
Garbage processing plant - a business plan from A to Z. Equipment for sorting and processing waste. Garbage Recycling Business

Garbage processing plant business planCurrently, the problem of garbage is most relevant. Municipal solid waste is growing.

They must be sent for recycling in order to get rid of landfills, which greatly harm the environment. But even in such a "dusty" business, you can earn pretty good money.

It is enough to open your own garbage processing plant. The organization of such a business does not require any special knowledge in this area. However, any business that brings income to its owner needs careful and constant control, as well as support, development and expansion.

Analyze the market

So, you decided not only to earn money, but also to render an invaluable service to the whole city by opening a waste recycling plant. A business plan will help to correctly calculate all financial costs, correctly allocate investments, as well as avoid serious business mistakes. You should start with a detailed analysis of the market segment you are interested in. Do not lose sight of any details and nuances.

In order not to waste your money, but invest it competently with the subsequent profit, you need to constantly be aware of all the events directly or indirectly related to such a business. In this segment of the market, competition is not as severe as in others. But this does not mean that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Every year, new companies are created, eager to earn income and organize a waste recycling business. Analyze the market and decide what specific activities you will engage in. Indeed, there are a lot of varieties of municipal solid waste. And to start processing them all at once is too expensive and very difficult. Specialists recommend paying attention to the recycling of plastic waste.

This direction is considered the most promising and paying off today. But you should not rely solely on the opinion of third-party experts. Conduct a series of simple, but highly effective marketing research that will show you unfilled market niches in a particular city.

Choose a scale

At the initial stage, a waste recycling plant whose business plan you already have Garbage Recycling Businessprobably on hand, should not be too big. If you immediately jump at something large-scale with a lot of expensive equipment and crowds of personnel, then there is a significant risk of burnout.

The plant may simply not have time to pay off by the time when it will be somewhat problematic for you to constantly invest money in it. This question disappears if you are absolutely sure of your own strengths and capabilities.

All other options provide for the minimum configuration of everything necessary for an active start. But even small business in this area will require investments that are too large for many ordinary citizens. Remember that the waste recycling plant is a full-fledged and complex organization.

Subtleties of the organizational process

Once you have worked with a business plan and found out that such a business will be affordable and profitable, you need to start the organizational aspects of establishing your own business. They consist mostly of paperwork. Feel free to spend a few months on them.You will have to obtain the appropriate permits, arrange your business with the tax authorities, establish preliminary contacts with suppliers of the necessary equipment, conclude a lease of premises, etc.

Most of all these cases can be entrusted to special organizations, which for a fee will save the management of the future plant from unnecessary red tape. However, it is worth remembering that, in principle, everything is quite realistic to do independently. But the costs of the services provided by companies of this type will again go to the list of primary investments in business with a minus sign.

Determine the room

A small garbage processing plant will fit in an area of ​​approximately 600 square meters. It implies the presence of production facilities (300-500 sq.m.), as well as a sufficiently spacious warehouse (100 sq. M.). The room should be located outside the city limits or in an industrial area.

Ideally, such a plant is best built in the immediate vicinity of a large accumulation of household waste (landfill). So you minimize the cost of transporting garbage directly to the place of its recycling. The plant should be located as far as possible from residential buildings.

Otherwise, you simply will not be given permission to build it. The premises can be purchased or leased. The second option is preferable, since in this case the waste recycling plant, the business plan of which will clearly demonstrate the benefits to you, will recoup the costs gradually.

We understand the equipment

This item is perhaps the most important in our question. If we consider the necessary minimum, then the list will be as follows: a crusher that grinds household waste, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, as well as a powerful industrial magnet. The list may vary depending on the particular business line you have chosen. Recycling garbage will turn out to be much more effective if you also acquire melting furnaces.

However, this technique will require serious financial costs. If you want to at least save a little, then give preference to domestic production techniques. As practice shows, it is very popular. Therefore, such equipment is quite suitable for active use. Another plus is the availability of parts in the event of a breakdown. Importing units is expensive and difficult to repair.

Garbage Processing Plant

We buy raw materials

So, it's time to start directly collecting material for further processing. Fortunately, there is no shortage in this matter and, probably, will never be. Only one average city dweller per year is able to “produce” up to 250 kilograms of municipal solid waste. If you want to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials, choose the right place where the waste recycling plant will be located.

The business plan will clearly demonstrate the significant benefits of being close to municipal landfills or companies that collect and transport waste. Conclude contracts for the uninterrupted supply of raw materials, and you will never need primary material. The cost of garbage is quite low.

What will we earn?

It would seem, where does the garbage processing business come from? Indeed, in the business plan drawn up, almost all articles fall solely on costs. However, this is still a form of commerce. Consequently, the profit will certainly be. Otherwise, why open such a business? What can you earn in this case? It all depends on the type of recyclable waste.

If we are talking about hazardous toxic waste (for example, mercury lamps), then after their burning and disposal in special mines, the final result will be the availability of industrial and construction materials.Disposal of electronic waste (household appliances, electrical appliances) will entail the opportunity to realize non-ferrous as well as ferrous metals and glass. As you can see, there are quite real ways to recoup financial investments.

Garbage sorting in Russia

How is garbage of plant (organic) type processed and what is received in return? Disposal is considered the process of soil production. As a result, you can implement a large number of excellent compost suitable for growing garden crops and flowers.

Refrigeration equipment results in approximately 80% of materials that can be used again. Disposal of old cars is a separate process. Those parts and their individual components, which are still considered suitable, are sold, but at a lower price. But the reception of waste paper forms completely clean paper for various purposes at the output.

Recruiting staff

Remember that the specificity of this business implies the presence of almost 50% of human manual labor. Therefore, you will need a lot of people, even at the stage of becoming a business. The staff will be engaged in calibration, waste collection. Of course, there is also special equipment for sorting garbage. But it is quite expensive.

As practice shows, human labor in this case will be cheaper for you. On average, 20-40 employees will be needed. Their work must be organized in such a way that several shifts come out. Do not forget about the accountant, sales managers of finished products, as well as drivers and movers.

What about profitability?

How to recycle garbage

If you correctly calculated everything and did not spend more than you had in the public domain, then in this case, a business based on the processing of household waste should have a payback level of 50%. This is a fairly high rate. Therefore, we can talk about the significant benefits and the possibility of expanding areas of activity soon after the opening of the plant. Depending on various aspects, investments are fully paid back in the period from six months to several years.

How to get permission to work?

And again we return to paperwork. Of course, without the appropriate permissions from various authorities, you will not be able to start garbage processing activities. And this despite the fact that all authorities, as a rule, are very positive about this kind of commerce in the territory of their city.

Directly recycling garbage, equipment, premises - all this must pass a series of checks. Only after the SES, the fire service and other city organizations are convinced that your plant is completely safe and meets all the requirements, paper will be issued allowing the activity.

Features of waste sorting

In Europe, America and a number of other developed countries, this issue is not acute. There, citizens themselves have long been accustomed to sorting garbage into various categories, so that later it is easier to recycle. But in Russia this practice has not yet taken root at the proper level. Therefore, sanitary norms and requirements are often violated.

Of course, the independent sorting of garbage in Russia directly by the plants for its processing adds trouble to their owners. However, it is necessary to categorize the waste. Otherwise, the production of the final product will be impossible. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you have to sort the garbage yourself within the enterprise.

Legal issues

How is garbage recycled?

Your business must be officially registered. Fill out documents for registration of a legal entity or act as an individual entrepreneur. It does not take much time. You will also have to open a bank account in a bank.

It is through it that payments for raw materials, as well as the sale of final products to customers, will go through. The set of documents for issuing such an account is in most cases standard.But some credit organizations are trying to simplify this procedure for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, reducing the list of required securities.

Possible difficulties

In any business, there is a risk of non-profit. To prevent this from happening, carefully draw up a business plan. Try to consider even all the little things. Often, it is from them that huge losses are added up. In addition, you will have to thoroughly study the issue of how garbage is recycled at the plant in order to control all stages of the process.

Be sure to conclude contracts for the purchase of raw materials with several suppliers at once. This will allow you to avoid material shortages. Production must be uninterrupted. Only in this case the plant will be able to provide its customers with a sufficient number of final products.

Do not overstate your initial investment. It is necessary to expand as you advance and become a market player. An exorbitant level of costs at first may be a critical mistake and lead to bankruptcy.

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Reason for complaint
A big plus in the opening of such production from a business point of view is that the garbage is given to the plant for free. Despite the fact that the products obtained as a result of processing, the quality is no worse than specialized production. Moreover, due to the free raw materials at the output, products with a lower prime cost are obtained, which means with a lower and competitive selling price.


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