
Are they taking asthma to the army in Russia?

Are they taking the army with asthma? This question can be heard even from a young mother, in whom an infant has this terrible disease. In this article, we will talk about whether they are calling the armed forces and power structures with such a disease, how to prove to the military registration and enlistment office that it exists, and also about whether it is worth risking and hiding your disease. whether they take into the army with asthma

But first, we still get acquainted with asthma again, even if you know everything about it. We supplement our text with various examples and talk about the consequences. If you are a conscript with mild asthma or a prolonged stage of remission, be sure to read the entire article. So, let's get acquainted with an important issue. Are they taking into the army with asthma?

What is asthma?

Translated from the Greek "asthma" - suffocation. But suffocation itself can be for various reasons. Most often, it occurs among people with pulmonary diseases. There are many common diseases of the respiratory system. But we are specifically interested in the bronchi.

Those who have suffered bronchitis are well aware that sputum appears (wet cough). Doctors in this case advise patients to take expectorant medicines: herbs, medicines or tablets such as Ambroxol. What for? So that sputum is released faster from the lungs, namely from the bronchi. When the disease recedes, mucus with pathogenic bacteria ceases to stand out. A man is recovering. It is worth noting that with bronchitis, whistles, wheezing are audible, it is difficult to breathe.

Unfortunately, in an asthmatic, the bronchi are stably clogged with mucus, or bronchospasm occurs (contraction of the muscles of the bronchi). Look at the picture of how the bronchi look like in asthmatics (the lumen is narrowed, clogged with sputum) and in a healthy person (clean and enlarged).

are they taking asthma to the army

So are they taking asthma to the army in Russia? Most likely, in no country such people are called upon. But there are nuances that we will talk about below.

There was asthma in childhood

Children's asthma is not uncommon. According to clinical statistics, in most children this disease recedes with the advent of youth. The body is rebuilt, formed and at the same time the bronchi behave differently.

Are they taking the army with asthma if it was in childhood and never bothered more? If you provide the military medical commission with all the certificates, a children's card, tests, and spirometry results, then perhaps the issue will be resolved in favor of the conscript, that is, they will not be called up. But keep in mind that if you don’t have data about the disease, then you won’t be able to prove the fact of the disease and you will have to go to serve.

Remission stage

What is remission in general? The disease does not make itself felt, does not progress. It seems to a person that everything is fine, and more ailment will not bother him. But, of course, this is a misleading impression. On the other hand, the termination of the disease development process is considered to be a remission.

Asthmatics also have a stage of remission, since the disease is considered incurable. But the patient may not show symptoms for the time being. For example, an asthmatic works at home, does an apartment cleaning. The bronchi do not bother, so you can not take medicine. But once you go outside and run a hundred meters to a stop, he will feel suffocation. Why are we doing this?

We are slowly but surely approaching the question of whether they are enlisted in the army with bronchial asthma in remission. Now think about what will happen to the young man in the army when he runs a march-throw on command? And five kilometers?whether they take into the army with bronchial asthma

Of course, there are athletes among asthmatics. But, nevertheless, if you do not have physical training, the condition of the bronchi under load is not checked, then it’s not worth the risk.


Traditional medicine, under a mild degree, implies that asthmatic attacks of asthma are very rare. And according to the scientist-pulmonologist Dr. Solopov V.N. the degree of asthma depends on the condition of the bronchi: is there an obstruction, bronchospasm, and what indicator of peak speed and forced expiration.

By a mild degree, it is meant that the patient's indicators are close to normal, but do not reach about 20%. Are they taking into the army with mild asthma in this case? One can only answer the same as in the case of the remission stage.

Medium grade

The average degree, according to Dr. Solopov, is approximately 60-80% of the norm in terms of peak flow meter or FVD apparatus. What does an asthmatic feel in this case? On the one hand, he can feel quite normal, there is only slight discomfort when breathing. On the other hand, slight respiratory depression seems to be stuffy indoors or outdoors.

Most likely, the conscript will not wonder if they will be enlisted in the army with moderate asthma. Here, and so it is clear that no. It’s not worth the risk. Do not hide the fact of the disease from doctors. Be sure to provide all certificates, medical records, discharge epicrisis from the hospital during the medical examination.

Severe asthma

In severe asthma, disability is given. The military enlistment office, as a rule, does not call for young people with this category. But are they taking to the army with moderate bronchial asthma? This point may be controversial, so you must have evidence. Never destroy extracts, certificates, medical reports. And if the disease appeared in childhood, then do not discard the card from the children's clinic.are they taking asthma to the army in Russia

Unfortunately, asthmatics with moderate severity, as well as with mild, are not given disability. Therefore, it is often necessary to protect one’s rights for a long time, despite the fact that any degree of asthma (except severe) is equivalent to category “B” (“limited fit”), according to article 52.

And if an asthmatic in the army?

It’s a paradox, but very often it happens that a healthy guy is looking for an opportunity to avoid the army, and a sick guy is vice versa. Suppose you are an asthmatic, but you have a long stage of remission. I really want to serve. What to do? Do they take into the army? It’s better not to joke with asthma.whether they take into the army with mild asthma

Unfortunately, very often military enlistment offices quietly let asthmatics join the ranks of the armed forces. Everything ends sadly during physical exertion, working with chemicals, being in a dusty or gasified area. It is good if the soldier manages to leave the aggressive zone and catch his breath. But, as you know, asthma does not allow the bronchi to recover immediately. An attack of suffocation can last for hours. God forbid, it will become very bad and he will end up in intensive care. In a military hospital, the issue of commissioning will not be resolved for a long time. Removed from service forever.

Alternative treatment of asthma and the army

There are unconventional ways to maintain lung health, in particular - the bronchi. For example, breathing exercises, herbal treatments, homeopathy, physiotherapy exercises, halotherapy and so on. Are they enlisted in the army with asthma if unconventional methods help out? You will not be able to bring all these methods of treatment to the army. There will be no opportunity and time to do even breathing exercises. Sooner or later, the bronchi will make themselves felt.whether they are in the army with bronchial asthma in remission

Do not flatter yourself if some method of treatment has established itself as the most effective. For example, Strelnikov breathing exercises. Many asthmatics, after practicing gymnastics for a year, feeling excellent and completely healthy, quit classes. As a rule, the disease recedes for several years. But, nevertheless, in case of aggravation on a civilian there will be an opportunity to improve his condition, but in the army there may not be any chances.

Contractual or civilian service

Are there any asthmatic options? Unfortunately not. Neither the police nor the troops will be accepted if asthma is confirmed at the conclusion of a medical commission.

Ask any doctor about taking into the army with bronchial asthma. They will answer you no. It does not matter whether in the Ministry of Emergencies, by contract or by a dog handler. By the way, asthmatics are often interested in whether it is possible to work as a dog handler. If you are not even allergic to animal hair, you can’t work. It must be remembered that work is associated with physical activity, stress. But often excitement, depression, fear can cause an attack of suffocation.

What to do if found eligible

Very often, children of draft age with moderate to moderate asthma undergo a medical examination successfully. Doctors negligence? In fact, a young person does not show a pathology when undergoing spirometry / HPF. As a rule, asthmatics take basic therapy, that is, they use medicines every day in the morning and in the evening. It is likely that the drugs perfectly help maintain the condition, the bronchi are enlarged, the inflammatory process is eliminated with a daily medicine.whether they take into the army with moderate asthma

That is why sometimes draftees ask: “So, are they taking asthma into the army or not?” It is prohibited by law, but in fact called upon. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your health (or even life), then if possible do not use basic therapy for several days or weeks. And also bring all medical documents that prove that you really have this disease.

Trying is not torture

Do you still have questions about whether they are enlisted in the army with bronchial asthma? Or did you decide to take a chance? Suddenly lucky. Yes, sometimes soldiers with asthma are lucky, but only if they had a slight “burden” in the army. For example, sedentary work with the ability to avoid charging, activities, war games. But this rarely happens.

Are they taking into the army with asthma if the military branch has identified a light, for example, communications regiment? Probably not worth wondering where to send. Once again: life is more important. The fact that a young man dreams of serving the Motherland is commendable, but you should not break your life and substitute doctors and military men.

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Fideriko Dmitriy
So with remission or not?


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