
What vision doesn’t include in the army: norms and deviations

Poor vision and military service are incompatible. There are a number of diseases, including eye diseases, when physical activity is forbidden to a person. Otherwise, one may completely lose sight. Therefore, conscripts are required to undergo a medical examination before serving in the army. But the disease of the disease is different. With a mild degree or the possibility of curing her, a young man can be hired with some restrictions. For example, in a certain type of troops or provide him with a reduction in physical exertion.

Can they take into the army with poor eyesight?

When the son reaches the age of the conscript, and he has eye diseases, parents often ask the question: “Are they admitted to the army with poor eyesight?” There are a number of ophthalmological diseases, the presence of which prohibits military service. Thanks to vision, we all receive nearly eighty percent of the information about the world that surrounds us. And good vision is one of the main means of perception.

"Schedule of diseases" exempting from military service

All recruits undergo a medical examination. There is a section “Schedule of Diseases”, which doctors are guided by. It lists all diseases whose presence imposes a ban on military service. The section specifically states under what vision they will not be taken into the army.under what vision do not take into the army

Myopia and farsightedness

According to the “Schedule of Diseases”, young men who have myopia of more than six diopters or farsightedness of more than eight are exempted from conscription. Diopter - a unit of measurement of optical power. In this case, the disease, for example, myopia, can be of three types: progressive, severe or with changes in the shell of the fundus. If such a young man is allowed to serve in the army, then from physical exertion he may experience a serious complication - detachment of the retina.

Fitness Categories

There are five categories by which it is determined with what vision they are not taken into the army. Suitability for military service:

  • “A” is valid;
  • “B” - there are slight restrictions;
  • “B” - suitable, but “with conditions”;
  • "G" - temporarily unfit for service;
  • "D" - unsuitable for the army.

At category "A" exemption from the army for vision it is not supposed, although small deviations in myopia, farsightedness, anatomical changes in the eyelids, conjunctivitis or progressive astigmatism up to four diopters can be detected.whether they take into the army with low vision

When they write about restrictions or “conditions”, this refers to the definition of a young man only in certain types of troops, taking into account the climate, physical activity and other factors. With astigmatism, a conscript may be exempted from military service if it is very difficult for him to focus his eyesight on a specific subject. In this case, category “B” is set. If the difference in refraction is greater than six diopters, then the young man is completely unsuitable for service.

When low visual acuity is detected, the conscript may fall into the category “D”. In this case, the young man is completely exempted from military duty.

List of eye diseases. What vision doesn’t include in the army?

There is a list that includes various deviations in which regular monitoring by an ophthalmologist is necessary. A young man may be deemed unfit for military service if he has:

  • high myopia;
  • retinal disorders;
  • glaucoma;
  • lacrimal tract diseases;
  • complete blindness;
  • eye injuries;
  • incorrect perception of colors;
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • congenital anatomical deformation of the eyes;
  • any ophthalmic progressive diseases.

with what vision they do not take into the army

Diagnosis Features

Even if there is any eye disease, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to determine what visual impairment is required for a young man when he is drafted into the army. If, for example, myopia in the initial form and up to 6 diopters, then the conscript can be allowed to serve, if from 6 to 12, category “B” is put. The doctor prescribes restrictions or even exemption from service. If myopia is in a severe neglected form, then the young man is not taken into the army.

Myopia has several stages of development. The first is when the young man sees objects well near and somewhat worse away. The second - the visibility of the distant is much worse. And the third, when you need constant wearing of glasses, both when viewing objects in the distance, and when reading a book.

If the doctor detects a lesion of the retina, then you need to establish the root cause of the disease. It can be an eye injury, inflammation or exacerbation of myopia. In any case, an operation is necessary, after which there is a long period of rehabilitation. It is at least deferment from the army for a long time. But most often - a complete exemption from service.what is the visual impairment when drafting

What vision doesn’t include in the army? Injuries are included in the list of diseases, but keep in mind that they are of varying complexity and intensity. With minor injuries, a young man can serve with restrictions (for example, in certain troops). If there is a likelihood of loss of vision, the conscript is completely exempted from service.

With glaucoma, the degree of the disease is also determined. A youth is considered unsuitable for service if glaucoma is developed in both eyes. In other cases, physical restrictions are established with which it is allowed to serve.

Are they taking into the army with low vision if chronic conjunctivitis is diagnosed? Not if the disease has led to visual impairment. But with a moderate degree, the young man is called up for service, but with restrictions. Which ones exactly is decided by the doctor, who writes all the accompanying comments in the personal file of the conscript. Proceeding from them, the young man is sent to the oppressed military branch.vision exemption

With what vision are they not enlisted in the army? With all types of progressive ophthalmic ailments. Especially if there is a risk of loss of vision. These diagnoses include diseases with impaired refraction and accommodation, absolute blindness and various eye abnormalities.

To summarize, to answer under what vision is not taken into the army, one can do this: for any acute stages of ophthalmic diseases or if they entail loss of vision. In other cases, the doctor may suspend temporary service or indicate a number of restrictions.

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Reason for complaint
My brother was found to have a slight retinal disorder when he passed a commission. They said that it was not good. Although he wanted to be in the army all his life (he planned to stay later on under the contract). We turned to a specialist, prescribed to drink eaglet and special drops. It is being treated now, the doctor said, should help.


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