
Grade 3 flat feet: treatment. With a 3 degree platypodia take in the army?

If a short walk leads to pain in the legs, massage does not provide relief, but causes discomfort, then it is likely that flatfoot developed. This is a fairly common disease. However, only a specialist can make a diagnosis. And it is extremely unpleasant if grade 3 flat feet has developed. In this case, the pain is permanent.

3 degree flat feet

What is flat feet

This pathology is characterized by deformation of the foot. Most often this is an acquired disease. Pathology can develop in people who are forced to spend a long time on their feet. Often flatfoot occurs in individuals suffering from excess weight, since there is a large load on the muscles and bones of the foot.

The normal foot has 3 fulcrum: heel and head 1 and 5 metatarsal bones. As a result of the development of flat feet, these centers change. The displacement of the fulcrum makes walking difficult, affects gait and provokes the development of many pathologies. These changes are especially pronounced if the patient is diagnosed with grade 3 flat feet.

Pathology classification

In medicine, 3 degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. The first stage is characterized by a weakening of the ligaments. In this case, the foot does not change its shape. The patient experiences fatigue, leg pain after a long walk. Rest completely eliminates unpleasant discomfort. You may notice a change in gait. She is losing plasticity.
  2. In the second degree, the foot is significantly flattened. It is flattened and expanded. The disappearance of the arches is observed. Constant pain covers the ankle and can reach the knee joint. Gait is difficult. Often there is clubfoot.
  3. Flat feet 3 degrees (photo allows you to consider the dynamics of the formation of pathology) is characterized by pronounced deformation of the foot. Accompany an ailment and other disorders in the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, arthrosis). With pathology, the thumb deviates outward. Pain can reach the hips and even the lower back. A person has a dramatically reduced ability to work. Often there is a headache.

flat feet 3 degrees treatment

In addition to the stages of development of the disease, flat feet are divided into the following types:

  1. Transverse. The transverse arch of the foot is flattened. Cartilaginous growths appear on the inner region. The thumb is laid to the side.
  2. Longitudinal. The middle part of the foot is widened and elongated. Leg is turned inward. The longitudinal arch is omitted.
  3. Combined. A combination of the transverse and longitudinal views is observed.

Causes of pathology

Before considering how to treat grade 3 flat feet, it is necessary to dwell on those factors that lead to the formation of an ailment. In most cases, the disease is acquired and is found in childhood. Therefore, eliminating the factors provoking the development of flat feet, you can protect the child from the formation of such an unpleasant pathology.

The main causes of the disease are:

  • overweight;
  • rickets, impaired metabolism;
  • carrying weights;
  • excessive ballet classes;
  • fracture;
  • “Wrong” shoes;
  • prolonged bed rest caused by serious illness.

flat feet 3 degrees photo

The main symptoms

Grade 3 flat feet is characterized by constant severe pain. They can be localized in different areas. Discomfort occurs in the calf muscles, the soles of the legs ache, the lower back, and the hip joint are sore. Such symptoms lead to a significant reduction in disability. Any active movements provoke increased pain.

Longitudinal pathology of the 3rd degree makes itself felt by such symptoms:

  • severe deformation of the foot;
  • swelling of the legs, feet;
  • constant aching discomfort;
  • headache;
  • the front zone of the foot is flattened and deployed;
  • first finger is strongly deflected.

With transverse flatfoot, the following clinic is observed:

  • the foot is greatly changed, it is reduced in size as a result of bone discrepancy;
  • the thumb is deflected outward; a bone growth is formed on it;
  • the middle finger acquires a hammer-like appearance;
  • corns do not disappear and increase;
  • a periarticular bag may become inflamed (bursitis develops).

with a 3 degree platypodia take into the army

Do they take flat feet to the army?

This question arises not only among draftees, but also among their parents. And the point is not in deviation from service, but in those painful sensations that the patient faces. After all, even ordinary walking causes great discomfort for him.

So, with a 3 degree platypodia take in the army or not?

Persons who are diagnosed with a longitudinal type of pathology of the 3rd degree or transverse, in which serious deviations are observed, are subject to exemption from military service. We are talking about arthrosis, severe pain, contracture of the fingers. In this case, the young man is exempted from the draft. He is given a military ID and credited to the reserve. Such a conscript is considered to be "of limited fit." In other words, he can be drafted into the army only in wartime.

At 1 and 2 degrees of flat feet, at which the above deviations are not observed, the young man is drafted into the army. However, with stage 2 disease, non-combat service is recommended: builder, janitor, cook.

flat feet 3 degrees cure

Treatment methods

What to do if flatfoot of the 3rd degree is diagnosed? How to treat this pathology? It is necessary to fight the disease with complex methods. In this case, treatment should begin as early as possible.

Doctors recommend such events:

  1. Massage. It is recommended to use special rollers, rugs, balls. Such measures reduce pain, normalize muscle tone and stimulate blood circulation.
  2. Exercises. They are recommended, as a rule, in the initial stages of the disease. They are aimed at strengthening ligaments, muscles, correcting improperly installed bones, and forming a natural gait.
  3. Physiotherapy. The patient is prescribed UVT, paraffin-ozocerite applications, electrophoresis. These measures are recommended for patients at all stages of the disease. They help restore joint mobility, improve metabolism and microcirculation in tissues, and relieve pain.

In addition to the above methods of dealing with an ailment, the patient is prescribed to wear special shoes or insoles. This is a very important event, which can significantly improve the quality of life of the patient.

Orthopedic shoes and insoles

They are prescribed to patients at any stage of disease progression. If flatfoot of the 3rd degree is detected, treatment without insoles or wearing orthopedic shoes is simply impossible. After all, patients with the last degree of the disease are most often unable to wear ordinary shoes and boots.

Properly selected insoles perform the following functions:

  • support the transverse and longitudinal arch;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the stability of a person while standing, walking;
  • reduce discomfort and fatigue in the legs;
  • set the foot in a natural position, thereby acting on improperly formed muscles;
  • do not allow the progression of pathology;
  • provide comfortable wearing of any shoes;
  • reduce the load on the spine and joints.

Orthopedic shoes can be recommended in the following cases:

  • disease progression;
  • the appearance of heel spurs;
  • severe deformation of the fingers;
  • the formation of corns.

flat feet 3 degrees how to treat


If massage, relaxation and many other activities do not eliminate the pain syndrome, then the doctor will recommend resorting to medications.

To get rid of discomfort, system analgesics can be prescribed:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • "Aspirin".
  • "Flugalin."
  • "Indomethacin."
  • "Paracetamol".

Topical preparations are also recommended:

  • Cream "Long".
  • "Indomethacin ointment."
  • "Voltaren gel."


So, is it possible to cure flat feet of the 3rd degree? Unfortunately, this is a rather complicated and unpleasant ailment. It will not pass in a couple of months. It is necessary to tune in to a long and difficult work on the correction of those changes that have taken shape for as long.

In addition, flatfoot of the 3rd degree can be completely cured, especially if pronounced disturbances are observed, it is almost impossible. The patient's condition can be corrected, facilitate his movement, improve the quality of life, but you should not count on a full recovery.

Is it possible to cure flat feet of 3 degrees

Treatment for this disease should be a way of life. Indeed, as long as the patient meticulously fulfills all the recommendations of the doctor, he will feel an improvement. As soon as the patient decides to abandon classes, the disease will immediately make itself felt.

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