
Own business: production of crushed stone. Technology and crushing equipment for the production of crushed stone

It is difficult to imagine the material that is used in construction more often than crushed stone. It is the main component in the production of concrete and products from it. Also, this material is laid in the foundation of buildings, used in road construction, in the construction of dams and other hydraulic structures.

Product Profitability

The production of crushed stone and its sale will bring considerable profit both to an individual enterprise and to the whole region, because this building material is the most profitable because of its practically zero cost. Its price consists only of the remuneration of workers and the costs of renting a quarry or other objects that are sources of rubble stone.


Of course, the production of crushed stone, like many other materials, has its drawbacks. The most important is the geographical component - crushed stone and rubble stone can not be mined throughout the country. Also seasonal - as with other materials, the sale of these products is pretty much dependent on the construction period, interrupted for about six months a year in a significant part of the Russian Federation. This is important to consider when carrying out the production of crushed stone. Of course, we are not talking about the complete lack of sales of this material in the winter, but the main market decline can still be observed from 10 to 60% in different regions.

crushed stone crushing equipment


In all other respects, rubble is included in the category of the most unproblematic goods. It does not deteriorate when stored on the street, it is sold quickly, mainly in large quantities. Also its technological tolerances and conditions that are recorded in the regulatory documentation (GOSTs: 22263-76; 3344-83; 26644-85; 22856-89; 18866-93; 8267-93; 5578-94; 25226-96; 8269.0-97 ; 8269.1-97; 7392-2002), are liberal, they allow the production of these products from various breeds and even from the so-called construction waste - secondary crushed stone, the production of which is also promising.


Crushed stone production is not a complicated process. The manufacturing scheme for this material is quite simple.
The crushed stone production technology looks like this:

- these products are made by crushing;

- then it is sorted by size.

crushed stone production business plan

General characteristics of crushed stone production equipment

This is one of the main issues. The choice of equipment type will depend on what kind of raw materials the crushed stone production plant will process. For example, if there are sufficient deposits of limestone or granite in the area where this business will be founded, it is recommended to open a regular stationary enterprise.

But if there are few small deposits scattered across the region, or there are several mining and metallurgical plants on the territory of which dumps or slags accumulate for some time, or the main part of the raw materials will be construction waste, then in this case it will be necessary to use a mobile complex for crushing .

As a result, the equipment for the production of crushed stone is divided into the following types:

  • Stationary (motionless). It is productive and cheaper in price. This equipment needs less maintenance personnel and pays off quickly.However, it requires the rental or construction of a building (possibly non-capital), as well as the involvement of freelance bomb specialists. Lumps of rock (rocks) can be obtained by blowing up a monolithic rock. The transportation and carrying of stationary equipment for the production of crushed stone (and then it is inevitable, since each deposit is depleted over time) is a fairly inexpensive, but inconvenient process. It is important to know when organizing this business.
  • Mobile (mobile) equipment is less in productivity and at the same time its price is several times higher, but does not need to erect buildings (with the exception of garage hangars for storing equipment), "moves" on its own without the use of special equipment. True, additional specialists take part in its maintenance - mainly truck drivers, who will be involved in the assembly and transportation of products to the storage location.

Crushed stone crushing equipment

For a better understanding of the price scale, you need to refer to certain numbers. Consider the cost of crushers for the production of crushed stone of medium capacity (up to 130 tons per hour) of various types.

One of the cheapest options is a jaw crusher for gravel. Its price is about 420,000 rubles. The principle of action is the bending, crushing and abrasion of the rock between the two "cheeks". But with all the unpretentiousness and primitiveness of this machine, its simplicity and cheapness has a downside, especially in the production of large volumes.

After all, the swinging plate will soon wear out, so it will be interchanged with a fixed one. Then the two "cheeks" go through the process of restoration by the method of hardfacing. These wear parts require the availability of spare parts or sufficiently long outages. However, for small industries this option is often optimal.

The next common type of machine for the production of crushed stone are rotary crushers. Their price ranges from 1,950,000 to 2,450,000 rubles. They work on the principle of crushing raw materials using a powerful rotary motor. This crusher for crushed stone is unpretentious in operation. However, over time, it needs maintenance, which consists in rewinding the rotor wire (electric motor).

crushed stone crushers

The centrifugal impact crusher (at a price of about 255,000 rubles) is well suited for the main (or related) production of small-gravel crushed stone according to GOST-3344-83.

It can be used as additional equipment creating raw materials for enterprises producing high-quality concrete and asphalt. Of course, this crushing equipment for crushed stone allows producing larger material.

However, it is irrational to use it this way, because it was originally envisaged just for the small fraction.

Cone crushed stone crushers are expensive. The principle of their operation is quite simple. It lies in the fact that the material is crushed in a layer between the fixed and moving cones. The price of this equipment depends on the country of manufacture and ranges from 2,300,000 to 4,100,000 rubles.

This high cost depends on their versatility. Cone crushers produce crushed stone of various fractions up to the production of artificial sand. This confirms their versatility.

The prices of mobile crushing plants, as already mentioned, will be completely different. Samples with productivity up to 60 tons per hour (that is, half as much as stationary) will cost from 7,200,000 to 8,800,000 rubles, depending on the company and the country of manufacture.


The number of employees for mobile and stationary plants is slightly different. Only 2 people serve one crushed stone crusher stationary, by the way, one of them is a process engineer. At the same time, he may be the master of a workshop in which there is one or more of the specified equipment.

The second is an auxiliary worker whose job is to control the crushing process. It monitors the flow of raw materials into the loading slots, the cleaning of storage boxes (bins), and also does not allow clogging and interruptions in the finished product of the workspace. Therefore, the number of auxiliary workers depends on the amount of equipment indicated.

In the service of mobile crushing complexes, two auxiliary workers are involved under the guidance of a master (engineer of the above specialties). In addition, these equipment are installed on the chassis of trucks, in connection with this you will need a driver of the corresponding category.

Also, as previously mentioned, to obtain blocks of billets in the development of basalt, granite or limestone massifs, you will need third-party or your own explosive techniques (in the specialty according to OKSO –130408 ​​“Blasting”).

Business profitability

The profitability of the enterprise is quite difficult to calculate, since the cost of producing crushed stone is the sum of the remuneration of workers, rent of a development site and the price of electricity (and when using mobile crushers also fuel and lubricants). But the minimum profitability is at the level of about 15%. This low figure should not be confusing.

secondary crushed stone production

Since the first is the smallest indicator, and the second is that with an average production of 1,000 tons per day, the net monthly profit will be at least 3,000,000 rubles per month, so that equipment costs will pay off for one quarter, and in the worst case For half a year.

True numbers fluctuate depending on the calibration, sales region, shape (since cubic gravel is somewhat more valuable than other types), flakiness (degree of flatness) and so on.

The average cost of limestone and granite rubble varies between 640 and 700 rubles per ton, the secondary (concrete chip) is about half the price, but its profitability is higher, because the production does not require quarrying.

Business plan for the production of crushed stone

The organization of this idea is a specific and complex task. Consulting services will save you money and time.

The business plan “Crushed stone production” is a document that contains the following most important aspects of a future project:

crushed stone producer- the external environment of the manufacturing enterprise;

- its internal environment;

- material, labor, financial and other components necessary for the implementation of the project for the production of crushed stone;

- financial forecast indicators;

- An organizational plan for the implementation of the project for the creation of crushed stone production;

- economic efficiency;

- project risks and ways to minimize their negative consequences;

- The appointment of a business plan for the production of crushed stone.

All this is important to know and consider when organizing this project.

Why do you need a business plan for the production of crushed stone?

This procedure is needed to solve the following problems:

- planning of commercial and industrial activities for the future;

- risk assessment for potential lenders and investors, as well as financial indicators;

- coordination of the activities of workers of the company.

When organizing this idea, you must clearly understand what exactly you want to achieve from the implementation of the specified project. The main objectives of writing a business plan for the production of crushed stone are:

- studies of the feasibility of the project or its further continuation;

- establishing the development of the company;

- loan receipt;

- search for an external partner or investor.


Exactly observing the above, it is possible to carry out the correct organization of the specified project with confidence, as a result of which you will turn out to be an effective producer of crushed stone.

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