
Waste business: waste recycling. How to get a license for waste disposal, the necessary equipment for waste disposal

Waste recycling

The problem of waste disposal in all cities is an acute problem: the amount of garbage is growing steadily and landfills are increasingly worsening the environment. That is why many countries are actively developing waste recycling.

Recycling of waste allows not only to clean the territory, but also to use recycled raw materials for the second time. That is why the waste business is really relevant now and with the right organization it will pay off well. What do you need to work in this area?

main idea

The essence of the organization for waste management involves the construction or acquisition of a recycling plant. The most effective is working with thermal shock technology, which results in industrial water, pyrolysis gas and solid residues that can be used for secondary production. Thus, the company operates on almost complete self-sufficiency.

Waste recycling is widely used in Western Europe, but in the CIS countries its development has just begun, so the sphere is free from fierce competition and is open for investment. At the same time, the profitability of the plant is very, very high: company revenues can reach several tens of billions of Russian rubles.

Business Organization Features

It is best to try to get an offshore before creating a plant. This is the name of financial centers for attracting foreign capital, which provide special tax conditions and other benefits. To do this, you will need to select a country of which you are not a resident and register a company there. This highly optimizes the cost of paying taxes. To choose an offshore, you should consult a professional lawyer. A properly selected financial center will allow you to forget about timely payments and the preparation of the necessary reports.

Territory for the enterprise

To start a business, you need to find a site for the construction of the plant. It is desirable that the territory was located near large city landfills and within reach. The site should be surrounded by a concrete fence and occupy an area of ​​at least two hectares. Such a territory will allow a little expansion of the enterprise in the future.

At the first stage, your plant will be able to process about fifty thousand tons of municipal solid waste. The premises of the enterprise should include the main building, laboratory, warehouse for finished products, a radiation monitoring station, a site for unloading and storage of waste before processing, and administrative facilities. Each building must meet sanitary standards.

Official registration

For legal business, you will need a license for waste disposal, as well as registration and permission of the sanitary-epidemiological service. To get the latter, you need to make sure that a sanitary zone of at least five hundred meters is located around the plant.

When registering an enterprise, it will be necessary to choose the legal form, for example, LLC or individual entrepreneur, and create an authorized capital that will be distributed among shareholders in a certain percentage ratio. If you decide to conduct business without the use of offshore, you will need a visit to the tax office. Only after obtaining all the documents and permissions it is possible to start the work of the plant on waste recycling.

Factory device

Cesspool as a business

Processing should be organized in the main building, which is preferably divided into five modules. They can be launched in stages.

Each module should be designed to process two tons of waste per hour. It includes two plants, one of which performs the oxidation of inorganic substances, and the other is a pyrolysis reactor.

The module includes a smoke exhauster, a chimney, a fan and a fine gas purification chamber. If your goal is liquid waste disposal, others will be required. Electricity is necessary for the plant to operate, so the premises must be equipped with a generator and transformers.

To optimize installation and repair, it is worth acquiring lifting gear and equipping basements. An ash collector will also be required, which must be placed outside the plant. Its contents can be used to produce building materials, for example, for paving. The laboratory will require analytical instruments. Before processing, all waste should be checked for radiation.

List of necessary equipment and staff

Waste business

So, what is the list of all the technical devices that waste disposal requires? The business plan should include the costs of the sorting and crushing unit for municipal solid waste, which will be located at the collection point, and garbage conveyors, pyrolysis and oxidation reactors will also be required.

A copper catalytic chamber, smoke exhausters and chimneys, turbogenerators, electric generators, a high voltage transformer, a unit for cleaning the process water obtained in the process, a conveyor for removing ash and a collector for collecting it.

Additional units may provide loading and condensing functions. The estimated energy consumption for such equipment is 3 kW per hour. It is not necessary to purchase hoods for technical rooms, since pyrolysis takes place in a vacuum. The mass of the equipment will be about a ton.

To service the plant will require six people. These should be specialists in the work of reactors, their work should be organized in three shifts, two at a time. They must have a certificate that allows them to pyrolysis plants. You will also need three electricians on duty, who will work one at a time. In addition, we need fifteen sorters, the role of which is suitable for unskilled workers. Five people will be enough to change.

Benefits of Heat Shock Technology

By recycling the waste in the above way, you get a double benefit. Your company will be provided with industrial water for heating equipment that will remain from the process of utilization of municipal solid waste. And if you place a water purification system in the main building, it can be brought to the sanitary norm and used as a drinking one.

In addition, pyrolysis gas is formed during processing, which can be used to operate the modules. Thus, the company provides itself with almost all the necessary materials independently in the process of its activities. Obviously, the technology of thermal shock is very profitable from any point of view.

The subtleties of doing business

Waste Management: Business Plan

After all the documents are received and the equipment is installed, you can develop a business plan with a feasibility study.

It is necessary to include points of supply of raw materials, as well as sales of the product that you will receive as a result of processing. Recycling or cesspool as a business is very profitable, because it is likely to supply you with materials for free.

It is enough to conclude an agreement on garbage removal with local authorities. You will need to pay for installation and commissioning work and equipment debugging.Of course, it will be necessary to seriously invest in the construction of the plant and the purchase of reactors, but the high profitability, self-sufficiency and maximum availability of raw materials will make it possible to obtain a very tangible income in the near future.

The scheme of the enterprise

Waste recycling is carried out in the following way: garbage trucks deliver to the MSW plant, raw materials undergo mandatory radiation monitoring, are sorted into organic and inorganic materials, and are crushed in special plants. After this, the waste is sent to the oxidation line (if it is an inorganic) and to the pyrolysis line (if it is organic).

Previously, they enter the drying chamber, where water is distilled into the collector. From there, it enters the water treatment system. Raw materials are sent to loading bunkers, and from there to reactors. The gas obtained in the process will be used for servicing the modules, about 20% will be enough, and the rest can be distributed over fifty-liter bottles or a pipeline can be created for supplying it to houses. The ash sent by the conveyor to the collector will be shipped outside the territory of the enterprise. It can be used both as a building material, and for fertilizing the soil.

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