
Profitable waste paper business. Recycling as a business

As you know, today you can earn not only from the production of any product, but also from waste collection. In particular, this applies to waste paper. Moreover, on paper waste, you can build a very profitable business. We will talk further about how to start a business on waste paper.

A bit about recycling paper waste

recyclable materialsMany of us remember how during the Soviet Union, waste paper was regularly collected in schools and enterprises. Moreover, with her search, as a rule, there were no special problems.

After all, a person at home and at work constantly encounters paper in the form of documents, newspapers, magazines, books, handouts and brochures, packages for various goods, napkins, etc.

In our country, as a rule, this type of waste is simply disposed of in a landfill, where it is burned or decayed in the rain and snow.

At the same time, in most European countries, paper waste is disposed of. Thanks to this, firms involved in this have the opportunity to receive a good and stable income. So, according to recent studies, about half of all European paper is made from recycled materials.

Of course, in many respects, such results are a consequence of the pressure of the "green", requiring the preservation of forests and the maximum processing of unnecessary paper. In Russia, so far, the reception of recyclables and its further use are not so well developed. Therefore, entrepreneurs have every opportunity to start such a business and earn good money. First of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan.

Waste paper as earnings: where to start?

As when opening any other business, at the initial stage you need to register as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. The most suitable form for the waste paper collection point is an IP (individual entrepreneur).

Selection of premises

Due to the fact that the collected paper waste will need to be stored somewhere, it is necessary to take care of the warehouse. If you have sufficient funds, you can rent a suitable room. If your budget is limited, then you can use, for example, your own garage. When renting a room, it is advisable to select an area where your point for the reception of waste paper will be the only institution of this kind.


At first, you can work independently. However, keep in mind that you, as the owner of the business, will have many other concerns besides receiving paper waste. After all, you have to search for customers, conclude agreements with them, take care of delivery, etc.

Therefore, opening a business on waste paper, it makes sense to resort to the help of hired employees. Due to the fact that the work is simple and does not require any high qualifications, it will not be difficult to select personnel.

Where to look for suppliers?

You can receive paper waste both from individuals and from various shops, companies and other organizations. It is important to try to build long-term relationships with suppliers. After all, even a small store or company can take about 20-30 kilograms of waste paper to your collection point every week.

In addition, schools, kindergartens, restaurants and cafes can become the main suppliers. Therefore, do not be too lazy to establish relations with the leadership of such institutions. This will provide you with a stable flow of raw materials.

As for private individuals, it is advisable to conduct a small advertising campaign with the distribution of booklets and a description of the benefits and benefits of such an activity.In addition, you can attract local janitors to work, who for a small fee will not only provide you with a variety of paper waste, but also sort them.

Subtleties of work

All waste paper arriving at your collection point will need to be carefully sorted. This will significantly increase the profitability of your business. Therefore, the waste paper business should provide for the organization of a primary processing section of incoming recyclable materials, on which paper will be sorted into classes. The first class is the most expensive.

This includes waste from the production of uncoated white paper (except for newsprint), as well as all types of white paper in the form of scraps and products based on unbleached sulphate pulp. The second class includes waste paper in the form of cardboard, unnecessary books, magazines and brochures without roots, covers and bindings. The third class includes newspapers and paper pulp.


Since the waste paper business involves not only the collection of recyclables, but also its sorting and subsequent delivery to customers, it will be necessary to purchase some equipment. So, the receiving point must be equipped with a special press. It is not necessary to buy a new unit, it is quite possible to do with the used ones. You can buy it at a price of about 50 thousand rubles. To deliver the sorted waste paper to the destination, you will need to purchase a truck.

Waste paper sales

When organizing a business for recyclable materials, first of all, it is necessary to determine where you will take the collected paper waste. As a rule, in every city there are resellers who will gladly accept waste paper from you. However, the price for it will be lower than when selling directly, but will pay you immediately. Also often in each region you can find a recycling center or a pulp and paper mill.

But cooperation with them has a number of difficulties. So, when delivering raw materials to a collection point, it is checked for moisture and blockage. As a rule, both are found, which automatically reduces the cost of waste paper by 30-40%. As for money, no one will pay you right away, and sometimes you have to wait several months to pay. In view of this, the collection of waste paper as a business is often much more profitable to build in collaboration with recyclers.

recyclable business

Paper waste collection as a business: the financial side of the issue

On average, about 200 thousand rubles will be required to open a waste paper collection point. If, thanks to your efforts, you will be able to collect about 20 tons of recyclables per week and take it at a price of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles per ton, then the weekly earnings will be about 40 thousand rubles.

If you subtract overhead from this amount, then the net profit will be at least 100-120 thousand rubles per month. Thus, you can easily recover the initial costs in the first couple of months of active work.

The business is not only collecting, but also on the further processing of paper waste

If you want to organize not only the reception of waste paper, but also its further processing, then you can count on much greater profit. However, in this case, you will have to organize your own production, which will require significant financial investments.

So, first of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable room and purchase the appropriate equipment. Today you can buy both a line for the primary processing of waste paper, and for processing a full cycle. In the first case, you will resell the obtained raw materials to large manufacturers.

And in the second, you yourself will be engaged in the manufacture of final products in the form of cardboard, newsprint or toilet paper, napkins, paper bags, etc. In this case, your profit can range from several hundred thousand to several million rubles per month. However, at least two million rubles will be required to open such a business.

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