
How much does it cost to build a car wash? How to calculate the payback and profit of a car wash?

car wash yield

The stronger the spring is gaining momentum, the longer the lines for car washes become. And the more people who want to systematically wash their cars, the more often entrepreneurs begin to think about opening their own business in this area.

So how much does it cost to build a car wash? What permits are needed for this? How much will you need to invest financial resources and how much can you earn on this? Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Worth the deal

It should be noted that experts predict a sharp increase in demand for this service in the near future. This is due to several factors. Firstly, seasonality, because it is known that in the spring and summer, motorists often try to wash their vehicles. Secondly, with a general increase in the number of cars. Finally, the third factor is the high profitability of such a business.

In general, it is certainly worth doing. But before investing your finances, understand in detail the types of car washes and decide what exactly suits you. The volume of initial investments and the subsequent “exhaust” will depend on the chosen format. There are three types of car washes: capital, collapsible and mobile. Consider each of the options.

how much does it cost to build a car wash


To start a business, you need 5 million rubles or more. The peculiarity of this type is that the car wash is equipped in a large industrial room, and all kinds of systems and communications are brought to it. The payback of a car wash depends on where in the city you place your point, what will be the flow of customers.


The second type is a bit simpler. Car wash is equipped with two posts. Accordingly, costs will be required a little less. Entrepreneurs who already have experience in this field note that here you can get by with two million rubles. This car wash profitability is slightly less than the previous type, but it does not require industrial hangars. It is enough just a flat concrete or asphalt pad and thin-walled metal structures, which are then sheathed with special sandwich panels.


This is the easiest car wash possible. Due to its mobility, it does not require serious investments. In case of an unsuccessful location, you can always move it to another, more profitable point. True, the return will be less than from the previous two options.

How much does it cost to build a car wash of this type? In order to become the owner of this business you must have at least 1 million rubles. Most of the amount will need to be spent on a trailer, in which, in fact, the car wash will take place. The disadvantages of a mobile type car wash are that it is designed for only one car. And the advantages are that it does not require the connection of special communications.

And now it's time to decide on which type to stop attention. Compare your financial capabilities and expectations from the business you are starting. If you are still confused, then let me give you a little advice. We recommend starting with a collapsible car wash. It will require average costs from you.

In case of urgent need, you can always move it to a new point. In addition, it is designed for two cars. You can only wash passenger cars at one post, and equip the second with trucks. Due to this, you can quickly justify your investments.How much does it cost to build a car wash of this type, you already know, so go to the next points.

car wash profit

We select a place for business and collect documentation

The success of almost the whole business depends on where your point will be located and how many posts you can place on it. Carefully approach this issue. Study and analyze the density of traffic passing by, the number of competing companies, the remoteness of your business from residential complexes and a number of other factors. Ideally, you should open a point near a road junction, near the LCD. As for the number of posts, equip them at your discretion.

Now let's talk about the documents. Land for business or rent or redeem. If the land belongs to the state, we go to the Committee on Property Management and take part in the auction. If the site on which you decide to settle down belongs to the land of agricultural significance, you will need to transfer it to the category of industrial. This procedure also takes the form of an auction and can take about 6 months. A stationary car wash must necessarily be approved by the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

How much does it cost to build a car wash?

Let's say right away - not cheap. And given the fact that you are just starting to work, and you already have a lot of expenses, it is better to abandon this idea. It is much more correct to rent a room suitable for this business and equip it according to all your needs.

In this case, everything will be much more rational. To coordinate the location of your enterprise, you must submit to the inspection bodies a document on the conclusion of an agreement on the rental of land or land; certificate of registration of a legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a copy of the sketch of the car wash project and a certificate of fact of tax registration.

In the case of starting a business from scratch, it will be necessary to attach to this package of documents permission from the city administration to erect the building, its plan, which must be agreed with the department of architecture, firefighters and SES. And also in your hands should be a conclusion from the Natural Surveillance. In addition, experienced entrepreneurs are advised to draw up and issue a contract for garbage and solid waste, certificate of the number of jobs and quality certificates for your equipment.

how much is a car wash

A few words about taxes

So, you have chosen a place, issued documents, now let's calculate how many deductions should be made monthly. Guru in this business I recommend choosing STS. What will be the car wash tax in that case? You will pay 15% of the profit or 6% of your revenue. In some cases, a one-time annual patent may be acquired.

Equipment and Personnel Requirements

No matter how you try to open a business with minimal investment, you will definitely have to purchase some equipment. What exactly is required? You must get:

  • apparatuses operating under high pressure (the cost of a manual one is 80 thousand rubles, an automatic one is 4 times more expensive);
  • at least one vacuum cleaner (minimum price 10 thousand rubles);
  • a special machine for dry cleaning (from 25 thousand rubles);
  • purge compressor (10 thousand rubles);
  • foam generator and water recirculation systems.

For the latter to work properly, it is necessary to drill a well of at least 15 meters (which will cost you another 100-150 thousand rubles).

Now about the staff. You must have at least two washers per box. Experienced entrepreneurs note that the most optimal form of payment with them is salary plus a percentage of daily revenue. In addition, you must hire at least one security guard, cashier and accountant.

car wash tax

What is the profit of a car wash? Is the game worth the candle?

We talked about the necessary investments, now let's say a few words about the most pleasant thing - about profit.How much can you earn at a car wash? Much depends on the flow of customers, the cost of your services and the costs of maintaining this business. If you can successfully locate your business (for example, near a major road junction or residential complex) and there will not be a large number of competitors nearby, then in this case you can take 300-400 rubles for washing one car.

This amount will include: washing the passenger compartment, body and trunk of the car. A separate price list can be thought out for dry cleaning and polishing machines. Suppose that in 30 days one of your boxes will be able to serve 450 cars. The costs for the same time period will amount to 100 thousand rubles, and the proceeds - 157.5 thousand rubles. In other words, the profit will amount to 57.5 thousand rubles. Profitability level - 50%. This means that your investment will fully pay off in about 2-3 years.

However, we examined the profit from one box. If you have two or three of them, and they will constantly work (that is, you can ensure the flow of customers), then in this case everything will be justified much faster. Do not forget that you will need to organize an advertising campaign. With the right approach, you can well expand this business, and the profit from it will make you forget how much a car wash costs. Invested funds will pay off more than once.

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