
Own business: production of liquid stone. Business plan for the production of artificial stone: equipment and necessary documents

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Today in modern construction is increasingly used liquid (artificial) stone. It is a kind of material. When decorating buildings and structures, facades and interiors in a modern style, it is not inferior to natural stone, and even surpasses it in some of its properties. This emphasizes the effectiveness of this material.

Practical, beautiful and quite durable, it has long won the trust of consumers. Therefore, many citizens are wondering how to make liquid stone. This will be described in more detail in this article.


Outwardly, artificial stone is very similar to natural. However, it differs by touch, as it is warmer in comparison with the specified material. This is an important feature of it. Items made of liquid stone are of high quality and durability, as well as a number of advantages over products made from natural material.

For example, artificial marble is more durable than natural marble. Also, it does not crack from the effects of negative external factors. And artificial granite will not be radioactive, which can not be said about natural, which often has this, perhaps the most serious drawback.


Initially, artificial stone is a composite liquid mass of unsaturated polyester resins and a special filler. It hardens after adding reagents such as accelerator and hardener. The mixture of this material resembles the composition of a sheet of stone coating and in liquid form is a semi-finished product for any products made by casting or spraying. It is important to know.


For the manufacture of this material requires: chemical resin, gelcoat, plasticine, hot-melt adhesive, acetone, calcite, special fillers, pastes of the right colors, fiberglass. A hardener is also needed, which will be added at the final stage. The composition of liquid stone is identical for almost all products. It will differ only in color and filler.

Liquid Stone Production Technology

This process is virtually waste-free and very simple. This interesting thing can be done by people even without special training. So without any difficulties it is possible to carry out the production of liquid stone. You can apply the resulting coating to any surface: iron, ceramics, wood, glass and even plastic.

The whole technology of liquid stone consists of four stages, using the appropriate equipment in each of them.

  • First, work surfaces are prepared for applying materials. They improve the bonding of the liquid mass to the base.
  • Next, you should prepare the container into which water is poured, and then pour the desired mixture.
  • After that, everything is mixed using a special nozzle.
  • When the liquid is brought to a state of plasticity, it can be applied to the desired product, and when the material hardens, it remains only to grind to a mirror shine.

Of the equipment, a sprayer is used, which ensures uniform distribution of the specified material, and a grinding tool with a pneumatic drive, which has a round structure. These devices are important.With the help of them, the surface is polished and cleaned, and after that it is brought to a shine.

It seems that liquid stone technology is not complicated. But it is possible that the help of a process engineer may be needed.

Necessary equipment in the production of this material

In this process, the following devices are used:

  • sanding machine;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • mixer;
  • glue gun and spray gun;
  • compressor and router;
  • table;
  • the basis on which the composition will be applied.

Products made of artificial liquid stone

From this material you can make:

  • monolithic countertops of different sizes;
  • bar counters;
  • sinks;
  • counters;
  • countertops with built-in sinks for bathrooms;
  • window sills;
  • decorative products and furniture and interior items.

liquid stone production technology

Due to its unique qualities, liquid stone, the production technology of which is not difficult, allows you to create any necessary elements of the most diverse shapes and sizes, as well as any complexity.

A wide scope of application will always provide a great demand for products from the specified material. At home and in the office, in shops and public transport, at food enterprises and in crowded places, products from this artificial stone are found. Pleasing to the eye and interior details from the specified material. They make the space around cozy and prestigious.

The following stages of the manufacture of stone products are:

  • spraying
  • grinding.

They are carried out in different rooms with the obligatory presence of hoods and heated to a temperature of 20-23 aboutC. Chemicals evaporate during the manufacturing process, as a result of which this product will not cause harm to human health. The grinding room must be equipped with an outlet with a connector for the compressor.

liquid stone technology

Caring for artificial stone products

The surfaces of any elements of this material can be quite easily cleaned using the most common detergents, even if the nature of the contamination is very strong. No special skills are required here.

Worktops are washed with a normal cloth dampened with warm water. Any cleaning agents are used, since the stone is very durable and is not afraid of anything, even without additional protective coating. The only exceptions are abrasive detergents if the surface is polished.

Liquid stone products are also easy to repair. If during long-term operation chips and scratches appear, then you can even get rid of them yourself using ordinary sandpaper and polish. But larger and more serious damage will help you to eliminate professionals who simply spray a liquid stone on top and polish the resulting surface with high quality. However, this process can be performed independently.

The main advantages of artificial stone

This material has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of repair in case of damage to the product;
  • large selection and abundance of decors;
  • wide color gamut;
  • unique seamless docking technology;
  • the ability to make countertops with built-in sinks;
  • high resistance to aggressive environments, high humidity, mold and mildew;
  • hygiene, environmental friendliness and absolute safety;
  • durability;
  • convenience in operation;
  • ease of care of the product.

liquid stone production technology

Artificial stone countertops do not leave stains from wine, jam, tea and coffee. But for kitchen furniture it is very important. Products made of this material do not deteriorate under the influence of kerosene, gasoline, acetone, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, as well as hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. All these numerous advantages make it simply irreplaceable material.

Own business - liquid stone production

With the right approach, organizing this plan is not so difficult.Having your own artificial stone business is a very good idea. The production of liquid stone can bring considerable income, as well as become a truly favorite thing.

To produce this material began relatively long ago. Previously, natural stone was used in the decoration of walls and facades of buildings and structures, but now artificial is used more and more often. The specified material calmly and unobtrusively fills the modern construction market. Yes exactly. Is it possible to impose quality? The consumer himself chooses the best.

And even if, among the variety of colors, the customer is still unable to choose the right option for himself, you can always make the product according to your individual desire.

Artificial stone is very light, which means that its transportation does not require large expenses. It is resistant to temperature extremes and environmental influences, as a result of which it will be easily and safely stored in a warehouse without fear of damage.

How to implement a business idea for manufacturing the specified material

To do this, consider the following criteria:

  • The production of liquid stone begins with the search and purchase of good quality equipment. You can also purchase a ready-made mixture, or maybe someone wants to make it yourself. This is a personal matter for each individual desire.
  • Competent advertising campaigns on the Internet and the media should be organized.
  • You need to get people to talk about you and your products. To do this, several customers can be pre-finished for free or at a discount. Who will refuse such a presentation?
  • Further, the production of liquid stone depends on the proper selection of a room that meets all the necessary requirements, as well as necessarily consisting of two rooms, one of which will be sprayed and the other is polished. Its area should be approximately 24 m2.

The price of one square meter of artificial stone is about 3000 rubles, if its thickness is 1 cm. Exactly so much will be spent on the production of the product. You can sell finished stone at a price of 7-11 thousand rubles per square meter. If you want to get around all competitors as soon as possible, then the price must be certainly reduced so that people know about your production.

From the practice of some manufacturers it follows that the main costs are paid back in about 3 months, and this is a very short time. If you do not produce the necessary material, but purchase it from suppliers, then the income will come after a month of work. Therefore, in this case, you can organize an effective business. The liquid stone in this will be a great "helper."


As for the legal organization of your business, which is very good, this activity is not subject to licensing. Certification is also not required. Registering an IP is all that is required of you. It won’t take you much time. The tax system will be simplified. Which also testifies in favor of registration of IP. However, if you plan to expand production, where hired labor will be applied, then, of course, it is more expedient to immediately establish an LLC.

You may also have to conclude an agreement to purchase a package of technical documentation for the production of artificial stone.

The most profitable business areas for the manufacture of this material

More rational in this area are:

  • decoration and decor of pools;
  • manufacturing of countertops for kitchen and bathrooms;
  • production of floor coverings;
  • staircase cover;
  • manufacturing of sanitary coatings and sinks.

your business liquid stone

The main income and expenses of this business

It is not difficult to calculate.


  • rental of premises (per year from 200 000 rubles, depending on rental conditions);
  • purchase of necessary equipment (approximately 200,000 rubles);
  • purchase of tools and materials (about 200,000 rubles);
  • transportation costs and advertising (approximately 50,000 rubles).


  • from the sale of these products (approximately 100,000 rubles per month);
  • from finishing and casting a variety of products (from 200 000 rubles per month).

Total turns out about 300 000 rubles a month.


As you can see, the production of liquid stone does not require any supernatural abilities. And most importantly, to properly establish production and come up with a successful business plan - and then everything will work out!

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