
Own business: cullet processing. Selection of equipment for glass processing. Glass Recycling - A to Z Business Plan

In the modern world, it is not only ineffective, but also a traditional approach to waste disposal is dangerous. Indeed, toxic garbage adversely affects both human health and the environment.

In addition, there are very few companies involved in its processing in the domestic market, while the amount of raw materials is huge. According to many economists, this business will soon become very popular.

The relevance of the issue

glass recycling business

In the economy of many countries of the world, the most relevant issue is the reuse of materials. This helps to avoid the accumulation of industrial and household waste, and the savings will be very tangible, thanks to which resources will be saved. In addition, the environmental burden will not be so great.

Far from the last role today belongs to such a business as broken glass processing. It is used at different enterprises for the production and manufacture of goods of various kinds and purposes. For example, in the construction industry, glass plays an important role, and in the food industry, sometimes this material is indispensable.

Due to the condescending attitude of the administration towards waste processing companies, as well as the small number of such organizations, it can be concluded that glass processing is a profitable, demanded and promising business. Next, we will talk about it in more detail.

What is glass recycling?

So, what is the work of such an enterprise? At first glance, cullet processing technology is a very complex process, but the most time-consuming process here is the sorting of raw materials and the separation of one species from another. All this fades in comparison with the fact that the resulting material is not inferior in quality to new glass. Therefore, this business has been very active lately.

Before starting this process, it is necessary to prepare a special site that must comply with all the requirements and the rules of strict regulation. There should be a high construction fence, a special large container for sorting glass, and a proper staircase must be made for delivery. And because of the high noise level, the building itself should be at a remote distance from the village.

Material sorting

First, the glass is sorted by color, and then by the type of manufacture (ordinary and ceramic). Before crushing, it is necessary to clean the material from all kinds of foreign impurities (dirt, stones, metal). Upon completion of grinding, the glass is again cleaned, this time more thoroughly. Only after this does the process of melting of cullet take place.


cullet recyclingBefore opening your own company, you need to purchase equipment for glass processing. To clean the material from impurities, different-sized sieves are necessary, and when grinding glass, a crushing plant.

In order to move the waste to the place of further processing, a conveyor system is needed. A melting furnace and air units are also needed.

This line is fully automated, so many people here are not needed. Quite a few people, each of which performs specific duties.

Experienced entrepreneurs consider domestic machines to be the most suitable, since it is much easier to pick up components for repairs to them, and the reliability of such equipment is much higher. It will be much more economical to purchase used foreign equipment or its Russian counterparts, the cost of which will not exceed seventy thousand rubles.

Organization of production

The best option for organizing such an enterprise would be a room that is located at a short distance from the landfill. It can be an urban outskirts or an industrial zone. At the same time, the nearest residential building should be no closer than six hundred meters from the enterprise being organized.

cullet processing technology

Also, for the supply of raw materials, you can agree with utilities or with companies specializing in freight transportation, or organize your own fleet to deliver waste from the landfill.

For a warehouse, a small room may be suitable - about a hundred square meters. As for the workshop, here the space should be much larger - about five hundred square meters.

For an entrepreneur, glass processing is a business that, like any other, requires initial (starting) capital. It is needed, first of all, for the payment of salaries to workers, since the main difficulty is the sorting of the material. It is also necessary to set certain prices for glass trash.

The most important moment in the organization of such production will be the supply of raw materials. Therefore, it is recommended to take garbage to begin with in your area. For this, an entrepreneur needs a truck for laying raw materials.

If the process is well organized, then glass processing - a very cost-effective business - will pay for itself within a few months. Moreover, the payback period directly depends on the turnover of the enterprise. The larger it is, the longer and longer. And with deep processing, you can achieve maximum profit.

Business plan

A huge amount must be paid for the construction of a huge processing complex. But a more modest enterprise, according to economists, can bring significant benefits. The organization of such a workshop, as a rule, will not require more than three hundred thousand dollars.

At least two thousand dollars must be allocated for the arrangement of production and storage facilities. It is necessary to ensure their full compliance with fire and sanitary standards. In the event that your production is located near residential buildings, it will be possible to significantly save on the export of raw materials, because local residents will deliver it to you.

You can purchase a sorting line, crusher, and other equipment at a price not exceeding seventy thousand rubles.


Glass recycling is a business that must be conducted legally. Therefore, the first thing to do is to obtain a license from the Ministry of Ecology. Indeed, according to the law, any entity that engages in activities such as waste management and collection must undergo an environmental review. Her opinion is issued, as a rule, for the entire period of the company.

glass processing equipment

No less necessary are permits from services such as fire and sanitary. You also need to prepare a detailed description of the technological processes of your enterprise in the design documentation.

You can spend up to six months on collecting all documents. Quarterly inspections await the organization of local nature conservationists, firefighters and orderlies, as well as other public services.


Recruitment directly depends on the scale of production. A medium-sized enterprise is able to serve about forty people who reject, sort, crush raw materials, and receive broken glass.

Such work is carried out manually, therefore, this company needs both ordinary and experienced employees who are able to determine by eye suitable materials and reject unsuitable ones, as well as train new employees and control their activities.

Consumers of waste management products and services

broken glass recyclingAs a rule, these are, first of all, municipal bodies. They should be interested in environmentally friendly waste management and thereby eliminate local landfills.

Glass processing will also be beneficial for glass enterprises. They are not able to store such waste on their territory.

And in the event that they carry out their unauthorized release, they will receive fines from government bodies.

By offering the owner of such an organization the removal of material for an amount less than the amount that they spent on disposal, you can also make your enterprise more profitable.

Organizations that need it for various needs (production of light bulbs, containers for food products, etc.) can buy recycled materials from you.

Cullet recycling is a very profitable business, despite the fact that it requires certain financial costs. In the event that you manage to establish agreements on the removal of waste or the sale of finished raw materials, such investments can pay off within a year and a half. In a nasty situation, such enterprises may suffer significant losses.

Leading experts argue that a successful firm has a margin of up to eighty-two percent due to the fact that there is almost no competition.

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