card from PJSC Plus Bank - it is very convenient! Everyone can connect to the Internet bank and monitor the movement of the account at any convenient time.All you need to do is go through an easy registration with passport details. With the help of Internet banking you can pay utility bills, mobile communications, make purchases online. Transaction security is another advantage. The client is informed about the completion of any operation via SMS.

To find out more about bank cards, you can submit an online application. To do this, just fill out the appropriate form on the official website of Plus Bank PJSC. The working hours of the institution are daily from 8:00 to 18:00. At this time, it is worth waiting for a call from an employee.

Deposit programs

A financial institution provides a unique opportunity to receive passive income. Customer reviews show that deposits of Plus Bank are really beneficial. The most popular is the Convenient Plus program, which allows you to conclude an agreement for up to 1095 days. The annual rate is 7.5%. The minimum amount is 50,000 rubles. A distinctive feature of the program is the possibility of early termination of the contract without loss of interest.

offices plus bankThose who are accustomed to constantly use their savings should make an agreement on the “Demand” program. The client will have a bank account opened on which he can deposit at least 10,000 rubles. The rate will be 0.1% per annum. In addition to the account, a plastic card of the Visa payment system is opened. The client has the opportunity to use the money at any convenient time.

Special attention should be paid to deposit programs for legal entities. It is possible to place money for a period of one day to two years. If the client does not contact the bank, the contract is automatically extended for another year. Various deposit programs with a monthly interest payment are offered. The minimum deposit amount in this case is 100,000 rubles. Deposits for legal entities are a great alternative to placing funds on a current account. At the same time, the safety of money in the amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles is guaranteed. Indeed, PJSC Plus Bank is a member of the deposit guarantee fund.

To find out more information, you can consult on deposits by sending an online application on the website of a financial institution.

Corporate Programs

Large organizations have the opportunity to conclude a contract for cash management services. In addition, salary projects are offered on favorable terms. It is supposed to use plastic cards of the international Visa system as a payment instrument. This is beneficial both for the management of organizations and for employees. The transfer of earned funds can be carried out at any time, regardless of weekends and holidays. In addition, money can be withdrawn at any ATM.

plus bank phoneCardholders by salary project automatically become customers of a financial institution. This means that a loan at Plus Bank can be obtained on more favorable terms. It is possible to register in the Internet bank and track the movement of the account. Using a payroll card in online mode, you can pay utility bills, top up your phone bill, and pay for goods purchased online.

The financial institution also offers collection services. At the conclusion of the contract, a bank account is opened, to which the daily proceeds are received. The cost of collection services depends on the amount of daily income of the company with which the bank entered into a transaction. Storage of money at night, on holidays and weekends is free of charge. Loading ATMs costs 600 rubles.

Safe boxes

Reliable storage of valuables with a multi-stage security system is offered by Plus Bank PJSC. Addresses of branches in Moscow:

  • 7 Limestone Lane.
  • Khoroshevskoe highway, house 88.

Representative offices are also located in Omsk, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and Novosibirsk.You can also find out information about services on the official website of a financial institution.

Safe boxes from Plus Bank is an opportunity to leave securities and valuables under 24-hour security. You can write a power of attorney to manage the cell. Safe rental agreement can be signed by both legal entities and individuals. In this case, it is possible to select the cell size. In order to conclude a deal, you will have to provide only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Safe deposit boxes are located in special bank vaults with multi-level protection. The likelihood of property damage is almost completely excluded. But even in this case, an insurance contract is provided, according to which the value of the value is fully reimbursed in case of loss or damage.

pao plus bankThe rental price depends on the size of the cell. According to the agreement, the keys to the safe can be held by the client himself, as well as a trusted representative of the bank. The cell opens only with the simultaneous rotation of the keys. This means that access to values ​​without the presence of a client is not possible. The opening of the safe must be recorded in a special audit trail.

Work at Plus Bank

A financial institution is developing rapidly thanks to employees who truly love their job. A young team of professionals knows everything about the modern economic sphere. Trainings are held regularly, thanks to which economists improve their skills. The bank management is interested in talented employees. Competitive selection for new positions is regularly held. Today, specialists in working with credit debt are invited to work. Also requires a sales manager for banking products in the main office of Vladivostok.

According to the management, the main resource of the bank are qualified economists. Therefore, the choice of staff is given special attention. To get a job at Plus Bank, the applicant will have to correctly fill out a resume.

PJSC Plus Bank. Reviews

You can hear a lot of positive feedback about the work of a financial institution. It is truly reliable PJSC Plus Bank. License No. 1189 dated 09/10/2015 - confirmation of this. Over the past few years, the bank has reached a qualitatively new level. If you believe the feedback from employees, negotiations are underway regarding the opening of new branches in megacities throughout Russia. In the future, it is planned to introduce new credit and deposit products.

Customers also respond well to the work of bank economists. Employees value their place of work. Therefore, they do everything so that the client is satisfied with the service. Economists answer all questions that arise, know how to work with objections.

Given the situation in the financial market of the Russian Federation, leading experts of the bank are developing programs for the restructuring of credit debt. A financial institution meets customers who, for a number of reasons, cannot cope with their obligations.

I am pleased with the huge range of services offered by the bank. There is an opportunity to purchase a house or a car on credit, to leave free finances for savings. And the existing deposit products are an opportunity to protect your savings from inflation. Online banking allows you to constantly monitor your account. High-quality service and favorable conditions for cooperation - what more could you want?

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