
Exemption from the army legally. List of diseases exempting from military service

As a rule, in youth, guys have three topical issues:

  1. Where to go to study?
  2. How to not get married ahead of time?
  3. How to slope away from the army?

And the third question tickles the nerves more than the rest. Who wants to get into the barracks mode, to eat incomprehensibly than what and wear it is unclear what, when there are so many more pleasant prospects around. Although there are exceptions - guys who are bursting with the initiative to repay a debt to their homeland. But there are very few of them.


You can get liberation from the army on four points:

  1. Due to family circumstances.
  2. For health.
  3. Being a civil servant.
  4. For students.

Not so simple

In each of these points there is a mass of subtleties. It is also necessary to correctly present all the arguments in the selection committee, which, incidentally, is not given to everyone. So, a young man who really has the right to be exempted from the army may not receive it due to poorly stated reasoning. And the guy, to put it mildly, indirectly related to one of the above four factors, gets it on his first visit to the military enlistment office.

Since more organized attitude to this issue. And all that is required is to consult a specialist. Yes Yes. Nowadays, this issue is so relevant that there are a lot of professionals advising on the issue of “how to effectively slope”. This is the first. Well, and secondly, it is necessary to collect the necessary documents to confirm its unsuitability for service in the ranks of the valiant army of the Russian Federation. Now, let’s carefully consider each of these four points.

Family circumstances

Oddly enough, most deferrals and exemptions get people who rely on this particular factor. Which is pretty sad. After all, if a medical certificate can still be falsified, then papers confirming that a person has problems in the family are almost impossible. But not all family difficulties are regarded as an excuse not to go.


A young man who cares for a close relative who is unable to feed himself on his own is exempted from military service. In this case, the native person refers to one of the following categories:

  1. Mother, father.
  2. Grandmother grandfather.
  3. Daughter son.
  4. Brother, sister.

If you take care of your uncle’s cousin or your grandmother’s second cousin, then you can’t expect a reprieve.

However, this is not all. In order to meet this criterion, you must have the appropriate documents indicating that the ward is really not able to take care of himself. Typically, these are:

  1. Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd group.
  2. Minors.
  3. Senior citizens.

Among the package of documents there should be a conclusion of medical and social examination confirming the poor state of health of the ward. If the conscript is not the only close one, but there are other relatives who can take care of the sick / dependent / pensioner, then the young man will be drafted into the army.

If the conscript is an orphan, and he has minor brothers / sisters, the army service does not shine for the young man. But only if everything is in that order. Not otherwise!


Young dads are also able to obtain exemption from the army, but only in the following situations:

  1. Disabled child not older than three years.
  2. Already have a child and a pregnant wife for serious periods (from 7 months or more).
  3. Single father.

The draftee, having managed to get two or more children, receives release from the army without any questions. Oddly enough, but there have been recorded cases where the "twice father" was not even nineteen.

For health

A very common reason why draftees receive a deferment or release is a state of health. For each call before the admission committee, hundreds of various certificates, conclusions and other papers flashing indicate the inability of young people to serve in the army of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the delay is given only for one year. However, it can be extended if the health of the draftee has not improved. To do this, you must periodically undergo an examination with your doctor. Paradoxically, unlike hospital doctors, in whom young people undergo a course of treatment, for recruiting office doctors, all recruits are ideally suited for health reasons to serve in the army.

The difference between deferment and release

If the postponement is temporary, then exemption is granted, as a rule, indefinitely. Recruits who have been released are divided into two types.

The first is type "D". Such people are excluded from the draft lists and are not able to serve in the army under any pretext. Unless they remove this stigma on their own initiative, relying on the improvement of their health. Reasons for referring to this type:

  1. The musculoskeletal system is broken.
  2. HIV
  3. Diseases of the psyche.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. Bouts of epilepsy.
  6. Syphilis in the last stages.
  7. Serious diseases and injuries of the visual apparatus.

Those who fall into this category are not able to enter the service in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. People with this exemption cannot get a driver’s license and it’s very difficult to get a job.

exemption from military service

The second type is "B". These conscripts are exempted from military service, but only in peacetime. They are not without military status and in case martial law will be mobilized. They have no problems with employment, as well as with obtaining a driver’s license. Reasons for referring to this type:

  1. Bad hearing.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Myopia.

In addition to the aforementioned ailments, there are diseases that are considered to have a positive effect on exemption from the army. Referring to them, most of the conscripts try to get a military card, "without sticking their feet in army boots." However, this is far from everyone. As a rule, these diseases include:

  1. Flat feet.
  2. Scoliosis.
  3. Vascular dystonia.

Whether the given diseases cause sympathy at the selection committee or not, we will consider below.

Scoliosis and the Army

Hearing this conclusion, most recruits happily clap their hands. And about half of them blindly clap their eyes when they still hear the traditional "Welcome to the army, son!" What is the matter? And the fact that this disease has several degrees. And not all of them are able to exert due influence. Consider them:

  1. The first degree is expressed in the curvature of the spine from 1 to 10 degrees.
  2. The second degree is a curvature from 11 to 25 degrees.
  3. The third degree is a curvature from 26 to 50 degrees.
  4. The fourth degree is a curvature of 50 degrees or more.

And the second to fourth degrees are considered problematic for service. So, far from every draftee with a diagnosis of scoliosis, the army does not open its hospitable embrace. If the curvature of the spine in the conscript is not more than 10 degrees (which applies to the first degree), then it is quite suitable.

Military service

The curvature of more than 11 degrees sends the conscript to the reserve, from where he can be mobilized only in wartime. So he gets the category "B". With the third and fourth degrees of the disease, military service to the young man does not shine under any pretext, and he receives the category "D".

Flatfoot and the army

The army is known for the fact that it loves to load the bodies of its fighters with grueling runs, drill strides and march throws. Therefore, the question of “whether they are taking into the army with flat feet” is not appropriate. Of course they do! In the event that the conscript was silent about the presence of such a disease. After all, not all forms of flat feet can be clearly defined.

flat feet army

As a rule, you can notice a disease of the second degree and above, when the deformation of the foot is clearly visible. Then, in the personal file of the draftee, without any lengthy proceedings and examinations, "flat feet" is written. The army threatens this only in case of war.

Army and vascular dystonia

Their compatibility is a very sensitive issue. After all, in fact, what is vascular dystonia? This is a violation of the nervous system. And factors such as:

  1. Heartbeat
  2. Bronchial contractions.
  3. Pressure.
  4. Digestion.

And this is far from all. Violations of the nervous system lead to malfunctions in the body. The circulatory process worsens, which negatively affects heat transfer. Digestive failure also occurs. And this is already capable of causing a lot of various diseases. Also, a person suffering from vascular dystonia, due to errors in the functioning of the nervous system, is characterized by panic attacks, depression, hallucinations. It is not uncommon for a patient to faint.

vascular dystonia army

However, despite all the aforementioned ailments that cause vascular dystonia, the army does not disdain such recruits. Moreover, in the ranks of the armed forces there are many military personnel who have this disease. And today it is unlikely that anyone will be surprised at the high level of fatigue in the ranks. Negative factors such as depression and poor sleep among soldiers are also not worthy of attention. Today, special measures have been taken to prevent these ailments, but no one is in a hurry to put vascular dystonia on the black list of the admissions committee.

Who else can count on liberation from the army?

In addition to people who are not suitable for health reasons, have difficulties in the family, are in the public service and students, conscription does not shine for the following categories of citizens:

  1. People who have served in the army of other states (for example, the Ukrainian or Belarusian army).
  2. Young scientists.
  3. People with a degree.
  4. Brothers or sons of those killed in the performance of military duty.

Convicts and persons who are in places not so distant are also exempted from conscription. There is an opportunity to serve in an alternative way. A striking example is the majority of young orderlies in hospitals.

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