
Do they take flat feet in the army. Causes of flat feet, stages and treatment

Who hasn’t heard that they’re not taking the army with flat feet? But how true are these words? Often young people are not aware of whether they are taking flat feet to the army. Although all the nuances are spelled out in Art. 68 "Schedules of Diseases", to get an accurate answer, you need to figure out what kind of illness and how severe its course is.

Flatfoot is ...

Flat feet is a disease in which the deformation of the foot occurs with the omission of its arch. With this ailment, the foot stops performing its spring and shock-absorbing functions. In normal condition, it has two arches: longitudinal and transverse. The longitudinal is located along the inner edge of the foot, and the transverse - under the base of the fingers.

do they take flat feet to the army

The arch of the foot plays the role of shock absorbers when walking, and also keeps the human body in balance. In case of violation of the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles of this leg area, they cease to function properly. In this case, the foot loses its shape, sags, becomes flat and ceases to perform spring functions. In this case, the question "whether they take flat feet in the army" can be answered negatively.

Subsequently, the load, which was to fall on the feet, is distributed between the spine and legs. Since they can not withstand the additional load, this leads to disruption of the work of these bodies.

Types of flat feet

In medical practice, several types of flat feet are distinguished. By its nature, foot distortion can be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • combined.

platypodia 2 degrees take in the army

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

1. Longitudinal flatfoot. Are they enlisted in this army? This issue should be dealt with in more detail. With this form of pathology, the foot contacts the floor with almost its entire surface, without forming a characteristic bend on the inside. In this case, its length increases. In the presence of this type of flat feet, wearing ordinary shoes is contraindicated.

2. Transverse flat feet. With this type of disease, the forefoot is widened and flattened. The foot accepts support on the metatarsal bones, which produces an additional load on the 2 and 4 heads of the metatarsal bones and removes the load from the big toe.

3. Combined flat feet. This type of ailment is less common than the first two, characterized in that the longitudinal and transverse arches are flattened simultaneously.platypodia 3 degrees take in the army

Degrees of flat feet

In medicine, isolated three degrees of flat feet. If there is a longitudinal form, then the degree of the disease depends on the magnitude of the deformation of the foot, and if transverse, then on the degree of curvature of the first finger. Upon reaching a certain age in young men the question arises: "Do they take with flat feet in the army?" To answer it, it is necessary to determine the degree of the disease.

Flat feet as a disease has 3 degrees of progression. For greater clarity and better perception of the material, we decided to put in a table.

Degree of disease Signs
I degree It is characterized by weakening of the ligaments of the foot, without deformation. The patient has pain with discomfort when walking or prolonged standing. With a little rest, the symptoms go away.
II degree There is a characteristic flattening of the foot, noticeable during a quick examination. The vault is missing. The foot is wide and flat. The patient has a feeling of constant pain in the ankle joint and lower leg. The gait changes, it becomes similar to a bear. The patient gets tired quickly.
III degree Deformation of the foot has a pronounced character with strong deviations in general health. The disease is transmitted to other systems and organs, provoking scoliosis, arthrosis, herniation of the intervertebral. Deformation affects not only the arch of the foot and toes: the first finger is bent to the outside, and the leg itself resembles fins.

As a result, severe pain of constant localization in the lower leg, knees, hips and lower back. To everything else headaches, a decrease in activity are added, a breakdown is observed.

Flatfoot and the army

The question of “whether they take flat feet in the army” worries not only conscripts suffering from this disease, but also their parents. After all, at the last stage of the disease, pain is felt when walking, and the wearing of ordinary shoes is not shown by doctors. So, with flat feet of 1 and 2 degrees, the conscript is fit for military service. When diagnosing this disease of a longitudinal or transverse type of 3 or 4 degrees with characteristic deviations in health, the conscript is exempted from the draft. At the same time, he is credited to the reserve with a note stating that he is "partially fit", and give him a military card. If the conscript is found to have flat feet of the 2nd degree, then he is assigned a suitability of category B-3 - suitable for non-combat service. As a rule, this is a cook, janitor or builder service.

platypodia 1 degree whether they take the army

Causes of flat feet

Flat feet can develop in any person, regardless of age. Children can have a congenital disease, and many adults acquire this ailment.

Flat feet can develop under the influence of several factors:

  • heredity - weak muscles and ligaments of the feet;
  • excess weight;
  • heavy work associated with carrying heavy loads;
  • wrong shoes;
  • the presence of corns or heel spurs.

Often ailment affects people whose professions are associated with a long stay in a standing position - sellers, teachers and others. But there may also be congenital flat feet of 1 degree. “Are they taking into the army with such a diagnosis?” - the question immediately arises for the young men and their parents. First, you should undergo a full examination to establish an accurate diagnosis, and then discuss with a specialist prospects.


Diagnosis of flat feet includes listening to complaints, examining the external condition of the foot and probing it. The diagnosis is clarified using an x-ray. Having an x-ray, the doctor determines the type and stage of the disease. So, the question of whether they take 3 degrees to the army with flat feet is possible to answer negatively, having on their hands pictures of the feet and the conclusion of the orthopedist. There is also an easy way to determine if a recruit has a disease. This is a plant-gamma method. To do this, the sole of the foot is painted with harmless paint, after which a footprint is placed on a sheet of paper. After analyzing the trace, we can judge the presence and degree of the disease and, accordingly, determine whether they take with flat feet in the army.

whether they take into the army with flat feet 3

With a visual examination, it is easy to diagnose transverse flatfoot, because with it the big toe bends to the outside of the foot and overlays on top of the second.


The main symptoms of flat feet are:

  • slipping shoes inside;
  • while walking, fatigue of the legs is noted;
  • at the end of the day, a feeling of tiredness, heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as the presence of cramps;
  • the shape changes at the foot, it seems to grow in breadth, this is noticeable in the size of the shoe;
  • the foot has changed in size and does not fit in shoes in width.

Such symptoms may indicate the presence of other ailments, but with similar symptoms, you should still contact an orthopedist.


Often, flat feet in a person is chronic. However, it is still necessary to take measures to treat the disease. Usually these are various physical procedures, medicinal ointments and creams that relieve pain symptoms. Do not forget about the severity of the course of such an ailment as flat feet of 3 degrees.Do they take into the army with such a diagnosis? Each orthopedist will answer this question in the negative.

Depending on the type and degree of flat feet appoint:

  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • arch support and orthopedic insoles in shoes.

whether flat feet are taken into the army

When diagnosing flatfoot I degree, it is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits. Exercise daily exercise recommended by your doctor.

You should visit the spa areas for the treatment of flat feet with mud and mineral waters.

If manual therapy does not bring the desired effect, then it remains only to resort to surgical intervention.

Undoubtedly, the main method of stopping the progression of flat feet is to wear orthopedic shoes on an ongoing basis.preventive exercises


Since the complete elimination of flat feet is almost impossible, it is easier to carry out preventive measures. To do this, perform some recommendations:

  • when choosing shoes, it is necessary to dwell on models that tightly fix the ankle (according to size), having a solid back and a small heel (not more than 5 mm);
  • train at home - walking barefoot, grabbing small objects with your toes, the use of massage mats;
  • must be able to walk on all parts of the foot;
  • the use of therapeutic exercises in stage I flat feet stops the development of the disease.

A set of exercises is developed individually in each case by an orthopedic surgeon. It takes into account the stage of the disease, the type, age of the patient and his complaints. These actions will be effective mainly in the presence of an ailment in stage 1. Amenable to therapy, although with difficulty, flatfoot of the 2nd degree. Whether they take into the army with such a diagnosis is decided already at the military registration and enlistment office on the basis of the medical documents provided.

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