
Car wash for trucks as a business from A to Z. How to open a car wash - financial plan

Every day with every kilometer, any car will be polluted to one degree or another. Unfortunately, our roads are not very clean, so car wash services are very popular today. And if for cars washing is available in almost every city, then in the case of heavy trucks the statistics leave much to be desired. We are all used to seeing car washes for SUVs, vans and cars, but there are sorely lacking places where you can drive a truck with a length of 20 meters to the platform.

car wash for trucks

However, experts argue that a car wash as a business is a very lucrative business. And in order for it to bring real income, you should take into account a number of important points, which we will tell you about in today's article.

What you need to know about a car wash for trucks?

First of all, it should be noted exactly who will use your services. The bulk of customers are truckers. Their essence is the delivery of goods over long distances in different directions.

And since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes it reaches 2-3 weeks), then drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin should be clean and tidy. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck, and therefore they use the services of car washes.

What will play into your hands is the quality of the roads. Domestic tracks are practically not cleaned, so they are always very dusty. And imagine - after the rain a huge amount of small particles of road debris sticks to the wet paintwork of the body. If you don’t wash in time, the dirt will “envelop” the entire truck right up to the roof.

And then, no matter how expensive the car may seem, it will look, to put it mildly, not very. In addition, at some unloading bases and ports there is a special restriction on which dirty trucks are simply forbidden to enter. And then, perforce, you have to look for a car wash or wash a truck with your own efforts.

But even under the most acceptable weather conditions, to come “clean”, for example, from Yekaterinburg to Moscow will not work for you. It turns out that on our roads, trucks get dirty 1.5-2 times more often than on German autobahns. This explains the profitability of this business in Russia.

How to open a car wash? Choose a place

The most difficult moment when opening this business is the choice of a suitable territory on which a car wash will be built. Of course, it makes no sense to build such a building in the city center, if only because truck wagons are prohibited there in the daytime and at night. It should be built outside the city somewhere near the highway with a large flow of trucks.

You can rent a room for a car wash, but for a permanent business this is not an option. Pay attention to the convenience of water supply. Since large trucks will use your services, the pressure of the water supply should be appropriate. In extreme cases, use special pumps that increase the pressure of the liquid (most often they have already been equipped with equipment). Plan entry and exit for transport.

car wash equipment

The room under the car wash and its territory should be as large as possible to ensure the maneuver of a long truck. It should be noted that the size of foreign (foreign) buildings and their territory may slightly vary in size in a smaller direction.

This is explained by the fact that in Russia a lot of American-made bonnet tractors travels. Compared to the capless “Europeans,” they are less maneuverable, so they need more space on the road to turn around.

Mobile or stationary?

In total, there are two types of such structures, which can be either mobile or stationary. The first option has several advantages over the second. Firstly, it is the ease of assembly of structures. A mobile car wash for trucks is assembled in 2-3 days, and there is no need to fill the foundation and connect to sewer and water communications.

This design can be built on asphalt or concrete slab, and on the ground. That is, the launch of the business can be carried out in the coming days.

how to open a car wash

Secondly, you will have practically no problems with paperwork for a mobile station and all related permissions. Thirdly, when buying such designs you will immediately pick up a complete set of instruments and tools. You will already have all the necessary equipment for a car wash. By the way, in terms of functionality, mobile stations are practically in no way inferior to their stationary counterparts.

Why are these designs so little common in Russia?

The fact is that the minimum cost of such stations is about 2-3 million rubles, depending on the number of parking spaces (in some cases it reaches 6 million rubles). However, as practice shows, the versatility of such structures allows the owner to "recapture" this value in the next few months. With a good choice of location, mobile stations will allow you to earn pretty good money. By the way, activity is registered for one legal entity or individual.

Draw up a car wash plan: number of employees

For the normal functioning of the company you will need no more than 10 people. If this is a small car wash for trucks, it is enough to hire 3 people for successful work. The division of duties is as follows: only the administrator and the washers work at the sink, the work of which he will control.

how to open a car wash

That is, if it is 10 workers, then 9 of them will wash cars, and one will check all their actions. It is important that they work in shifts, as trucks can arrive not only in the daytime, but also at night.

Cost of services

As we noted above, a car wash for trucks is a very profitable business. Often, such companies charge for their work about two or more thousand rubles for a full wash of one machine. With a constant influx of 10-15 trucks per day, your revenue will be at least 20 thousand rubles. For 1 season of operation, net profit is about 1 million rubles. All equipment for a car wash will pay off in less than 2-3 months.


Naturally, to increase the influx of customers, you should advertise your car wash. Since it is located on the highway, it is advisable to place an ad on several billboards located three hundred or more meters from the structure itself. The text may be the simplest. For example, "Professional washing of trucks," and at the bottom a pointer, something like "⇑ 300 m."

Additional profit opportunities

car wash equipment

If you intend to do this business thoroughly, then in the future you can understaff a car wash with a small dining room for drivers or a car shop. Some other companies are building a separate truck parking lot (TIR-Parking).

In any case, you will receive additional income. There is also the option of opening a nearby car wash. However, whether this will be beneficial depends on the “publicity” of your enterprise. Such a car wash for trucks will certainly bring you profit, and you will always be in the black.

So, we found out how to open a private car wash for freight transport and in what ways it can be understaffed, having received an additional source of income.

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