
Business plan for truck tire fitting. How to open tire fitting on wheels: the necessary equipment and documents to start

truck tire business planTruck tire fitting is a very profitable and profitable business. If everything is organized correctly, then the income can be calculated after the first months of work.

Moreover, all the costs of its organization and the purchase of appropriate equipment will pay off after just a few seasons of work. Naturally, one should hope for such optimism only if you have a business plan for truck tire fitting correctly drawn up. In order to delve deeper into this section of the business, today's article will be devoted to this topic.

What are its features?

This specialization is unique in that it does not require huge investments in equipment, boxes, and the design of various documents. With a few hundred thousand rubles in your hands, you can well open your own truck tire fitting (mobile or even stationary).

Of course, one should not count on high income in this case, however, there will be no profit, but still it will. It is also worth noting the fact that truck tire fitting has a narrower specialization than passenger car tire, so it will be much easier for you (or your employees) to work with the equipment, and accordingly it will not be difficult to control everything that happens.

At the initial stages, it is very important not to get lost in calculating profits and costs, and when working with a specific specialization, you will always be aware of all the events. In other words, it is much easier to control the operation of a truck tire fitting than to work with a universal service station that provides not only automobile maintenance services, but also performs the function of a car wash or the same tire fitting. And you need to invest much less money in such an enterprise.

Truck Tire Business Plan - Registering a Company and Obtaining All Appropriate Permissions


truck tire

In order to provide this type of service, you should initially open an IP or register as a legal entity.

The first option is most suitable for beginner businessmen who have a small starting capital for the development of their own company.

At the same time, legal entities are large firms that have their branches not only in one particular city, but several regional centers at once. Of course, for this you need to have start-up capital of at least 10 million rubles.

About license

As for the licensing issue, owners of private tire stations should not go through this procedure. And all because the issuance of these documents was officially discontinued more than 10 years ago. On October 8, 2003, RosTest canceled the mandatory certification of tire fitting companies, and now in order to open your own company, you need only a minimal set of technical equipment and a small box, where the wheels will be vulcanized and re-shoeed.

Is certification worth volunteering?

Often, large companies do this in order to confirm their status and the qualifications of their workers. It should be noted that this procedure costs no more than one and a half thousand rubles, so even start-up companies with a minimum initial capital can pass certification. But do not hope that by paying 1,500 rubles the next day you will receive a certificate of high qualification of your workers.

This document is issued only after a thorough check of the company for the quality of tire fitting work. Including checked and working staff. For example, experts may ask how much weights can be hung on 1 wheel (the answer is no more than 3). And if the worker answers the questions incorrectly, issuing a certificate to your company may be in question. And the money that you paid initially (1.5 thousand rubles) will not be returned to you. Therefore, before undergoing the certification procedure, your employees should clearly know all the rules and requirements for the performance of work. Do not forget about the equipment, which should always be in good condition.

Nevertheless, this procedure is not mandatory and is needed by firms only to emphasize their status.

About the room

When preparing a business plan for truck tire fitting, do not forget about where your private workshop will be located. There are two options. This can be both mobile tire fitting “on wheels” (as a rule, it is not suitable as the main source of income), or stationary. The latter type is most common in Russia. It has its advantages, among which the main thing is the availability of free space, which can always be expanded to a cafe, car wash or auto parts store. Yes, and work on such a tire will be easier. What else should I look for when organizing a private truck tire fitting? The business plan of your idea must necessarily include the correct layout of the room.

What should be considered when planning a building?

First of all, you should think about access roads to tire fitting. And since your business specializes in servicing trucks, here you need to highlight two main points:

  • Firstly, the access roads should be as wide as possible so that a 20-meter truck can easily enter your site.
  • Secondly, truck tire fitting should never be located in the central areas of the city. Trucks are simply not allowed there because of the high tonnage. And the best thing is to buy a box on the outskirts of the city and place billboards with the appropriate advertising nearby, so that drivers know where the tire service is nearby.

As for the room itself, it should be clean, bright and dry. If in the future you expect your tire fitting to also provide service stations or car washes (which is also very beneficial for the company), make its ceilings high. Ideally, for a truck to calmly drop into a box, you need to have a gate 3 meters wide and 4.5 meters high.

An obligatory criterion when creating a truck tire is also the availability of sources of electricity. Almost 99 percent of all your tools and devices will work from a 220 Volt network, so sockets must be present in the box.

What equipment do you need for mobile and stationary mounting?

Here it is necessary to highlight the following categories of equipment:

  • Tire stand. This special equipment is used to replace tires or cameras on the wheel. An indispensable item for truck tire fitting. The design of such a stand includes a desktop, mounting rack, as well as a device for mounting the bus with special control pedals. This unit works from electric and pneumatic networks.
  • Balancing stand. Designed to detect wheel imbalance and eliminate possible deviations. How does this equipment work? First, a wheel is installed on the balancing stand, which is fixed on the machine shaft. Further, when the bus rotates, the electronic system reads all the deviation parameters, which are then displayed. In our case, for servicing the cargo wheels, it is necessary to choose a stand that would withstand a load of 200 kilograms or more (in the case of cars, it is enough to have an apparatus that can withstand weight up to 60 kilograms).
  • Vulcanizer. This tool is also indispensable in the work of the tire company. It is used to repair damage to cameras and tires. The vulcanizer works as follows: a special patch of crude rubber is put on the deformed section of the tire (other materials for tire mounting can also be used) and then the wheel is placed on the working table, while it is fixed with a clip. The vulcanizer, when thermally applied to the patch, reliably glues it to the camera, thereby guaranteeing the tightness of the tire and stable air pressure in it for a long time. This equipment should be available at any company and it does not matter what type of tire fitting it is - on wheels or stationary with its own separate room.
  • Other auxiliary devices. Such tools include various bathtubs for checking the tightness of chambers and wheels, nitrogen generators, side expanders for flanging tires, as well as compressors for pumping them and various materials for tire fitting.

How to choose the right equipment?

Considering the features of the balancing stand, we touched on one important point: instruments for passenger cars differ significantly from their cargo counterparts in technical characteristics, in particular in maximum load and weight.

All these differences are due to the fact that the diameter of the cargo wheel is several times larger than the size of a passenger wheel. Therefore, equipment should be selected so that it can service tires with a diameter of up to 50 inches. In addition, the cargo wheels have a large curb weight, which is why the carrying capacity of these tools should be higher.

How much money do you need to open a tire fitting?

As we have already noted, a very small start-up capital is required to create a ready-made business for servicing truck wheels. Taking into account the acquisition of boxing, the execution of all documents and the purchase of equipment, the total costs will be from 350 to 450 thousand rubles. This amount will be “beat off” to the owner after 1-2 seasons of work, and possibly earlier. As you can see, tire fitting as a business is a pretty lucrative business. It is only necessary to organize it correctly, and then normal profit can be expected in the coming days of work.

tire fitting materials


So, we examined how to correctly draw up a business plan for truck tire fitting and what points should be considered when creating a private workshop for servicing trucks and their wheels.

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