
Business idea: sand mining

One of the most common building materials in the world is sand. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are thinking about its extraction. The sand mining business idea is quite promising and will bring a lot of profit, but not so simple. There are many difficulties that will have to be encountered in its implementation. However, with the right approach to the issue, a variant of such a case can bring excellent profit. The main thing is to correctly build a strategy and take into account all the nuances of the extraction, sale and delivery of this building material.

Sand mining

Sand, as one of the most common materials, is used to create many building mixtures, such as concrete, masonry mortar. It is needed for laying roads, useful when landscaping yard areas. This list can be continued for a very long time. This means that the demand for material will be stably high, so building a sand mining business is a good option to start your own business. sand miningBut for it to be legal, you need to get a mining license. If illegal sand mining is carried out, this can lead to very serious administrative sanctions. To formalize a career, you need to create a legal entity, you will also need an appropriate license, staff, equipment, special equipment and much more. Initially, the license is valid for five years, but if it is properly mined and all the necessary conditions are met, it can be extended.

Sand mining license

To get this document, you need a lot of time and finance, as well as an unlimited number of various references and documents. Of course, it’s easier to contact one of the modern law firms that provide turnkey license services. sand mining licenseWith their help, the extraction of sand in a quarry can be much easier in terms of legal. They will help to make a preliminary assessment of subsoil reserves, obtain permission to carry out work, prepare a material and raw material base, put a quarry on the balance sheet and actually obtain a business license. But for all this you have to pay a very large amount.

Resale and delivery of sand

But to build a business, you do not need to have your own quarry, you can avoid the need to obtain a license (which is necessary for sand production to be legal) by simply reselling it. You just need to find out where and who gets the sand, and also sells it in bulk. illegal sand miningThen you need to compare wholesale prices with market prices to understand the difference. Of course, at first glance it may not seem so big, but in fact, the main income in such a business will depend not on the cost of a cubic meter of raw materials, but on the price of the product delivery service to the buyer.

Sand sale

But this does not end the list of forms of business that can be built on the sand. You can not buy equipment for its transportation, and do not waste time on a quarry. The main thing is relations with local entrepreneurs. You can receive a commission by acting as an intermediary between a seller, a company that can deliver sand, and a buyer. quarry sand miningIf the circle of your customers is large enough, then the profit of the company will be decent. But if you do not have the qualities of a smart intermediary who is able to maintain relationships with customers and quickly build a customer base, it is better not to try this option.

How to sell sand

The main characteristics that a sand seller should have are good organizational skills, market understanding, analysis of competitors, and the ability to build marketing strategies.Having all these properties, a competent leader can not only start a business, but also constantly improve the organization’s work by increasing the volume of product sales.

Despite the demand for sand at any time of the year, the largest peak of its purchases falls in the summer. It is worth considering that, in addition to growing demand, competition will also grow. And so that customers do not leave, but, on the contrary, their number increases, you need to promote your product in all possible ways. In addition to the usual advertising on billboards and in the media, it is also worth paying attention to the promotion on the Internet. It’s worth using bulletin boards on Internet resources, advertising your product on construction forums and, of course, not forgetting about social networks, which every year are becoming more important for marketing.

In winter, you can supplement the company's range of snow removal services by renting additional equipment. In addition, additional products such as cement or gravel can be used for sale. In general, the extraction of sand, its sale and transportation, can be a great option to build a very good business. The main thing is to approach the issue with all responsibility and carefully manage the project. And then the company's profit and its success will allow it to take a firm position in the market for the sale of building materials.

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